Annex IPT
Preparation of chromogen/substrate solution
Stock solution of chromogen:
1) 4 mg 3-amino-9-ethyl-carbazole (AEC)
2) 1 ml N,N-di-methyl-formamid
Prepare the following just before use:
3) 19 ml 0.05 M Na-acetate (pH 5.0)
4) Add per 20 ml AEC solution 10 ul 30 % H2O2
5) Filtrate the solution through a 5 micron acrodisc
filter (Gelman Sciences prod. no.4199).
Keep the AEC stock solution at 4°C in the dark.
Preparation of serum dilutions in microtiter plates
The starting dilution is 1:25 (OIE manual prescribes
1:10) and is made in a dummy plate. These dilutions
are transferred to the test plate in which the sera are
further diluted.
3.1 Dispense 240 µl growth medium
3.2 Dispense 10 µl of each test serum per well in the
growth medium (serum dilution is then 1:25) of
the dummy plate.
To test the sera in duplicate, dispense test se-
rum 1 in wells A1 and A2, serum 2 in wells A3
and A4 etc.
3.3 Shake the plates for 10 seconds on a microplate
3.4 Transfer 100 µl of the 1:25 serum dilution in row
A of the dummy plate to the corresponding wells
of row A of the first test plate. Transfer 100 µl of
the 1:25 serum dilution in row B of the dummy
plate to the corresponding wells of row A of the
second test plate etc.
3.5 Dispense 50 µl of the growth medium in the rows
B through H of the test plate(s).
3.6 Make a two-fold dilution starting in row A of the
test plates by transferring 50 μl of row A to row
B, stir and transfer 50 µl to row C, etc.
3.7 Make a two-fold dilution of a strong positive con-
trol serum (in octuple) in the columns 1 through
6 of a separate (reference) plate.
3.8 Make a two-fold dilution of a weak positive
control serum in columns 7 through 11 of the
control plate (in octuple).
3.9 Dispense 100 µl of growth medium in column 12
of the reference plate. The wells in this column
serve as negative cell reference.
Incubation of serum dilutions with the (predetermi-
ned) virus working dilution
3.10 The working dilution must contain approximately
100 TCID50 per 50 µl of the virus (predetermined
by titration).
3.11 Add 50 µl of the virus working dilution to all wells
of the test plates containing the serum dilutions.
3.12 Dispense 50 µl growth medium in the wells of
columns 1 till 5 of the virus control plate.
3.13 Make a tenfold dilution (10-1 – 10-5) of the virus
working dilution in test tubes and dispense 50 µl
per dilution (in octuple) in the columns 1 till 5 of
the virus reference plate.
3.14 Incubate serum dilutions with virus working
dilution in the test plates and reference plates for
1 hr at 37°C in 5 % C02 incubator.
3.15 Add to the wells of all plates 50 µl growth medi-
um containing 2.105 cells per ml.
3.16 Incubate the cultures in a 5 % CO2 incubator at
37°C for 4 days (CSFV) or 5 days (BVDV). The
cells should grow gradually to confluency in 3
through 5 days.
Fixation and staining procedure
3.17 Discard the growth medium and rinse the plates
once in 0,15 M NaCl. Drain the plates thoroughly
by knocking them on a towel.
3.18 Fix the cells by heating the plates for 1 hr at
3.19 Rinse the plates once in 0,15 M NaCl.
3.20 Prepare working dilution of PrioCON HRPO 39.5
in PBS + 0.05 % Tween 80 + 4 % horse serum.
Add to the wells of all plates 50 µl pre-diluted
conjugate. If a neutralization test for the detec-
tion of antibodies against BVDV is performed,
the MDBK cells can be stained with a prede-
termined dilution of a PO labeled CSFV- or
BVDV immune serum).
3.21 Incubate 1 hr (CSFV) or 2 hrs (BVDV) at 37°C.
3.22 Wash the plates 5x in PBS + 0,05 % Tween 80.
3.23 Add to all wells of the plates 50 µl of the chro-
mogen-substrate solution 3-amino-9-ethyl car-
bazole (AEC; See annex IPT).
3.24 Incubate the AEC on the cells for 15 - 30
Reading and interpretation of the test
The test can be read macroscopically. In case of doubt
the monolayers should be examined with an inverted
325 Deep red stained cytoplasm of the cells indicates
that the test serum is negative for antibodies.
