IBA ibaDatCoordinator Owner's manual

  • Hello! I am a chat assistant and I've reviewed the user manual for the ibaDatCoordinator. This tool is designed for automated processing of measurement data and supports various data formats, job types, and tasks like data extraction, reporting, and file handling. I'm here to help answer your questions about setting up jobs, configuring tasks, or understanding how to use this software effectively.
  • What is the main task of ibaDatCoordinator?
    What types of jobs can be created in ibaDatCoordinator?
    Does ibaDatCoordinator need ibaAnalyzer to be installed?
    Can multiple clients connect to the same ibaDatCoordinator server?
Tool for automated data management
Issue 3.0
Measurement Systems for Industry and Energy
iba AG
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regularly. Required correcons are contained in the following regulaons or can be downloaded
on the Internet.
The current version is available for download on our web site www.iba-ag.com.
Version Date Revision - Chapter / Page Author Version SW
3.0 08-2022 New tasks st 3.0
Windows® is a brand and registered trademark of Microso Corporaon. Other product and
company names menoned in this manual can be labels or registered trademarks of the corre-
sponding owners.
3.0 3
ibaDatCoordinator Contents
1 Aboutthisdocumentaon ................................................................................................6
1.1 Target group and previous knowledge ..................................................................... 6
1.2 Notaons .................................................................................................................. 6
1.3 Used symbols ............................................................................................. ...............7
2 Basic principles .................................................................................................................8
2.1 Funcons and applicaons ....................................................................................... 8
2.2 Licenses .................................................................................................................. 10
2.3 System requirements .............................................................................................. 12
2.4 Installaon .............................................................................................................. 13
2.4.1 Installaon via command line ................................................................................. 14
2.5 Starng the program .............................................................................................. 15
2.5.1 ibaDatCoordinator client ........................................................................................ 15
2.5.2 ibaDatCoordinator status ....................................................................................... 17
2.6 ibaDatCoordinator status applicaon ..................................................................... 18
2.7 Features of the client-server installaon ................................................................ 20
3 Userinterfaceandconguraon ..................................................................................... 21
3.1 The menu bar ......................................................................................................... 22
3.2 Navigaon menu ....................................................................................................23
3.2.1 Conguring jobs and tasks ...................................................................................... 23
3.2.2 Status ...................................................................................................................... 25
3.2.3 Logging ................................................................................................................... 26
3.2.4 Data Transfer Server ............................................................................................... 28
3.3 Monitoring ............................................................................................ ..................30
3.3.1 TCP/IP Watchdog ....................................................................................................30 Watchdog message .............................................................................................. 31
3.3.2 SNMP Server ........................................................................................................... 32 Conguraon tab ............................................................................................ .....32 Objects tab .......................................................................................................... 34 System-OIDs 36 Diagnoscs tab ....................................................................................................37
3.3.3 OPC UA Server ........................................................................................................ 38
4 3.0
Contents ibaDatCoordinator OPC UA server - Conguraon ............................................................................. 39 OPC UA server - Tags ........................................................................................... 41 Diagnoscs tab ....................................................................................................42
3.4 Sengs ................................................................................................................... 43
3.4.1 dat le processing ............................................................................................. ...... 43
3.4.2 ibaAnalyzer ............................................................................................................. 44
3.4.3 Password protecon ............................................................................................... 45
3.4.4 Global cleanup ........................................................................................................ 46
3.4.5 Cercates ............................................................................................ ..................47 Central cercate store ....................................................................................... 48 Manage cercates ............................................................................................. 49 Use cercates ....................................................................................................52 Save and protect cercates ............................................................................... 53
4 Processingdata-ibaDatCoordinatorJobs ........................................................................ 54
4.1 General sengs ...................................................................................................... 55
4.2 dat-le triggered job ............................................................................................... 57
4.3 Scheduled job ......................................................................................................... 62
4.4 Event jobs ...............................................................................................................68
4.5 One me job ........................................................................................................... 71
4.6 External File Triggered Jobs .................................................................................... 72
5 ibaDatCoordinator-Performingtasks .............................................................................76
