Sectlon 4 - lnterpretlng the ilass Spectra
About Sec,tion 4................ ................4-1
Qualhative lnterpretation ol Mass Spoctra........ .......................4.2
4.2.1 lonization Process
4.2.2 lsotope Ratioe .......... ...........4-5
4.2.3 Electron Energy Effects .......4-7
4.2.4 A Oualitative lnterpretation Guide "......... ......................4-g
ouantitative lnl€rprstation ol Mass spactra (calculating Partialpressures)............... 4-10
Addilional lnformation lor lnterpreting Mass Spectra........ ... 4-15
4.4.1 lon Source CharaAeristics................. .., 4-15
4.1.2 Scanning Characteristics ................ ...... 4-17
4.1.3 Fragmentalion Factors .... 4-17
Sectlon 5 - Electronlc Clrcultry
5.1 About Seclion 5..."........... .................5-1
5.2 Transpector .................5-1
5.3 CPU Card ....................5-3
5.4 PowerSupply Card .....5-5
5.5 RF/DC Generator Card............. .......S-8
5.6 Anplifier Card............ ................... 5-10
Sectlon 6 - llasterQuad Softwue
(lt Maste0uad soltware is purchased, please relcrerenca yutr soft*are package lor IPN O74-Z1S -
soltware inetruc{ion rnan ual. )
Sectlon 7 - Operatlng the llulllplerlng QX (Ll0[ end the Slngle 0X (SOX) Software
(lt MO)USOX software is purchased, plcasa relerercncc your soltwarc package lor IPN 074-216 -
soltware instnrction rnanual. )
Section I - Troubbshootlng
8.1 About Section 8................ ................8-1
8.2 Symptom Check List............... .........8-2
8.3 Service Diagnostics via RS232 Serial Port .........g-6
8.4 Bakeout of Quadrupole Sensor..... .................... g-1 1
8.5 Sensor Spare Parts List .............. ..................... 8-13
8.5.1 H100, H200 & H300 Models ................. 8-13
8.5.2 C100F & C200M Modets......... .............. 8.13
8.6 Filament Raplacement (for all RGA sourca sensors) ......... g-14
8.7 lon Source Removal ...... ............... g-15
8.8 Replacing the Electron Multiplier (H1OOM, H2OOM, H3OOM) .................. 8-16
8.9 Replacing th€ Elecrron Muttiplier (C10OM) ..... B-17
(lt OEll software is purchased, please refererence your sottware package lor IPN 074-212 - software
instruction rnanual, )
IX Transpector Gas Analysis System