2.1 GENERAL. This section provides installation
instructions for the Model 450 Sensor Assembly.
2.2 INSPECTION AND UNPACKING. Inspect the ship-
ping container for any evidence of damage. If damage
is evident, notify the carrier immediately. If no damage
is evident, open the container and inspect the sensor.
Save the container for shipment to the factory for serv-
is designed for typical clean water application. It is
NOT designed for the following:
Processes containing ammonia (municipal waste water).
2. Processes containing sea water or bromine chem-
ical additions.
3. Low conductivity processes, less than 50 micro-
siemens (reverse osmosis).
4. Post-dechlorination processes (example: after
adding sodium bisulfite).
AND START-UP. The plumbing fittings provided on the
Model 450 Sensor differ slightly, depending on the piping
requirements. However, the main body, or chlorine sens-
ing portion of each of the different codes, is identical. Each
sensor is shipped from the factory dry and without a
membrane installed. The recharge kit which accompa-
nies the sensor contains one bottle of dry electrolyte and
five membranes. The sensor should be charged utilizing
the following procedure:
Clean rubber gloves should be worn during
sensor preparation and maintenance to
avoid skin contact and contaminating the
membrane and cathode.
1. Prepare sensor electrolyte by filling the bottle of
crystals supplied with the recharge kit (Ag Cl/KCI)
to the neck with distilled or deionized water. Stir or
shake to wet crystals thoroughly. Some crystals
should remain undissolved.
Please see Figure 5-4 for Model 450 Free
Residual Sensor assembly exploded view.
2. Remove sensor “cover” and membrane “Retainer”
(remove 6 screws at sensor tip).
3. Sand the gold cathode with the 400 grit sandpa-
per, in one direction only
until it is shiny. Rinse
cathode with clean water.
4. Remove the fill-plug.
5. Fill the syringe (included in the recharge kit) with
the AgCl/KCl electrolyte solution. Fill the sensor
body with the electrolyte, shaking the sensor to
remove air. Ensure that about 1 cc (or 1 ml) of
crystals get inside the sensor body.
6. Install the fill plug (wrapped with one or two turns
tape in the side of the sensor. As the
plug is screwed into place, electrolyte will be
forced through the wood junction. This is impor-
tant, since the electrical continuity will not be
established unless the wood junction is thorough-
ly wetted.
Continue to screw the fill plug into place until it is flush
with the sensor body. Do not remove excess electrolyte
from the end of the sensor because it will wet the mem-
brane and help hold it in place during installation.
7. Place the O-ring in the groove and press it into posi-
tion around the wood junction. If there is no solution
remaining over the gold cathode after installing the O-
ring, add a few drops of electrolyte (no crystals).
IMPORTANT: No crystals underneath the mem-
brane or damage will occur.
8. Place the white-opaque “membrane” on top of the
cathode. Place the white-translucent “protector”
over the membrane. DO NOT use the blue-paper
protective separators found in the membrane kit!
9. Lay the membrane “retainer” over the membrane
and protector. Screw down the (6) screws applying
even pressure. The membrane should be taut, not
spongy, when the retainer is secure.
10. Keep the sensor tip in water if installation is delayed
over an hour. Membrane may adhere to the cath-
ode if allowed to dry out.
11. Sensor requires approximately (2) hours to polar-
ize and (12-24) hours to obtain a stable zero in
chlorine-free water.
Water should be agitated for zeroing and
spanning (magnetic stirrer is recommended)
Insufficient zeroing time may cause diffi-
culties in calibration and readings that
Reg. U.S. Pat. Office for DuPont's fluorocarbon resins