Fagor LFI-047X Owner's manual

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For pro gramm es with pre-wash only.
(Follow the user instructions !)
Electric indicator on controlpanel (if provided).
Check the rinse aid level
(On models w ith water softener system only.)
Electric indicator on control panel (if provided).
If there is no salt warning light in the control panel
(for some models), you can estimate when to fill the salt into
the softener by the number of cycles the dishwasher has run.
Check the regeneration
salt level
Load the baskets
Select a programme
turn on the water tap and press the Star t/Pause butto n. The machine will start working
after about 10 seconds.
Running the dishwasher
Switch off the applia nce
Turn off the water tap,
unload the baskets
Fill the detergent dispenser
Warning: wait a few minutes (about 15 min utes) before unloading the dishwasher to avoid handling
the dishes and utensils while they are still hot and more susceptible to break.
They will alsodry better.Unload t he appliance, starting from the lower basket.
Changing theprogramme
Add forgottendishes in the
Scrape off any large amount of leftover food. Soften remnants of burnt food in pans,
then l oad the baskets. Refer to the dishwasher loading instr uct ions.
Close the door , Press the Programme button until the selected programme lights up.
( See the section entitled Operationg instruction )“”
When the working cy cle has finished, the buzzer of the
dishwasher will sound 8 times, then stop.
Turn off the appliance using the ON/OFF button.
If the appliance is switched
off during a wash cycle.
Op en t he do or car ef ull y.
Hotst eammay escape
when thedoorisopened!
If the appliance is switched off during a wash cycle, when switched
on agai n, plea se re-select the washing cycle and operate the dishwasher
according to the original Power-on state ).
Switch on the appliance Press the On/Off button to switch on the applian c e, Open the door.
1.Open the door a little to stop the dishwasher.
2.After the spra y arms stop working, you can open the door completely.
3.Add the forgotten dishes.
4.Close the door, the dishwa sher will star t running again after 10 seconds.
For detailedoperating method read the corresponding content onthe instruction manual.
1. A running cycle can o nlybe modified if it has been running for a short time. O therwise the detergent
m ay have alre ady be en released and the water already drained. If this is the case, the detergent
dispenser must be refilled.
2. Press the Start/Pa use bu tton for more than 3 seconds to cancel the running programme.
3. Select a new programme.
4. Restart the dishwash er.
To re view the se ction o ntro ubleshooting Tip s
willhelpyoutosolve somecommonproblems
by yourse lf .
The man ufactu rer, f ollowing ap olicy of c onstant
develo pmenta ndu pdati ng of the product ,m ay
make m odifications w ithout gi ving prior notice.
Ifyo ucan not solv ethe pr oblems by yo urself ,
please ask f or the help o fp rofessiona l techn icia ns.
Di shw as h er Fe at ure s.. . ... .. ..... .. ........ . . ... ...... .. ... 3
A Wa te r So ftener.. .... ...... ....... .. .... ... ... ... ..... ..4 ..
At tentio n b efor e o raf te r loading the D ish was he r
Baskets....................................................... ...9
FilteringSystem. ............................. ...............15
Caring for the Di shwasher..... ................ .........16.
B L oad in g th e S al t into the S oftene r.... .. . ...... .. . .5
C FilltheRinseAidDispenser................ .........5
Loadingthe upper .......... .....................10Ba sket
Loa dingtheLower .......... .....................10Basket
Cutlery Basket..............................................11
Th er eco mmend ed m eth od load ing b ig
dishw are..................... .... ............... ........... ....12
Turningon theAppliance....... .........................14
Change theProgramme.............. ....... ..... ....14....
At the End ofthe Wash Cycle...........................14
ControlPanel........ .............................. .............3
.... ... .. . ... .. ... . ... ..... 17I nstalla tionpre parat io n .. .....
Wate r C o nnec ti on. ... . ..... ...... .... ... .. . ... .. .. . ..... ..23.
........... .......18
Aesthetic panel'sdimensions and
... . .. .... ... .. . ..... .. .. ..... ... .
St art of dishwasher................................ .... .23.. ..
Beforecall ing forservice................. .......... .....24.
Errorcodes. ................................... ..............25.
Tec hnical information...... ............. ........... .....26..
Ten sion adjustm ent ofthe door spring..............20
About Pow erCo nne ction. ........ ....... ....... ........ .22
Dear Cus tom er ,
Please carefully readthismanualbefore usingthe
dishwasher,itwill help y ou t ouseandmaintainthe
dishwasher properly.
