Pepperl+Fuchs UC2000-L2M-B16-V15-M, UC4000-L2M-B16-0,3M-APS5P-M, UC4000-L2M-B16-0,3M-DT6P-M, UC4000-L2M-B16-V15-M, UC500-L2M-B16-V15-M Owner's manual

  • Hello, I'm your chat assistant. I have read the provided manual for Pepperl+Fuchs UC***-L2M series ultrasonic sensors and I'm ready to answer your questions. The document covers the product's features, installation, commissioning via CANopen and configuration, including parameterization and synchronization. It also includes troubleshooting information. I'll do my best to give you all the information you need.
  • What is the main function of the UC***-L2M series ultrasonic sensors?
    How can I parameterize the UC***-L2M series ultrasonic sensors?
    What type of objects can the UC***-L2M ultrasonic sensors detect?
    What kind of synchronization options are available?
UC***-L2M Series
Parameterization of
Ultrasonic Sensors with
CANopen Interface
With regard to the supply of products, the current issue of the following document is applicable:
The General Terms of Delivery for Products and Services of the Electrical Industry, published
by the Central Association of the Electrical Industry (Zentralverband Elektrotechnik und Elek-
troindustrie (ZVEI) e.V.) in its most recent version as well as the supplementary clause:
"Expanded reservation of proprietorship"
Pepperl+Fuchs Group
Lilienthalstr. 200
68307 Mannheim
Phone: +49 621 776 - 0
North American Headquarters
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1600 Enterprise Parkway
Twinsburg, Ohio 44087
Phone: +1 330 425-3555
Asia Headquarters
Pepperl+Fuchs Pte. Ltd.
P+F Building
18 Ayer Rajah Crescent
Singapore 139942
Phone: +65 6779-9091
UC***-L2M series
1 Introduction................................................................................................................ 6
1.1 Content of this Document............................................................................. 6
1.2 Target Group, Personnel ............................................................................... 6
1.3 Symbols Used ................................................................................................ 6
1.4 Intended Use .................................................................................................. 7
1.5 General Safety Notes..................................................................................... 8
1.6 Declaration of Conformity............................................................................. 8
2 Product Description .................................................................................................. 9
2.1 Use and Application ...................................................................................... 9
2.2 Indicators...................................................................................................... 10
2.3 Supported CANopen Functions ................................................................. 11
2.4 Accessories.................................................................................................. 12
2.4.1 Connection Accessories................................................................................................... 12
2.4.2 Parameterization Aids....................................................................................................... 12
3 Installation................................................................................................................ 14
3.1 Safety Information ....................................................................................... 14
3.2 Preparation ................................................................................................... 14
3.3 Connection ................................................................................................... 14
4 Cybersecurity Information...................................................................................... 16
5 Commissioning........................................................................................................ 17
5.1 Commissioning Via PACTwareDC And DTM .............................................. 17
5.2 Commissioning via CANopen Engineering Tool....................................... 19
5.2.1 Change Transmission Rate and Node ID.......................................................................... 19
5.2.2 Enable Processing of the Process Data............................................................................ 20
5.2.3 Restoring Factory Default Settings ................................................................................... 21
5.2.4 Evaluate Error Messages.................................................................................................. 21
6 Parameterization and Analysis Using PACTware and DTM via CANopen .......... 22
6.1 Overview ....................................................................................................... 22
6.2 Sensor Information Menu Item ................................................................... 23
6.3 Output Configuration Menu Item................................................................23
6.4 Sensor Configuration Menu Item ............................................................... 24
6.5 Analysis & Echo Suppression Menu Item ................................................. 26
6.6 Observation Menu Item............................................................................... 33
UC***-L2M series
6.7 Service Menu Item .......................................................................................37
6.8 Information Menu Item ................................................................................37
7 Parameterization Using the CANopen Engineering Tool
with CANopen Objects ............................................................................................38
7.1 CANopen Overview......................................................................................38
7.2 CANopen Object Directory OV....................................................................39