5.1 General sengs for the task ................................................................................... 77
5.2 Report task ............................................................................................................. 83
5.3 Extracon task ........................................................................................................ 86
5.4 Script task ...............................................................................................................88
5.5 Copy task ................................................................................................................89
5.6 Upload task .............................................................................................................90
5.7 Condion task ............................................................................................ .............92
5.8 Update data task ..................................................................................................... 95
5.9 Pause task ............................................................................................................... 98
5.10 Cleanup task ...........................................................................................................99
5.11 Synchronizaon task ............................................................................................. 101
5.12 Splier task ........................................................................................................... 104
3.0 5
ibaDatCoordinator Contents
5.13 HD Oine event task ............................................................................................ 107
5.13.1 Task specic sengs ............................................................................................ . 107
5.13.2 Conguraon tab .................................................................................................. 110
5.13.3 Client opons tab ................................................................................................. 115
5.14 Kaa Publish task .................................................................................................116
5.14.1 Connecon ........................................................................................................... 116 Type Kaa.......................................................................................................... 116 Type Event Hub ..................................................................................................120
5.14.2 Target .................................................................................................................... 121
5.15 SNMP Publish task ................................................................................................124
5.16 OPC UA Publish task .............................................................................................126
5.17 Transfer Data task .................................................................................................128
5.18 ibaHD import task ............................................................................................ .....130
5.19 S7 writer task ........................................................................................................ 131
6 Appendix ...................................................................................................................... 134
6.1 ibaHD server connecon and user management ................................................. 134
6.2 Using infoelds for directory names/lenames.................................................... 136
6.3 Congure ibaDatCoordinator service for other user ............................................ 138
6.3.1 Server side ............................................................................................................ 138 Create a managed service account .................................................................... 138
6.3.2 Client side .............................................................................................................139 Changing the service account ............................................................................ 139 Seng permissions............................................................................................ 142
6.4 Troubleshoong ............................................................................................. .......153
7 Support and contact ...................................................................................................... 154
6 3.0
About this documentaon ibaDatCoordinator
1 Aboutthisdocumentaon
This documentaon describes the funcon and applicaon of the soware
1.1 Targetgroupandpreviousknowledge
This documentaon addresses the qualied professionals who are familiar with handling elec-
trical and electronic modules as well as communicaon and measurement technology. A person
is regarded as professional if he/she is capable of assessing safety and recognizing possible con-
sequences and risks on the basis of his/her specialist training, knowledge and experience and
knowledge of the standard regulaons.
This documentaon especially addresses persons who are responsible for analyzing measure-
ment and process data. As the data is provided and processed using other iba products, the fol-
lowing prior knowledge is required or helpful:
■ ibaPDA (collecon and structure of data les).
■ ibaAnalyzer (analysis les)
■ ibaHD-Server (for using tasks with ibaHD-Server involved)
■ Handling databases (for using database-related tasks)
■ Script programming (for using script tasks)
1.2 Notaons
In this manual, the following notaons are used:
Acon Notaon
Menu command Menu Logic diagram
Calling the menu command Step 1 – Step 2 – Step 3 – Step x
Select the menu Logic diagram – Add – New funcon
Keys <Key name>
Example: <Alt>; <F1>
Press the keys simultaneously <Key name> + <Key name>
Example: <Alt> + <Ctrl>
Buons <Key name>
Example: <OK>; <Cancel>
Filenames, paths Filename, Path
Example: Test.docx
3.0 7
ibaDatCoordinator About this documentaon
1.3 Used symbols
If safety instrucons or other notes are used in this manual, they mean:
■ Observe the specied measures.
■ Observe the specied measures.
■ Observe the specied measures
A note species special requirements or acons to be observed.
Tip or example as a helpful note or insider p to make the work a lile bit easier.
Reference to addional documentaon or further reading.
8 3.0
Basic principles ibaDatCoordinator
2 Basic principles
ibaDatCoordinator is the central component for automac processing of measurement data and
is hence vital for the use of the iba system in producve systems. All iba measurement les gen-
erated by ibaPDA or other systems (e.g. ibaQDR or ibaLogic) as well as data from HD stores of
ibaHD-Server can be processed automacally.
2.1 Funconsandapplicaons
The main task of ibaDatCoordinator is the post-processing of measurement data, which can be
available in dierent forms. In addion to processing DAT les and data from ibaHD-Server, ex-
ternal formats can also be processed (as a fee-based add-on). Depending on the data source, a
suitable "job" must be created.
Available jobs:
.dat-le triggered job Automac processing of DAT les in one or more directories
Scheduled job Processes data that is queried from an ibaHD-Server at regular
Event job Processes data that are retrieved from an ibaHD-Server based
on events (ibaHD event store).
One me job
External le triggered job Responds to various external formats (currently: CSV, DAS,
COMTRADE, PARQUET) and converts the data to DAT format.