Passit on to anysubsequentownerofthe app liance.
Thismanual contains sectionson safety Instructions,
Operating Instructions, InstallationInstructionsand
Trou ble sho o tin g Tips, et c.
K eep it as a r ef er i n t he lat e r da y s .
Th is a ppli ance isin tended t obe use din h ou sehold
andsimilar applications suchas:
-s taff kitch en a reas in s hop s,off ice s and oth er
w orkin ge n vir onme nts ;
-farm hous es;
-b ycli ents inh otels, mo tels and othe rres idential
t ype env iro nments;
-bedand breakfasttype environments.
This appliance must be grounded. In the event of a
malfunction or breakdown, grounding will reduce
the risk of anelectric shock by providing a path of
least resistance of electric current. This appliance
is equipped with a cord having an equipment-
grounding conductor and a grounding plug.
The plug must be plugged into an appropriate outlet
that is installed and ground ed in accordance with
all local codes and ordinances.
Keep children away from detergent and rinse aid, keep
child away from the open door of the dishwasher,
there could still be some detergent left inside.
rack of the dishwasher.
Do not touch the heating element dur ing or
immediately after use.
(Thi s instruction is only applicable to machines
with a visual heating element.)
Do not wash plastic items unless they are marked
dishwasher safe or the equivalent. For p lastic items
ot so marked, check the manufacturer's
Use o nly det erge ntand rin se addi tives
desi gn ed for an a utom atic dis hwa sher.
Never us eso ap, laun dryde te rg ent ,or h an d
washi ng deter gent in y our dis hwa sher.Ke ep
t h ese pr od uct s out of th e r each of chil dren.
During installat io n,t hepower su pplym ustn ot
be exce ssive ly or d angerously be nt or flatten ed.
Do not tamper with controls.
Do not place any heavy objects the
door when it is open. The appliance could tip
on or stand on
When l oading ite ms to be w ashed :
1) L ocate sharp items so t hat they a re not li kely
to damage t he door seal;
2 Warni ng: Knives and other u te nsils wi th
shar p points m ustbe loade din the bask et
with their points do wn or place din a
W he n using y our di shw asher, y ous hou ld
p rev en t pl a stic item s f r o m comi n g i n to c onta c t
w itht heh eati ng el eme nt.(This instru cti on i s only
appli cable to m ac hines with a visual heat in g
el ement. )
Ifthesupplycordisdamaged, itmustbereplaced
simi la rly q ual i fied pers on i n orde r t o av oid a
ha zard .
Plea sed ispose ofpa ckin gm ater ials properly.
Use the dishwasher only for its intended function.
Remove the door to the washing compartment when
removing an old dishwasher from service or discarding it.
Dishwash erdeterge ntsar e strongl yalk aline, they
can be extrem el yda ng erous if swallow ed.Avoid
conta ctwit hskin a nde yes and kee pch ildren aw ay
fro m the dish was herw hen the door is open.
C heck th at th e det erg ent com parm ent is e mpt y
aft er compl etion o fth ewash c ycle .
The a pplianc eis to be conn ected tothe water
mains u sing new hose sets and that old ho se-sets
should no t be reu sed.
The maxi mum nu mb erof place sett ingsto be
wa shed i s12 .
The maxi mum pe rmis sible inlet water pr essure is
1Mpa .
The mi nimum perm issible inl etwater pr essure i s
0.04Mpa .
Children should be supervised to ensure that they do
not play with the appliance.
This appliance is not intended for use by persons
(including children with reduced physical, sensory or
ment al capabilities, or lack of experience and
knowledge ,unless they have been given supervision
or instruction concerning use of the appliance by a
person responsible for their safety.
When usin g your dishwas he r, fo l low the p rec auti ons lis t ed bel ow:
The d oorshoul dn ot be left o pen,
since this coul d increase t heri sk of tripping.
Improper connection of the equipment-grounding
conductor can result in the risk of an electric shock.
Check with a qualified electrician or service
representative if you are in doubt whether the
appliance is properly grounded. Do not modify the
plug provided with the appliance; If it does not fit
the outlet. Have a proper outlet installed by a
qualified electrician.
Do not operate your dishwasher unless all
enclosure panels are properly in place. Open
the door very carefully if the dis hwasher is
operating, there is a risk of water squirting out.