7.3 Object 0x1000 Device Type .........................................................................40
7.4 Object 0x1001 Error Register .....................................................................41
7.5 Object 0x1002 Vendor Status Register ......................................................41
7.6 Object 0x1003 Predefined Error Field........................................................41
7.7 Object 0x1005 SYNC Identifier ...................................................................41
7.8 Object 0x1008 Vendor Device Name ..........................................................42
7.9 Object 0x1009 Vendor Hardware Version ..................................................42
7.10 Object 0x100A Vendor Software Version ...................................................42
7.11 Object 0x1010 Save Parameters.................................................................42
7.12 Object 0x1011 Restore Factory Parameters..............................................42
7.13 Object 0x1014 COB ID Emergency.............................................................43
7.14 Object 0x1015 Inhibit Time Emergency .....................................................43
7.15 Object 0x1017 Producer Heartbeat Time...................................................43
7.16 Object 0x1018 Device ID (Identify Object) ................................................43
7.17 Object 0x1020 Check Configuration ..........................................................43
7.18 Object 0x1200 Server SDO Parameter (Default SDO) ..............................44
7.19 Object 0x1400 1.RxPDO Input Data ...........................................................44
7.20 Object 0x1600 Receive PDO Mapping 1. RxPDO ......................................44
7.21 Object 0x2000 1. TxPDO Process Data ......................................................44
7.22 Object 0x2001 Operating Hours .................................................................45
7.23 Object 0x2010 Identification and Information...........................................46
7.24 Object 0x2011 EMCY Configuration...........................................................46
7.25 Object 0x2020 Ultrasound Synchronization Mode ...................................46
7.26 Object 0x2021 Ultrasonic Sensor with Sync Feature...............................47
7.27 Object 0x2022 Synchronization Object for Ultrasonic Synchronization 47
7.28 Object 0x4000 Measurement Configuration..............................................48
UC***-L2M series
7.29 Object 0x4001 Echo Suppression Configuration ..................................... 49
7.30 Object 0x4002 Evaluation Configuration................................................... 52
7.31 Object 0x4003 Temperature Compensation Configuration ..................... 54
7.32 Object 0x4100 Echo Field Information ...................................................... 55
7.33 Object 0x4101 Switching Threshold Values .............................................. 55
8 Synchronizing Multiple Sensors ............................................................................ 56
9 Maintenance and Repair ......................................................................................... 58
9.1 Maintenance Work ....................................................................................... 58
9.2 Cleaning........................................................................................................ 58
10 Troubleshooting....................................................................................................... 59
10.1 What to Do in Case of a Fault ..................................................................... 59
UC***-L2M series
1 Introduction
1.1 Content of this Document
This document contains information required to use the product in the relevant phases of the
product life cycle. This may include information on the following:
Product identification
Delivery, transport, and storage
Mounting and installation
Commissioning and operation
Maintenance and repair
The documentation comprises the following parts:
This document
In addition, the documentation may comprise the following parts, if applicable:
EU-type examination certificate
EU declaration of conformity
Attestation of conformity
Control drawings
Instruction manual
Functional safety manual
Other documents
1.2 Target Group, Personnel
Responsibility for planning, assembly, commissioning, operation, maintenance, and dismount-
ing lies with the plant operator.
Only appropriately trained and qualified personnel may carry out mounting, installation, com-
missioning, operation, maintenance, and dismounting of the product. The personnel must have
read and understood the instruction manual and the further documentation.
Prior to using the product make yourself familiar with it. Read the document carefully.
For full information on the product, refer to the further documentation on the Internet at
For specific device information such as the year of construction, scan the QR code
on the device. As an alternative, enter the serial number in the serial number search
UC***-L2M series
1.3 Symbols Used
This document contains symbols for the identification of warning messages and of informative
Warning Messages
You will find warning messages, whenever dangers may arise from your actions. It is mandatory
that you observe these warning messages for your personal safety and in order to avoid prop-
erty damage.
Depending on the risk level, the warning messages are displayed in descending order as fol-
Informative Symbols
This symbol indicates a paragraph with instructions. You are prompted to perform an action or
a sequence of actions.
This symbol indicates an imminent danger.
Non-observance will result in personal injury or death.
This symbol indicates a possible fault or danger.
Non-observance may cause personal injury or serious property damage.
This symbol indicates a possible fault.
Non-observance could interrupt the device and any connected systems and plants, or result in
their complete failure.
This symbol brings important information to your attention.