Subject to license.
Details about the dierent job types can be found in chapter ì Processing data -
ibaDatCoordinator Jobs, page 54.
While the job type determines the data source, any number of tasks can be created for each job
(excepon: the external le triggered job) to control the further processing of the data.
The following tasks are available:
Report task Generates a report based on an analysis le with the
report generator of ibaAnalyzer.
Extract task Extracts data into a database or into a new le (iba
DAT le or external format).
Subject to
Script task Executes arbitrary scripts.
Copy task Copies data les to another locaon.
Upload task Uploads data les to dierent data storage servers.
Condion Implements a branching for task processing based on
dened criteria in the data le/HD query.
Pause task Interrupts the processing for an adjustable me
3.0 9
ibaDatCoordinator Basic principles
Cleanup task Deletes les with an congurable lename extension
from a folder.
Splier task Splits one data le into two parts based on an ex-
pression or analysis le.
HD oine event task Generates an event, based on a data le or HD query
together with rules dened in an analysis le and
writes it into an HD event store.
Kaa Publish task Publishes values calculated on the basis of an
analysis le to an Apache Kaa cluster.
Subject to
SNMP Publish task Publishes values calculated on the basis of an
analysis le using the integrated SNMP server.
Subject to
OPC UA Publish task Publishes values calculated on the basis of an
analysis le using the integrated OPC UA server.
Subject to
Transfer data task Transfers measurement les to another
ibaDatCoordinator instance.
ibaHD import task Imports data les into an HD data store.
S7 writer task Writes values from a data le or analysis into an S7
data bloc.
Subject to
Available as plug-in:
Update data task Writes subsequently dened data from a database
into a processed data le.
Subject to
Synchronizaon task Synchronizes database and le system.
Details about the dierent tasks can be found in chapter ì ibaDatCoordinator - Performing
tasks, page 76.
10 3.0
Basic principles ibaDatCoordinator
2.2 Licenses
ibaDatCoordinator is basically a freely installable and usable soware product. A comprehen-
sive basic funconality can be used free of charge, for more advanced funcons the appropriate
licenses per congured task or job have to be purchased.
The tasks for simple processing of DAT les (copy, cleanup, upload, report and splier task), the
general tasks (pause, condion, script and transfer data task) as well as the ibaHD tasks (ibaHD
import and HD oine event task) can be used free of charge and allow the conguraon of ex-
tensive automated processing workows.
Automated extracon of data (me series and calculated values) in databases requires one pur-
chased license per congured task (ibaDatCoordinator-DB). Extracng data in les requires one
purchased ibaDatCoordinator-File-Extract license per congured task.
The automated conversion of les from external formats into DAT les requires one purchased
license (ibaDatCoordinator Convert-CSV-to-dat / DAS-to-dat / COMTRADE-to-dat / Parquet-to-
dat) per congured job, depending on the external format used. The ibaAnalyzer instance used
in the job must also have the ibaAnalyzer-E-DAT license for reading external formats.
Publishing calculated values via one of the publish tasks (OPC UA, SNMP or Kaa) requires the
purchased ibaDatCoordinator-Publish license per congured task. In case of an extracon in da-
tabases, this license is also sucient, as long as only scalar values ('Info assignments' and 'Calcu-
lated columns' in the ibaAnalyzer data extractor) and no me series are extracted.
The special tasks for the subsequent update of measurement les (Data update task) and
for wring into SIMATIC S7 data blocks (S7 Writer task) also require separate licenses but
are not limited by counters per congured task (ibaDatCoordinator-Update Data Task,
ibaDatCoordinator S7 Writer).
Aracvely priced 10-task bundles are also available for some task types.