D ispo se o ft hed is hwasher packagi ngm aterial c orre ctl y.
All pa ckaging material sca nbe recy cled.
Pl ast ic pa rts ar em arked w itht hes tandar dint ernat ional a bbrevi ations:
PE fo r pol yet hyle ne,e .g. s heet wra pping m ater ial
PS for polystyrene,e.g.padding material
PO M polyox ymethylene, e.g .pla stic c lips
PP pol ypr opy lene, e.g . Salt fill er
AB S Acr yl onitr ileB utad ieneSt yrene, e.g .Contro l Pa nel .
Packagingmaterialcouldbedangerous for children!
Fo rdi spos ing of pa ckagea nd thea ppliance ple ase got o are cy cling cen tre. There for e cut
offthe powersupplycableandmakethe doorclosingdeviceunusable.
Cardboard packaging ismanufactured fromrecycledpaper and shouldbedispos edin the
w aste paper c ollecti on f or re cy cling .
By ensuring t hispr oduc tis dispo sed of corr ectl y, you wil l help pre ven tpo tentialn egat ive
con se que nces for t hee nvi r onment and hum anh eal th,w hic h cou ld ot her wise be c aused
byinappropriatewaste handling of this product.
Fo rm ored eta iled informat iona bout rec ycli ngo f this prod uc t, ple ase con tac t your loc al
ci tyoffice and your hou seh old w ast edis posalse rvice.
DISPOSAL :Do not dispose th is pr odu ct as unsor ted muni cip alwa ste. Collect ionof such
waste sep ara te ly for spe cialt reatment i s n eces sary.
11 12
Ba ck Vie w
Of f
Front view
Dete rg ent Di spenser
RinseAid Dispenser
Inl et pi pe c onne cto r
Sp ra yA rms
Salt Container
beforeusingit for the first time.
Tog etthe best p erformance fromy ourdishwasher,read all operatinginstructions
Powe r B utt o n
Dela y S tart Bu tton
Dela yTim eI nd icat or
Rinse-A id I ndi cator & S alt indica to r
Program Indicator
Program Se lectionButton
Start/Pause Button
2 3 4
Be fo re u sing you rdi shwa sher for the first time:
Th e wat er soften er must be s et m an u al ly, using the w ater hard ness dia l.
Th e wat er so ftener is des ign edto remove minera lsan dsa lts from t hewat er, w hich woul dha ve
a detrim enta lo r adverse effe ct on the op eration of the app liance .T heh igh ert he
content oft hese miner alsan dsa lts,the harder y our w ater is. T he s ofte ners hould b e
adju sted acco rdi ngt othe ha rdness oft he wat erin you rarea. Your loca lWa terAut hority
can advise you onthehardnesso fthewaterinyour area.
AdjustingSalt Consumption
Th e dishwas her is de sig ned to all ow for a djus tment in the amo unt of sa ltconsumed bas ed on the hardne ss of
thewaterused.This is intendedtooptimiseand customisethelevelo f salt consumption.
1. Unscrewthecap fromthesaltcontainer.
2. T here is ar ing on th e contai ne rwi tha na rrow o nit (see fig ure
ontheside), ifnecessary, rotatethering intheanticlockwise
direction fromthe"-" Setting towardthe"+"sign, based on the
hardne sso f the water being u sed.
It is recomm end edt hat a dju stme nts shou ldb e made in
acco rd ance wit h t he f ollowin g sch eme :
Th eh ardness o fthe wa terv aries from p lace to plac e. If hard water is us ed i nthe dis hwa sher, de positswill
form on th e dish es and uten sils .
Th ea ppliancei s eq ui pped with asp ecial soften er tha tu ses a salt container specific ally des igned to elimi nate
lime an dm inerals fr om the wat e r.
Contact yo urlocal water bo ar dfor inf ormatio n on the har dne ssof your w at er su pply.
mm ol /l
0~1 40~8 0~1.4
14~3 98~22 1.4~3.9 - 20 50
39~8022~45 3.9~8 Mid 40 25
60 16
0~1 0
Clar ke
SelectorPosi tion
Salt consumption
Aut o no my
Pl eas e fol lo w the s t eps bel owf or a d justment in salt c on s um pt io n.