UC***-L2M series
1.4 Intended Use
The UC***-L2M series ultrasonic sensors use ultrasonic pulses to detect objects. The sensor
emits ultrasound, which is reflected by the object and received again by the sensor. The mea-
sured sound propagation time is used to determine the distance to the object (pulse-echo prin-
ciple). Objects in the following forms can be detected: solid, granular, powder, or liquid. The
color and surface structure of the objects are irrelevant. Gases cannot be detected.
Always operate the device as described in these instructions to ensure that the device and con-
nected systems function correctly. The protection of operating personnel and the plant is guar-
anteed only if the device is operated in accordance with its intended use.
The operator is responsible for complying with all local safety regulations.
Only use recommended original accessories.
1.5 General Safety Notes
Responsibility for planning, assembly, commissioning, operation, maintenance, and dismount-
ing lies with the plant operator.
Installation and commissioning of all devices may be performed only by trained and qualified
The device is only approved for appropriate and intended use. Ignoring these instructions will
void any warranty and absolve the manufacturer from any liability.
If serious faults occur, stop using the device. Secure the device against inadvertent operation.
In the event of repairs, return the device to your local Pepperl+Fuchs representative or sales
1.6 Declaration of Conformity
This product was developed and manufactured in line with the applicable European standards
and directives.
The product manufacturer, Pepperl+Fuchs Group, 68307 Mannheim, Germany, has a certified
quality assurance system that conforms to ISO 9001.
UC***-L2M series ultrasonic sensors are not safety components within the meaning of the EC
Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC. They must not be used for the purposes of avoiding risk to
individuals or parts of the body.
Electronic waste is dangerous. When disposing of the equipment, observe the current statutory
requirements in the relevant country of use and local regulations.
A declaration of conformity can be requested from the manufacturer.
UC***-L2M series
Product Description
2 Product Description
2.1 Use and Application
The UC***-L2M series ultrasonic sensors use ultrasonic pulses to detect objects. The sensor
emits ultrasound, which is reflected by the object and received again by the sensor. The mea-
sured sound propagation time is used to determine the distance to the object (pulse-echo prin-
ciple). Objects in the following forms can be detected: solid, granular, powder, or liquid. The
color and surface structure of the objects are irrelevant. Gases cannot be detected. The device
has a standardized CANopen interface according to the CiA 301 specification.
You can parameterize the ultrasonic sensor in two ways. Either via a CANopen Engineering
Tool or via DTM and an FTD frame application.
Typically, ultrasonic sensors are used in a wide range of applications, including:
Sag control on packaging and metal processing machines
To measure diameter of roll material (e.g., film, paper, metal sheet)
To detect fill levels in tanks and silos
To prevent collisions with self-propelled or controlled machines
Height control of booms for sprayers
To detect containers on refuse collection vehicles
To detect objects or to measure fill levels on conveyor belts
To detect pallets on forklifts
For area monitoring on barrier systems
To detect PCBs when feeding them to SMD placement machines
The L2M cubic housing design can be programmed and adapted to various applications via
CAN. You can program the limits, the output modes, the output type and the sound beam width
via the CAN interface. Many other parameters can be set, such as filter options, echo suppres-
sion, synchronization settings, etc. This provides you with various adjustment options for pro-
gramming, which you can use individually depending on your application.
The advantages of the UC***-L2M series ultrasonic sensors are:
Tried and tested VariKont cubic housing design
CANopen interface for service and process data, and for parameterization
E1 approval
Increased EMC strength
Excellent immunity to background noise such as compressed air
Can be self-synchronized to prevent cross-talk between several adjacently mounted ultra-
sonic sensors
Programmable echo suppression
Parameterization Via PACTware DC and DTM
Parameterization via PACTware DC and DTM allows convenient and comprehensive parame-
terization of the sensor due to the graphical interface of the DTM. The DTM (Device Type Man-
ager, a kind of "device driver") displays the parameters clearly and graphically, by subject, in
menu items. Furthermore, the measured distances, status changes, and individual echoes are
visualized. Analysis and observation functions allow you to record and evaluate your situations.
As FTD frame application, we recommend using the "PACTware 5.0" software, or higher, as the
user interface. The PACTware software package includes the PACTware DC (DC Direct Con-
nect) version for quickly and easily establishing a connection between PACTware and the sen-
The latest available versions of the individual software components required, such as
PACTware 5.0 or higher, CAN-COM-DTM, and device DTM, can be found at www.pepperl-, on the product page in the "Software" section.
