10 3.0
Basic principles ibaDatCoordinator
2.2 Licenses
ibaDatCoordinator is basically a freely installable and usable soware product. A comprehen-
sive basic funconality can be used free of charge, for more advanced funcons the appropriate
licenses per congured task or job have to be purchased.
The tasks for simple processing of DAT les (copy, cleanup, upload, report and splier task), the
general tasks (pause, condion, script and transfer data task) as well as the ibaHD tasks (ibaHD
import and HD oine event task) can be used free of charge and allow the conguraon of ex-
tensive automated processing workows.
Automated extracon of data (me series and calculated values) in databases requires one pur-
chased license per congured task (ibaDatCoordinator-DB). Extracng data in les requires one
purchased ibaDatCoordinator-File-Extract license per congured task.
The automated conversion of les from external formats into DAT les requires one purchased
license (ibaDatCoordinator Convert-CSV-to-dat / DAS-to-dat / COMTRADE-to-dat / Parquet-to-
dat) per congured job, depending on the external format used. The ibaAnalyzer instance used
in the job must also have the ibaAnalyzer-E-DAT license for reading external formats.
Publishing calculated values via one of the publish tasks (OPC UA, SNMP or Kaa) requires the
purchased ibaDatCoordinator-Publish license per congured task. In case of an extracon in da-
tabases, this license is also sucient, as long as only scalar values ('Info assignments' and 'Calcu-
lated columns' in the ibaAnalyzer data extractor) and no me series are extracted.
The special tasks for the subsequent update of measurement les (Data update task) and
for wring into SIMATIC S7 data blocks (S7 Writer task) also require separate licenses but
are not limited by counters per congured task (ibaDatCoordinator-Update Data Task,
ibaDatCoordinator S7 Writer).
Aracvely priced 10-task bundles are also available for some task types.
34.010550 ibaDatCoordinator Tool for data management automaon
34.010510 ibaDatCoordinator-DB Automacally extract data to databases (per
34.010511 ibaDatCoordinator-File-Extract Automacally extract data to DAT les or
other le formats such as CSV, COMTRADE,
Parquet, Matlab, TDMS (per task)
34.010521 ibaDatCoordinator-File-Ex-
Bundle for automated le extract (10 tasks)
34.010512 ibaDatCoordinator Convert-
Automacally convert CSV les to DAT les
(license ibaAnalyzer-E-DAT required) (per job)
34.010513 ibaDatCoordinator Convert-
Automacally convert DAS les from Danieli
FDA systems to DAT les
(license ibaAnalyzer-E-DAT required) (per job)
limited to the 32-bit version of ibaAnalyzer