34.010550 ibaDatCoordinator Tool for data management automaon
34.010510 ibaDatCoordinator-DB Automacally extract data to databases (per
34.010511 ibaDatCoordinator-File-Extract Automacally extract data to DAT les or
other le formats such as CSV, COMTRADE,
Parquet, Matlab, TDMS (per task)
34.010521 ibaDatCoordinator-File-Ex-
Bundle for automated le extract (10 tasks)
34.010512 ibaDatCoordinator Convert-
Automacally convert CSV les to DAT les
(license ibaAnalyzer-E-DAT required) (per job)
34.010513 ibaDatCoordinator Convert-
Automacally convert DAS les from Danieli
FDA systems to DAT les
(license ibaAnalyzer-E-DAT required) (per job)
limited to the 32-bit version of ibaAnalyzer
3.0 11
ibaDatCoordinator Basic principles
34.010514 ibaDatCoordinator Convert-
Automacally convert COMTRADE les to DAT
les (license ibaAnalyzer-E-DAT required)
(per job)
34.010516 ibaDatCoordinator Convert-
Automacally convert PARQUET les to DAT
les (license ibaAnalyzer-E-DAT required)
(per job)
34.010515 ibaDatCoordinator-Publish Publish values via OPC UA, Kaa, SNMP
(per task)
34.010525 ibaDatCoordinator-Publish-10 Bundle to publish computed values via OPC
UA, Kaa, SNMP (10 tasks)
34.010552 ibaDatCoordinator-Update
Data Task
Plugin for input funcon, subsequent entries
in measurement les
34.010556 ibaDatCoordinator S7 Writer Extracng data from a measurement le and
wring it to data blocks (DB) of an S7 PLC
ibaAnalyzer licenses
33.010000 ibaAnalyzer Oine analysis tool
33.010003 ibaAnalyzer-DB-Read Read data from SQL or ODBC databases
33.010445 ibaAnalyzer-E-Dat Oine analysis for external data formats
12 3.0
Basic principles ibaDatCoordinator
2.3 System requirements
At least PC, Mulcore CPU 2 GHz, 2048 MB RAM, 100 GB HDD
■ Windows 7 (x86/x64), Windows 2008 Server R2 (x64), Windows 8 (x86/x64), Windows 2012
Server (x64), Windows 8.1 (x86/x64), 2012 Server R2 (x64), Windows 10 (x86/x64), Windows
11, Windows Server 2016, Windows Server 2019, Windows Server 2022
■ .NET- Framework v4.8
■ ibaAnalyzer v8.0.0 or higher
These specicaons refer to ibaDatCoordinator v3.0.
You can open the version history via the Help - version history menu in ibaDatCoordinator client.
All relevant requirements regarding the operang system and other iba components for the re-
specve version of ibaDatCoordinator are listed in the "Version compatbility" secon.
ibaAnalyzer is the essenal applicaon for the funcon of ibaDatCoordinator as it processes
many tasks in the background, such as extracon and reporng.
Most of the funcons of ibaDatCoordinator require ibaAnalyzer to be installed as
well. We recommend to always use the latest available version of ibaAnalyzer.
In some cases, certain versions of other applicaons like ibaPDA or ibaHD-Server are also re-
To use certain funcons of ibaDatCoordinator, a connecon to ibaHD-Server
must be possible.
Due to these cross-dependencies iba recommends installing the most recent versions of the in-
volved applicaons.
3.0 13
ibaDatCoordinator Basic principles
2.4 Installaon
The installaon les for ibaDatCoordinator are located on the data medium "iba Soware &
Manuals" in the directory "01_iba_Soware\ibaDatCoordinator".
Execute the ibaDatCoordinator_vx.y.z.exe le to start the installaon.
Follow the instrucons of the installaon wizard. When prompted, select the desired installa-
on type for ibaDatCoordinator. The following opons are available:
Install ibaDatCoordinator as
stand alone executable
In this case, ibaDatCoordinator does not run as a service, but
locally in a separate process. This installaon type is recom-
mended for interacve use (standalone) and tesng purposes.
For producve use, we recommend the installaon as client/
Install ibaDatCoordinator
server and client
Standard installaon. ibaDatCoordinator is installed and ex-
ecuted as a service. The conguraon is done via the client
Install ibaDatCoordinator cli-
ent only
Can be selected if no ibaDatCoordinator service is to be oper-
ated on the PC, but only the client is needed for remote con-
guraon on another system.
When the ibaDatCoordinator service is installed, select the user account under which the ser-
vice is to be operated. The default seng "Local System Account" is recommended for most ap-
plicaons. For operang ibaDatCoordinator with a so-called Managed Service Account, see also
chapter ì Create a managed service account, page 138.
Finally, select the installaon directory of ibaDatCoordinator.
14 3.0
Basic principles ibaDatCoordinator
When installing as a service, the system automacally checks whether the re-
source allocaon in the operang system is opmally set in the Windows reg-
istry le. If tasks with a high demand on resources are to be performed, it is
recommended to perform opmizaon. This can be manually done later via the
ibaDatCoordinator status applicaon.