UC***-L2M series
Product Description
As a convenient solution, we offer the "CANopen Parameterization Tool," which contains
PACTware, PACTware DC, the device driver for the CAN/USB converter-SUBD9, and the DTM
for CANopen communication. We recommend using this software package for easy commis-
sioning and parameterization of the sensor. The latest available versions of the individual soft-
ware components required, such as the "CANopen Parameterization Tool" and the device
DTM, can be found at, on the product page for the UC***-L2M series.
Parameterization Using the CANopen Engineering Tool
You can carry out parameterization directly via the CANopen object directory using a CANopen
Engineering Tool with LSS Manager functionality of your choice. CANopen Engineering Tools
for configuration and parameterization are available from various suppliers. An EDS configura-
tion file is available for easy integration and parameterization of the ultrasonic sensor. This can
be found at, on the product page for the UC***-L2M series.
2.2 Indicators
The ultrasonic sensor has multi-color LEDs, each with three colors, for displaying operating
and status information. Two LEDs with the same meaning are arranged diagonally on the
device to ensure better visibility in an application environment.
Figure 2.1
SENSOR LED (yellow)
Object in the evaluation area
CANopen status indicator: Green LED is run LED, red LED is error LED
LED status Description
On Object detected in the evaluation area
Off No object detected in the evaluation area
Table 2.1
UC***-L2M series
Product Description
STATUS LED (green)
LED status Description
On The device is in the state "Operational"
Off The device is in the reset state or there is no electric power
Rapid flashing LSS configuration state is active (flashing frequency 10 Hz)
Flashing The device is in the "Pre-Operational" NMT state. (Flashing
frequency 2.5 Hz)
One short flash The device is in the NMT state "Stopped"
Three short flashes A software download is running on the device
Table 2.2
LED status Description
On The device is in the state "CAN Bus Off"
Off The device is operating without errors
Rapid flashing The "LSS-Node-ID" is not configured. CANopen is not initial-
Flashing General error, invalid configuration on the device
One short flash The CAN controller error counter has reached or exceeded its
warning limit
Table 2.3
UC***-L2M series
Product Description
2.3 Supported CANopen Functions
The device has a standardized CANopen interface in accordance with the CiA301 specifica-
tion. All usable CANopen objects of the object directory OV are listed in this manual.
Additional functions (sound beam width, echo suppression, etc.) can be configured. You can
set the node ID and baud rate via LSS.
You can set the transmission speed in increments of 125 kbit/s up to 1 Mbit/s, according to CiA
102, Table 1 and CiA 301 5.4, Table 1. We support transmission speeds of 125, 250, 500, 800
and 1000 kbit/s. The maximum cable length for 1 Mbit/s must be 30 m.
Available CANopen Functions
Process data objects (PDO) (dynamic configuration)
Service data object (SDO)
Heartbeat monitoring mechanism
Layer settings service (LSS) for setting the node ID and baud rate
Save and recovery function (store and load parameter field)
Error messages by emergency object (EMCY)
Error register
Vendor-specific status register (manufacturer status register)
Error list (pre-defined error field)
Status and fault indicator (status LED according to CiA 303-3)
Vendor-specific properties and functions
Operating hours counter
Application-specific tag, function tag, location tag
Synchronization function for CANopen sensors
The UC***-L2M series ultrasonic sensors support the following modes of operation:
Cyclic operation: The distance value is sent cyclically (regularly, adjustable interval) via
the bus.
SYNC operation: The distance value is sent after receiving a synchronization message
(SYNC). The position value is sent every n SYNCs (n = 1...240). The sensor accepts syn-
chronous modes 00-F0h and event-driven modes FEh and FFh.
An EDS configuration file is available for easy integration and parameterization of the ultrasonic
sensor. You can download it from, on the product page for the UC***-
L2M series.
This device does not have an internal terminator. If required, this can be implemented
externally via a T-piece at the end of the bus (120 ohms).
UC***-L2M series
Product Description
2.4 Accessories
Various accessories are available.
2.4.1 Connection Accessories
Various connection cables and cordsets are available for connecting the sensors of the UC***-
L2M series. You will find details online at on the product page for the
relevant sensor or on the relevant datasheet.