Does the test serum contain antibodies, virus
growth is prevented by neutralization and the cy-
toplasm of the cells is not stained.
3.26 Calculate, via the titration of the virus working
dilution in the virus control plate, the number of
TCID50 according the method of Reed &
Muench. The number of TCID50 must be be-
tween 40 and 400.
3.27 Calculate the titers of the strong and weak positi-
ve control sera in the serum control plates accor-
ding to the method of Reed & Muench.
3.28 Determine the titer of the test sera. The titer of a
serum is expressed as the reciprocal of the
highest dilution that prevents virus growth in 50
% of the wells.
A serum with a titer in the CSFV-NPLA of
25 is
considered positive.
A serum with a titer in the BVD-NPLA of
5 is
considered positive.
Ordering information
- PrioCON FITC Pan-pestivirus
art# 7610035
- PrioCON HRPO Pan-pestivirus
art# 7610030
- PrioCON HRPO anti-CSFV (21.2)
art# 7610010
- PrioCON HRPO anti-CSFV (44.3)
art# 7610020
- PrioCON HRPO anti-CSFV C-strain (63.19)
art# 7610025
- PrioCON HRPO anti-CSFV (39.5)
art# 7610015
- Priotest Mounting Buffer
art# 7610037
- Priotest Counterstain (0.01% Evans Blue)
art# 7610036
Appendix I
This manual is believed to be complete and accurate
at the time of publication. In no event shall Prionics AG
be liable for incidental or consequential damage in
connection with or arising from the use of this manual.
Prionics AG warrants its products will meet their
applicable published specification when used in
accordance with their applicable instructions and
within the declared products life time. Prionics AG
makes no other warranty, expressed or implied. There
is no warranty of merchantability or fitness for a partic-
ular purpose. The warranty provided herein and the
data, specifications and descriptions of Prionics AG
products appearing in Prionics AG published cata-
logues and product literature may not be altered
except by express written agreement signed by an
officer of Prionics AG. Representation, oral or written,
which are inconsistent with this warranty or such
publications are not authorized and if given, should not
be relied upon.
In the event of a breach of the foregoing warranty,
Prionics AG’s sole obligation shall be to repair or
replace, at its option, the applicable product or part
thereof, provided the customer notifies Prionics AG
promptly of any such breach. If after exercising rea-
sonable efforts, Prionics AG is unable to repair or
replace the product or part, then Prionics AG shall
refund to the customer all monies paid for such appli-
cable product or part.
Prionics AG shall not be liable for consequential,
incidental, special or any other indirect damages
resulting from economic loss or property damage
sustained by any customer from the use of its prod-
Prionics AG and Prionics Lelystad B.V. are ISO
9001:2000 certified companies.
Appendix II
1. Terpstra, C. and Wensvoort, G. (1988a) Natural
infections of bovine viral diarrhoea virus in pigs,
associated with signs resembling swine fever.
Res. Vet. Sci., 45: 137-142.
2. Wensvoort, G. and Terpstra, C. (1988) Bovine
viral diarrhoea infections in piglets born from
sows vaccinated against swine fever with con-
taminated vaccine. Res. Vet. Sci., 45: 143 - 148.
3. Terpstra, C. (1978). Detection of C-strain virus in
pigs following vaccination against swine fever.
Tijdschr. Diergen. 103, 678 - 684.
4. Wensvoort, G., Terpstra, C., Boonstra, J.,
Bloemraad, M. and van Zaane, D. (1988). Pro-
duction of monoclonal antibodies against swine
fever virus and their use in laboratory diagnosis.
Vet. Microbiol. 12, 101 - 108.
5. Wensvoort, G., Bloemraad, M. and Terpstra, C.
(1988) An enzyme-immunoassay, employing
monoclonal antibodies and detecting specifically
antibodies against classical swine fever virus.
Vet. Microbiol. 17, 129 - 140.
6. Terpstra, C., Bloemraad, M. and Gielkens, A.L.J.
(1984). The neutralizing peroxidase-linked assay
for detection of antibody against swine fever vi-
rus. Vet. Microbiol. 9, 113 - 120.
7. Wensvoort, G., Terpstra, C., de Kluijver, E.P.,
Kragten, C., and Warnaar, J.C. (1989) Antigenic
differentiation of pestivirus strains with mono-
clonal antibodies against hog cholera virus. Vet.
Microbiol., 21: 9 - 21.
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