"+ "
the "-" sign and "+" sign
No sa lt n eed added
45~60 80~1 07 56~75 8~11
If your m odeldoesn ot have anyw ater softener, you mays kip this section.
A. Set the wat ersof tener
B. Add 1.5Kg d ishwasher sa lt and t hen full fill the salt con tain erw ithw ater
C. Filltherinseaiddispenser
D. Fi l l in det e rgen t
Clark: British degree
fH: French degree
DH : Germ an degree
dH =1.25Clarke=1.78fH=0.178mmol/l
1.The salt con tainer must only be refil le dw hen the salt wa rn ing light in t he control panel com es on.
Depend ing on how w ell t hes alt diss olve s, th esa lt warning li ght may st ill be on even t hough the
salt cont ai ner is fill ed.
If the reis n osa ltw arning light in the con trol p anel (fo rso me M odels),you can e stim ate when to f il l
the s alt i nto the so ftener by the cycles t hatt he dishw asher has run.
2. If th erea re spills of the salt, a soa kor a rap idpro gr ams hould be run to re mo vethe excessiv esa lt.
Always use the salt intende dfor u sew ith di shwasher.
The sa lt c ont ain er i sl ocated ben eath the lowe r basket and sh ould b efill eda se xplaine d
int he follow ing:
Only use salt spe cif ically desi gne d fort he use i nd ishwa shers! Every other type of
salt no t specif ical ly de sig ned fo rt heu se in ad ishwa sher, espe ciallyt able salt, will
damage the w ater soft ener. I n case of d amages caused b y the useo f unsuit able
salt t he ma nufact ure rdoe s not gi ve any wa rranty nor is liable for a ny damag es cau sed.
Only f il l wi thsal tju stb efore star ting one o ftheco mp let e wa shingp rogra ms.
This wi ll p reve ntany g rains ofs alt or salty wate r, wh ich ma y have b een spi lled,
remain ing on th e bottom o fth e machi nefor any p eriod of t ime, which may cau se
c o rrosio n.
Th er inse aid is rel eas edduring t he fin al rin se to pr event wat er fro m for mi ng dr oplets o ny our dis he s,whic h can
leave spots and s treaks. It also improve sdryi ngby allowing water tor oll offt he dishes. Your d ishwa sher i s
designedtouseliquidrins eaids.The rinseaiddispenser islocated insidethedoornext to the detergentdispenser.
To fil l the d ispens er,ope n t he c apa nd pour the rinse ai di nt oth e d ispens er until t he le vel i ndi cator tu rns c omplete ly
black. The v olume of the rinse a idco ntaineri s about 110m l.
RinseAid Dispenser
Function of RinseAid
Rinse ai d is aut oma tic ally a dded duri ng the l ast ri nse, ensur ing thor ough rinsi ng, and spo tan ds treak fr ee drying.
Only usebranded rinse aid for dishwasher.Neverfill therinseaiddispenserwithanyothersubstances
(e.g. Di shw asher cleani ng ag ent, liq uid dete rge nt ).T h is wou ld damag et he app liance .
A Removethe lower basketand then unscrewandremovethe cap fromthesaltcontainer.
B Pl ace th een do f th efu nnel(sup plied ) into th ehole an di ntro duce abo ut1 .5kg of d ishw ash ersal t .
C Fullfillthesaltcontainerwithwater.Itisnormalfora smallamount ofwater to come out ofthesalt container.
D Af ter f il ling the co ntain er, screw the c apt ightly b ac k clo ckwise.
E Usu ally, t he salt warni ng light wi llst op bei ng il luminat ed wit hin 2-6 days af te rt hes alt c ontain erha sbe en filled wit h
sal t.
F Imm ed iately a fter f illin gt he salt into th esa lt co ntainer, a washin g pr ogram should be started
progr am Oth erwis et he fil ter syst em, pump or othe r impo rta nt part s of the m achine m ay be d amaged
bysalty water.This isoutof warranty.
(Wes u ggest to use t he
soak orrapid ).
Toop ent he dispenser, tu rn the cap tot he " open" (le ft) a rrow an dl ift i t o ut.
Po ur th e rin se ai d int o th e dispe nser,b eing car eful n ot t oo ver fill .
Replace the ca pby inserting ita ligned wit h "open " arrow and t urningi ttot he closed (right) arrow.
