Congratulations on thepurchase of one ofthe most sophisticatedand
simple-to-usevideorecorders(VCR) on the market.With thisVCR you
can record and playVHS-standardcassettes.
Please take the timeto read this operating manual before
using your video recorder.
Safety instructionsand other notes
ADanger: Highvoltage!
Do not removethe top coveras thereis a riskof an electrical
AThe video recorderdoes notcontain any componentsthat can
be repaired bythe customer.When the applianceis connected
to the powersupply thereare somecomponents that are
constantly operational.To switchoff thevideo recorder
completely youmust disconnectit fromthe powersupply.
BNote that this powerpack isdesigned for apower supplyof
BEnsure that air cancirculate freelythrough theventilationslots
on the video recorder.
BEnsure that no objectsor liquidsenter the videorecorder.If
liquid isspiltinto it,disconnect the videorecorderimmediately
from the powersupplyand call theAfter-salesServicefor
BThe video recordershould not be usedimmediatelyafter
transportation froma cold toa hot area orvice versa,orin
conditions of extremehumidity.
After unpackingthe video recorder,itshould beallowed to
acclimatize for atleast three hoursbefore installation.
C These operating instructionshave been printedon nonpolluting
C Deposit oldbatteries at the relevantcollection points.
C Please makeuse of the facilitiesavailable inyour country for
disposing ofthe packaging of the video recorderin a way that
helps to protectthe environment.
C This electronicequipment contains many materialsthat can be
recycled. Pleaseinquire about the possibilitiesfor recycling
your old set.
DVIDEO Plus+ and PlusCodeare registered trademarksof
Gemstar DevelopmentCorporation. TheVIDEO Plus+system is
manufactured under licencefrom Gemstar DevelopmentCor-
1. INSTALLATION 3...................................
Connecting to the TV-set 3...........................
Autoinstall 5.......................................
Initial Installation 5..................................
Successive Installation 5............................
Automatic TV Channel Allocation 5...................
Connecting a decoder or additionalequipment 6.......
Manual TV Channel Search 6........................
Monitor function 7..................................
Sort/Clear TV channelsmanually 7....................
Setting the clock andthe date 8......................
User guide (OSD) 8..................................
Emergency interrupt 8...............................
Saving energy 8....................................
2. PLAYBACK 9.......................................
Playback a cassette 9...............................
Searching for tape position 9.........................
Still picture/Slowmotion 9...........................
Eliminating pictureinterference 10....................
3. MANUAL RECORDING 11............................
Recording with/withoutautomatic switch-off 11........
Automatic recording froma satellite receiver (SAT
RECORDING) 12....................................
Direct Record 12....................................
’VPS’ (Video ProgrammingSystem)/’PDC’ (Pro-
gramme DeliveryControl) 13.........................
Programming with ’VIDEOPlus+’ 13...................
Manual programming without’VIDEO Plus+’ 14.........
How to check or altera TIMER 15.....................
’NexTView Link’ 15..................................
5. ADDITIONAL FUNCTIONS 16.........................
Changing the TV system 16..........................
Child lock 16.......................................
Switching the remotecontrol command 17.............
Continuous playback 17.............................
The automatic switch-off 17..........................
Remote control of TVsets 19.........................
Audio dubbing 20...................................
Selecting the sound track 20.........................
Synchronous editing (synchro-edit) 20................
Before you call an engineer 22.......................