2.4.2 Parameterization Aids
The following parameterization aids are required for parameterization via the DTM:
For mounting, connection and commissioning, the following product information is available
online at on the product page for the relevant sensor: Datasheet,
commissioning instructions, manual. The relevant DTM contains comprehensive context-
related help texts.
Designation Description
CANopen Parameterization Tool Software package for simple commissioning and
parameterization of the sensor, consisting of:
PACTware/PACTware DC
DTM for CANopen communication
VCI driver for the CAN/USB converter-SUBD9
Visit and access the product
page for the relevant UC***-L2M-B16 series sensor
DTM for UC***-L2M-B16 DTM (Device Type Manager)device description and
graphic user interface for ultrasonic sensor parameter-
ization, integration into the system environment
Visit and access the product
page for the relevant UC***-L2M-B16 series sensor
PACTware (5.0 or higher) FDT frame application for operating IODDs and DTMs.
Includes the PACTware and PACTware DC versions.
Compared to PACTware, the PACTware DC has a
"plug-in" for quickly and easily establishing connec-
tions between sensor and PACTware.
Visit and access the product
pages for software in the "Products" section.
DTM for CANopen communication Device Type ManagerSoftware for operating the
CAN/USB converter-SUBD9 via FDT frame applica-
Not required when installing the "CANopen Parameter-
ization Tool."
Visit and access the product
pages for software in the "Products" section.
CAN/USB Configuration Kit Configuration kit for communications between FDT
frame application and ultrasonic sensor.
Includes the following components:
CAN/USB Converter-SUBD9
Power supply for CAN/USB converter-SUBD9
Connection cable and adapter cable for components
The CANopen Parameterization Tool contains both
VCI drivers for the CAN/USB converter-SUBD9 and
the DTM for CANopen communication for CAN com-
munication with PACTware/PACTwareDC.
Table 2.4
UC***-L2M series
3 Installation
3.1 Safety Information
3.2 Preparation
Unpacking the Device
Check the packaging and contents for damage.
In the event of damage, inform the shipping company and notify the supplier.
Check the package contents against your order and the shipping documents to ensure that all
items are present and correct.
Should you have any questions, direct them to Pepperl+Fuchs.
Retain the original packaging in case the device is to be stored or shipped again at a later date.
Risk of short circuit
Carrying out work while the system is energized may result in damage to the device.
Always disconnect the supply voltage before carrying out work on the device.
Only connect the device to the supply voltage once all work has been completed.
UC***-L2M series
3.3 Connection
Wiring Diagram
Figure 3.1
Applying Supply Voltage for a Sensor with V15 Connector Plug
To supply voltage to the sensor, proceed as follows:
Insert the prepared connection cable into the connector plug provided for this purpose on the
Screw the union nut onto the connector plug as far as it will go. This ensures that the power
cable cannot be pulled out inadvertently.
Now connect the supply voltage to the cables provided for this purpose and switch it on.
The sensor is now ready for operation.
Applying Supply Voltage to a Sensor Fixed Cable with Plug
To supply voltage to the sensor, proceed as follows:
Connect the prepared connection cable to the plug of the sensor connection cable.
If present, secure the plug connection with the securing elements provided.
Now connect the supply voltage to the cables provided for this purpose and switch it on.
The sensor is now ready for operation.
Use a shielded 5-wire sensor connection cable to connect the sensor to a CANopen bus,
because the pinout of the CANopen specification differs from the standard pinout.
UC***-L2M series
Cybersecurity Information
4 Cybersecurity Information
Security Context
The device is designed for use in an industrial CAN bus network , such as in mobile equipment,
tanks and silos, and packaging and metal-processing machines. The plant operator must
ensure that the device is physically protected against unauthorized access. It must also be
ensured that only well-known and trusted nodes are connected to the CAN bus network.
Only adjustable parameter data are permanently saved. Parameter data can be deleted by
restoring factory settings, but operating time data cannot be deleted. In case of doubt, the
device must be physically destroyed to ensure these data are also destroyed.
UC***-L2M series
5 Commissioning
5.1 Commissioning Via PACTwareDC And DTM
Installing Software Components
Certain software components will need to be installed to communicate with the sensor via
CANopen using "PACTware" software and the associated DTM (Device Type Manager). Pro-
ceed as follows:
Preferably install the "CANopen Parameterization Tool."