Adjusting RinseA id Dispenser
The r inse aid dispe ns er has six or four s ett ings.Alw ays sta rt with the d ispe nser
set o n" 4". If spots and poor dr yin gare a p rob lem, increa se the amoun tof r inse
aid d ispensed b y removin g thed ispe nser li dan drot ating the d ial to "5" .If the
dishes s till are not d ryi ng pr operlyo r ar e show sp ots,adj ustth e di alto the n ext
highe r lever un til your dish es a respot-f ree. The r ecom men ded setting is "4".
(Factory valueis "4".)
Increasethedose if thereare drops of waterorlimespotsonthedishes afterwashing.
Reduce itifthere aresticky whitis hstainson your dish eso ra bluish filmonglasswareor
knife blades.
As th eri nse aidd imin ishes, th esi zeo f the blac kdo t
ontherinseaidlevel indicator changes,as illustratedbelow.
1/4 full- Should refilltoeliminate spotting
Em pt y
When to Refill the RinseAidDispenser
Ifth erei s no rinse- ai d war ning ligh t in t hec ont rolp anel, you can est imat ethe amount f ro m the col our
ofth eop tical level ind icator C loca ted next to the c ap. Whe nth erin se-a idc ontai ner i sf ul l, the whole
indicato rwil l bed ark .As the r inse -aid dim inishes, th es ize of the dar k dot decr ea ses. You shou ld neve r let
t he rinse aid l ev el fall 1 / 4 full.
durin gthe nex twa sh.
Don' tfor gett ore plac et he cap be fore you clos edis hwa sherd oor.
Clean u p an y r inse aid sp ill ed whil e du ri n g f illi ng wi th an ab so r bent cloth t o av oi d exce ssiv e foam in g
Amount ofDetergentto Use
Dishwash erde tergent i sco rrosi ve!Take c are to kee pi tout of r each ofc hildren.
Based ontheir chemicalcomposition, detergentscan besplitintwo basictypes:
Detergenttabletsofdifferent brandsdissolve at different speeds.Forthisreasonsome
dete rgent ta blet sca nnot dissolve and de velop the irfu llcl eani ngpower dur ing short
prog ra ms.T here fore plea se u se l ong program swh enu sin gd eterg ent t able ts,t o
ensu r e the c ompl et e re mova l of de t erg e n t re si du als .
Th e dispens er m us t be re fille dbe fore the start of each wash cy cle f ollo wing the instructi ons
provided i nt he w ash cyclet able . You rdis hwa sher uses le ssde terg ent and rinse aid tha n
Conventionaldishwasher.Generally, onlyone tablespoon of detergent is neededfor
anormal washload. Moreheavily soileditemsneedmoredetergent.Alwaysaddthe
dete rgen tjus t be fore st ar tin g the dish was her, othe rwis e it coul dge t da mp a nd w ill n ot
di s sol v e pr ope r ly.
Concentrated Detergent
Detergent Dispenser
Always a ddthe deterg entj us t before start ing ea chwash cycle.
Onlyuse branded detergentaidfordishwasher.
If th elid is close d: press release button.T heli dwi ll sp ring ope n.
conventional, alkaline dete rgentswithcausticcomponents
l ow a lkali ne c onc entrated d eter ge nts w it h natura l e nzymes
Normally ne wpu lverised det ergent is with out phospha te.T hus the wate rso ften erfu nction o f
phos ph ate i s not give n. In th i s ca se we r e comme nd t o f il l sal t i n th e salt co nta i n er e ven when
the hard ne sso f wate ris only 6 d H. If dete rgen tsw itho utph osphate are used in the case of h ard wat er
often wh ites pots app ear ond ishe sa nd gl asses.I n this cas epl ease add m ore d eter gent to r each
better r esu l ts. D et e r gents with o ut chl or ine d o on ly bl e ac h a l it tle. St ro ng and c ol o u red s p o t s w ill no t
ber emoved complete ly. I nth isc ase p leasechoos ea p rogram wit h a hi gher tempera ture.
Push latch to open
Detergent tablet
Detergent powde r
Fillt he de ter gent dispens erw it hd eter gen t.
Th e mar k ing i n d ic ates th e dosing l e vels , as
i ll us tra ted on t he r ight:
Th eplace o fm ain w ashcyc lede terg ent placed.
Th eplace o fpr e-wa shc ycle deterge nt p lace d.
Pleaseo bser veth em anu fa ct urers do sing and stor age
Recommendationsas statedonthedetergent packaging.
