After this we should make the offset correction in order to use again all the ADC range,
otherwise the first DN are wasted for the black signal and we'll never get pixels with values under what
was set. This should be made on chip using the Control 2 and Control 1 register. The next sequence is
the most adequate and although others might also work these steps are the safest.
Using the “Send” buttons of the individual registers, follow this sequence:
1. Start by making sure that in Control 1 "Subtract offset" bit is 0 and "Update request" to 1. Click
2. Set the sensor to dark condition and adjust the black level to the smallest output value over 0,
like described in this document. Avoid any pixel value of 4DN,i.e., the lowest ADC output
3. Set in Control 2 "Write Offset" bit to 1. Click “Send”.
4. Using Control 1 send the "Update request" on 1. Click “Send”. The image will ALWAYS
freeze, i.e, is not light sensitive, and the new acquired values are written to the internal offset
register. Looking at the histogram, if it did not freeze, the sequence has to be restarted.
5. Set in Control 2 "Write Offset" bit to 0. Then “Send”.
6. Set in Control 1 "Subtract offset" bit to 1 and "Update request" to 0. Click “Send”.
7. Set again in Control 1 the "Update request" bit to 1 and click “Send”.
Now the dark image will be subtracted on chip from the illuminated image.
When turning "Subtract offset" bit in Control 1 to 0 the stored offset image is lost and needs to
be reacquired with the same step sequence.
DATE: 25/06/09
DRAGSTER Evaluation
Version 0.0.04
PAGE: 4/6
Illustration 1: Black level calibrated