PACTware, PACTware DC, the driver, and the DTM for CAN communication are installed
automatically. If a PACTware version is installed separately, you must install the driver and
DTM for CAN communication separately.
Install the DTM [for] the UC***-L2M-B16 sensors.
Establish connection between sensor, CAN/USB converter, and PC
Connect the sensor to the T-piece for the CAN/USB converter-SUBD9 using a 5-pin
connection cable.
Connect the power supply to the T-piece for the CAN/USB converter-SUBD9.
Connect the T-piece to the SUBD9 plug on the CAN/USB converter-SUBD9.
Make sure that the terminator on the T-piece is activated.
Connect the USB cable of the CAN/USB converter-SUBD9 to a USB connection on your work
PC/laptop computer.
Connect the power supply of the CAN/USB converter-SUBD9 to the electric power supply.
Various software components, adapters, and cables are required as parameterization aids for
the parameterization of a CANopen ultrasonic sensorsee chapter 2.4.2.
The various software components can be downloaded from, on the
UC***-L2M series product page. The software can be downloaded in compressed form as a
ZIP file. After unzipping, we recommend installation using the appropriate MSI file.
We recommend installing the "CANopen Parameterization Tool" for easy installation and
Make sure that you have these available for commissioning the sensor via PACTwareDC and
UC***-L2M series
Establishing a Connection between PACTwareDC and the Sensor
Start PACTware DC on your work computer.
Figure 5.1
First click on "Device," followed by "Find new device..."
PACTwareDC first retrieves the DTM for CANopen communication with the CAN/USB con-
Figure 5.2
Click on "CANopen Communication" to perform a scan of the connected CANopen devices.
PACTwareDC finds connected devices.
Before establishing a connection between PACTwareDC and the sensor, check whether the
CAN communication between the sensor and the work computer via CAN/USB converter-
SUBD9 is working. You can check this by seeing if the "USB" LED is lit on the CAN/USB
If this is not the case, check:
whether the correct CAN-USB driver is installed for CAN/USB converter-SUBD9.
whether the electric power supply for the CAN/USB converter-SUBD9 is switched on and
all cordsets are connected correctly.
whether the terminator integrated in the T-piece is activated.
UC***-L2M series
Figure 5.3
Now select the desired device by double-clicking.
PACTwareDC establishes a connection to the sensor, allowing you to then access the sen-
Figure 5.4
UC***-L2M series
5.2 Commissioning via CANopen Engineering Tool
Basic commissioning steps
Connect the sensor to the CAN bus and ensure a 24 V DC electric power supply.
If necessary, change the communication parameters of the sensor using a suitable CANopen
Engineering Tool.
For correct communication, make sure that a terminator and at least one other device are
connected to the CAN bus. A Monitoring Tool is also sufficient.
The green LED flashes and the sensor is in the "Pre-operational" state. The sensor sends
the heartbeat message with the CAN identifier 0x700+Node-ID (default 0x710). You can
now parameterize the sensor using service data objects (SDOs).
If communication conditions are faulty, the red LED flashes and the sensor is in the "Error-
passive" state.
5.2.1 Change Transmission Rate and Node ID
Change the transmission rate (baud rate) and the node ID using the following steps:
The sensor can be found by the vendor ID and product code, e.g., UC500-L2M-B16-V15-M
(see datasheet) using a classic LSS scan. If the sensor has node ID 255, an LSS fast scan can
also be used. This is shown by the rapid flashing of the status LED.
If the sensor is found, set it in LSS configuration mode either with the "Switch state selective"
service or all devices with the "Switch state global configuration" service.
Now set the required node ID and baud rate.
Save the new values as persistent objects using the "Store configuration" service.
Send an NMT reset command to the sensor to activate the node ID.
The baud rate will be active after a successful "Activate bit timing" LSS service.
Before commissioning the sensor on a CAN bus, check whether the communication
parameters of the sensor match your CANopen network. The factory default settings are a
transmission rate of 250 kbit/s and a node ID of 16. If the node ID is already assigned or not
desired and a different transmission rate is required, you can change these settings.
The following sections describe basic parameterization settings for commissioning, operation,
diagnosis, and restoring to factory settings.