Close the lid and press untilit locks in place.
I f th e di sh es a r e h eav i ly so i l ed, pla c e an ad di ti o nal
detergen tdo sein the pre -wash det er gent chamber.This det er gent will take effe ctdurin g the pre -washp has e.
Fillin Detergent
You fi ndin formatio nabout the amount o fde terg en t for th esi ngle program me ont he l astp age .
Pl eas eaw are ,tha t accordi ng t othe lev elso iling an d the specific har dness of wat er d iff erence sar epo ssib le.
Pleaseobservethemanufacturer's rec ommendationsonthe detergent packaging.
Cutlerywithwooden,horn chinaor
mother -of-pearl handle s
Plast ic items that ar en oth eat resis tant
Older cutl eryw ith glued partst hat a ren ot
Bonded c utlery i te m sor dish es
Pewter or coop er ite ms
Crystal gl ass
Steel items s ubject t or usting
Wooden pl atte rs
Items made fromsynthetic fibres
So me ty pes of gl as sesc anb ecome
dull aft era large number of w as hes
Silv er an dal uminu m part s ha ve a
tendencyto discolourduring washing
Glazed patternsmayfadeifmachine
washed frequent ly
Are not suitable
Are oflimited suitability
Dishesanditemsofcutlery mustnotlie insideoneanother, orcover eachother.
To av oidd ama ge to glasse s,th eym us tnot touc h.
Lo ad large ite msw hich ar e most difficul tto c lea nin tothe lower bask et.
The u pper bas ket i sde signed to ho ldm ore d eli cate and light erd ishware such as gl as ses ,coffee
Lo ng bladed k nives stored i na n upright positio nare a p otent ial haza rd !
Lo ng and/or sharp items o f cut le ry such as carving kniv es must be p ositi oned
h orizon ta lly in the upper b asket.
P lease do not ove rload yo urdi shwasher. T his is importan t forgoo dr esults a ndf or
r easonab leco nsumption o f ener gy.
Load h oll owi tems suc h as cup s, gl asses, p ans etc. With the opening facing downward sso that
w a t er c ann o t c o ll ec t i n the c onta ine r or a de ep ba se.
Consider buyingutensilswhichare identifiedasdishwasher-proof.
Usea mild detergentthatisdescribedas'kindtodishes'.Ifnecessary, seekfurther
Forparticular items,select aprogramwithaslowa temperature aspossible.
To prev en t da mage, do not t ake gla ssandcutle ry out of the di shw ashe r imm ediat el y
aft er t he p rogr amm eh as e nde d.
(For b estper formance of the di shwasher, fol low t hese load ing guide lines.
Featu res and appear ance of baske ts and cut lery ba sket smay v ary fr om your m odel.)
Scrape off any larg eamount so fle ftover fo od.S often remnan ts of b urnt food i npa ns.
It i sno tnecess ary tor inse t hed ish esu nder ru nning water.
Pl ace ob jects i nthe dishwa sheri n followi ng way :
1.I tem ssu ch a scups, g lasses, po ts /pans, etc. a re f aced downwa rds.
2.Curved i tems, or ones wit hreces ses,sh ould be l oadeda slant s oth at w ate r can run off.
3.All u tens ils are st acked secur elyand can not ti pov er.
4.All u tens ils are placed in t he way t hat the spray ar mscan rot atef reely during wa shing.
Ve rysm al l items s houl dnot b ew ashed in the dish washer as they could eas ily fal lout of the basket.
To pre ven twa ter drip pingf rom the uppe rba sketi ntot he lo wer baske t, w e rec ommend tha tyou
empty the lower ba sk etf irstand the nt he upper bask et.
Theupperbasket isdesignedtohold more delicateandlighter dishwaresuchasglasses,coffee
and tea cu ps a nd s auc ers, as we l l as p lat es , s mall b owls an d shallow pans ( a s long a s the y are
not toodirty).
Po sition t he d i s h es a ndcook war e so that t h ey will n ot g et mov ed b y th e sp rayof wa te r.
Wes uggest that you place lar gei tems and the mo st d ifficu ltto clea nite ms a re to be pla ced into thel ower ba sket:
such as pots, pan s,li ds,s erving di sh esa ndb owls , as sho wni n the figur eb elow.
It is prefer ab le to place ser vin gdi shes and lids on t hes ide of th era cks in or der toa void blocking the rota tion ofth e
tops pray arm.