If ibaDatCoordinator is installed as a service (client-server installaon), the
jobs are executed by a Windows service. The service is congured with the
ibaDatCoordinator client. When you close ibaDatCoordinator client, the process-
ing of jobs is not stopped.
When installing as a service, the ibaDatCoordinator Status program is also installed. It is
used for operaon and diagnosis of the ibaDatCoordinator service. Aer installaon, the
ibaDatCoordinator status icon appears in the Windows taskbar.
The dierent symbols indicate the following states:
ibaDatCoordinator service running
ibaDatCoordinator service stopped
2.4.1 Installaonviacommandline
The installaon of ibaDatCoordinator can also be started via a command line. This is helpful for
central soware administraon or when using deployment systems.
The installaon process can also run in the so-called "Silent Mode", meaning that there is no
interacon with the user (clicking the <Next> buon in the installaon wizard).
You can control how the installaon should take place and which components should be in-
stalled with the command line switches that are set aer the call of the installaon program.
ibaDatCoordinatorSetup_vX.Y.Z.exe [/S] [/installtype=] [/port=]
3.0 15
ibaDatCoordinator Basic principles
/S With this switch, you install ibaDatCoordinator in "Silent Mode", i.e. no
interacon is required during the installaon.
Without specifying further parameters, the installer is executed as if
<Next> was always pressed in the dialog. This will install the program parts
from the default seng during a fresh installaon. During an update instal-
laon, the selected program parts from the previous installaon remain
/installtype= Use this switch to select the installaon type of ibaDatCoordinator.
Allowed values are:
0: installs ibaDatCoordinator as program
1: installs ibaDatCoordinator server and client
2: installs only ibaDatCoordinator client
/port= With this switch, you select the TCP port over which ibaDatCoordinator
service communicates with the client. The port can be set later in the
ibaDatCoordinator Status applicaon.
This switch can only be used together with the /installtype=2 opon.
Default seng: 8800
/D Use this buon to specify the installaon folder, i.e. the program folder.
The switch must be the last parameter on the command line and must not
contain quotes, even if the pathname contains spaces. Only absolute path
specicaon is allowed.
2.5 Starngtheprogram
2.5.1 ibaDatCoordinatorclient
There are dierent ways to start the ibaDatCoordinator program or client:
The applicaons can be found in the start menu under:
■ Windows start menu – All programs – iba – ibaDatCoordinator
If ibaDatCoordinator client is used, it automacally tries to connect to the last connected server.
The currently connected server is displayed in the status bar of the program (boom right).
16 3.0
Basic principles ibaDatCoordinator
Normally, the communicaon is encrypted. Only if the ibaDatCoordinator service
version does not support this, the conguraon is transmied unencrypted.
If you want to select a dierent server, open the Service menu and select Connect.
Select the server to be connected to the client in the dialog.
3.0 17
ibaDatCoordinator Basic principles
The selecon of the ibaDatCoordinator server is done either by double-clicking the server in the
list or by selecng the server and then clicking <OK>.
The <Search> buon starts and stops the search for acve ibaDatCoordinator servers on the
computer and network. The search process is displayed by a blue progress bar in the dialog win-
If the server is not found in the network, it is possible to enter the IP address and port manually.
The default port is 8800.
The eld has a drop-down list that allows you to select a server from the 10 most recently con-
nected servers.
If you conrm the dialog with <OK>, the client aempts to connect to the selected server by the
specied port. If you leave the dialog using <Cancel>, the client remains connected to the previ-
ously connected server.
When installing ibaDatcoordinator as a program, it is not necessary to connect to
a server.
Further details on operaon and conguraon can be found in chapter ì User interface and
conguraon, page 21.
2.5.2 ibaDatCoordinatorstatus
The ibaDatCoordinator status applicaon is only available if the ibaDatCoordinator service is
installed on the PC.
The applicaon can be started in dierent ways:
■ Double-click the ibaDatCoordinator icon in the taskbar
■ Right-click the ibaDatCoordinator icon in the taskbar and select restore in the context menu.
■ In the Windows "Start" menu: All Programs – iba – ibaDatCoordinator – ibaDatCoordinator
Server Status
In the context menu of the status icon in the taskbar you will nd addional opons to start,
stop, or completely quit the status applicaon.
18 3.0
Basic principles ibaDatCoordinator
2.6 ibaDatCoordinatorstatusapplicaon
The ibaDatCoordinator status applicaon provides funcons to monitor and congure the
ibaDatCoordinator service.
You can dene dierent priories for the ibaDatCoordinator service. The default value is "Nor-
If you choose a higher priority the process is given more CPU-me. If you lower the level, more
CPU me is provided to other processes. Keep the seng "normal" if you use only one or a few
jobs and there is enough me to complete the task.
Choose a higher priority if there is less me available and the execuon of the job should not be
interrupted by other processes. If the priority of service is changed, the ibaDatCoordinator ser-
vice will need to be restarted.
When this opon is enabled, the ibaDatCoordinator service starts automacally when Windows
is starng.
If you click this buon, ibaDatCoordinator checks the resource allocaon in the operang sys-
tem and corrects the sengs in the Windows registry le if necessary.
If this opmizaon is not done, the number of simultaneously available ibaAnalyzer instances is
reduced to a maximum of 6.
When clicking the buon, ibaDatCoordinator stores a back-up copy of the registry entries in the
program folder.
In the status display, you can see if the service is running or not.
With these buons, you can stop, start and restart the ibaDatCoordinator service.
Especially with extensive conguraons, stopping all jobs and the service can take a long me.
If necessary, all involved processes can be manually forced to stop immediately with the <Force
Stop> buon.
3.0 19
ibaDatCoordinator Basic principles
This is the port number through which the ibaDatCoordinator service communicates with the
client. The port number can be adjusted via the <Change> buon if necessary.
Default seng: 8800
When installing in exisng networks, the port number might be used by other
devices or processes, or the port number might be blocked by the rewall. In
such cases, the operaon of the ibaDatCoordinator service, e.g. starng and
stopping jobs, is not possible (no connecon to the service, red header bar in
the client). In this case, change the port number so that it can be used only by
ibaDatCoordinator and/or is approved in the rewall.
Clicking the ibaDatCoordinator symbol opens the ibaDatCoordinator client which automa-
cally connects to the correct server.
This displays the path to the ibaAnalyzer.exe applicaon (read-only). When you click on the but-
ton with the ibaAnalyzer symbol, ibaAnalyzer is started. If no ibaAnalyzer installaon was found,
this is also displayed.
When you click the buon with the ibaAnalyzer icon, ibaAnalyzer is started so that you can veri-
fy your seng.
Sengs of ibaAnalyzer, like default sengs, macros and lters are usually stored user-related. If
ibaDatCoordinator is installed as service, the user accounts of ibaDatCoordinator client and ser-
vice can be dierent. If ibaAnalyzer sengs for the tasks that are to be fullled have been nal-
ized and saved under the client user, these sengs are not available to the service for process-
ing tasks as the service starts ibaAnalyzer under a dierent user account. Execung a macro, for
example, would then not work.
When clicking the buon, ibaAnalyzer sengs are transferred from the local user account to the
system account so that they are available for the execuon of analyses by ibaDatCoordinator
and/or ibaAnalyzer.
This applies in parcular to the printer sengs. It may be necessary to run the service under a
dierent user in order to use network printers.
20 3.0
Basic principles ibaDatCoordinator
2.7 Featuresoftheclient-serverinstallaon
It is possible for mulple clients to connect to the same ibaDatCoordinator server. This means
that mulple clients can modify the jobs and tasks of ibaDatCoordinator on the server.
Clients can detect whether another client has made changes. If this is the case, a dialog appears
where the client is able to save local changes before the changes of the other client are applied
to the current client.
To prevent mulple clients from modifying the server conguraon, the password funconality
can be enabled in the Sengs dialog of the navigaon menu.
If the service is executed on a remote system, analysis les, scripts, and source and target direc-
tories should be on the remote system. When specifying a local le system path, it should be a
local path on the server system. If the path leads to a shared network folder, ibaDatCoordinator
converts the path to a UNC path.
Clicking the browse buon where you can specify such paths opens a dialog that emulates a
browse dialog running on the server system. For tasks where you can specify an analysis le (on
the remote system or on a shared network locaon), a copy of the analysis le is downloaded to
the client system each me. If changes have been made, the le can be uploaded to the server
If plugins are to be used in the ibaDatCoordinator, these must be installed on the server system.
If you aempt to install the plugins on a system on which only the client is installed, you will re-
ceive a warning and the installaon will be canceled.
When a client connects to a server for the rst me, the les needed for the execuon of the
plugin will be transferred from the server to the client. If the client connects to another server,
the already loaded plugin components might not be compable with the version of the new
server to be connected. If this is the case, ibaDatCoordinator will have to be restarted so that
the plugins can be copied correctly.