Pots, serving b owls, etc, must always b e placed top d ow n.
Deep pots s ho uld bes lanted to allow water t ofl owo ut.
Pleas e be reminded t h at :
Th e Bot to mBas ke tf ea tures folding spikes s o th at larg er or mo re pot s and pan sca nbe loaded .
Small serving bowl
Large serving bowl
Dessert dishes
Oval platter
Soup plates
Dessert dishes
Dinner plates
Silverware basket
Cutlery s hould be placed in the cutlery baske t wit hthe han dle sat the bo ttom. If ther ack ha s side bas kets ,the
spoons shoul d be loa ded sep arat ely i nto the ap pr opr iate s lots ,espe cially l ong uten sil s should b eplace d in the
hori zontal p ositi on at the fron tof t he uppe rbask et as s how n in th ep ictu re.
Folding Spikes of Lower Basket
Fo r better st acki ng o fpo tsan dpans,
the spikes c anb efol ded dow nas
sho w in th e p ict u re ri gh t.
D ono t let any item e xtend th rough th ebo ttom .
Al wayslo adsh arp u ten sils w ith the s har p poi nt down!
Adjusting the Upper Basket
Th e height o fthe upper b asket can be adjus tedi n order to crea te more space fo rlar ge u tensils
both for the uppe r/lower bask et.The he igh tof the u pperb asket ca nbe adj usted by placi ng the
wheelson d ifferent h eight of the r ails. L ong items, serving cutl ery, salad se rvers and kn ives
should b eplaced on the shelf so that they do not o bstruct the rot ati ono f the s praya rms.
Th e shelf ca nbe folded b ack or be re mo ved when not requ ired for use .
Forpersonal safetyand a topqualitycleaning,place thesilverwareinthe basket
maki ng surethat:
Sil v erw ar e is plac ed wi th the h a n d les-down.
Bu t pl ace k niv esa n do t her p ote ntia ll y d ang erou s ut ens ils ar e p la ced hand les -up .
Teasp oons
Soup spoon s
Serving forks
Servi ng spo ons
Gravy ladles
Means :need tofill rinseinto the Rinse-Aid Dispenser.
*EN50242 : This program me isthetestcycle. The info rma tion for comparabilitytest
inaccordancewithEN50242,as follows:
Capaci ty : 12 s etting
Position Upperbasket:upperwheelson rails
Rins ea id setting: 6
The power consumption of off -mod e is 0. 49W
left- on mode is 0. 49W
Sta rt ing a cy cle wash
Dr aw out the lowe rand up per bask et, l oad the dish esa nd p ush them back.
I tis c ommended t ol oadt he lower basket fi rst,t hen the uppe rone ( see th e sectio nen titl ed
Loadingthe Dishwasher ).
Pour in th ed eterg ent (se ethe sect ione ntitled Sal t, D eter gent and RinseAi d ).
I nse rtthe pl ug into t hesocket. The power s upplyi s 220- 240 VAC/ 50 HZ, the speci ficat ion
of th eso cket is1 0A 250VAC. Make su re that the w ater supply is tur ned on to f ull pres sure.
Clo se the do or, pr ess the po wer bu tton ,an dthe power i ndicater will be lighte d.
Pre- wash(50 )
Was h ( 6 5 )
Rinse (55 )
Pre- wash( 50 )
Was h (5 5 )
Rinse (65 )
Was h (4 0 )
Rinse (40 )
Was h (5 0 )
Pre- wash
(65 )
165 1.02 12.0
Pre- wa sh
Wa sh (40 )
Rinse ( 60 )
Dryi ng
(*EN 50242)
For l ightly soiled crock ery
and glass
30 g .
Wash(60 )
Rinse (50 )
60 0.95 1 2. 0
For norma lly soiled loads,
such as pots plates
glasses and lightly
soiled pa ns.
This is Standard programme,
it is suitable to clean normally
soiled tableware and it is the
most efficient programme in
terms of its combined en ergy
and water consu mption for
that type of tableware.
For lightly soiled loads that
do not need excellent drying
A shorter wash for lightly
soiled l oads and quick wash.
For heaviest soiled cro ckery,
and norma lly soil ed pots
pans dishes etc w ith dried
on soiling.
It is d ange ro u s to ope n th e door w hen was hi ng , be c aus e the hot wat e r ma y scald y ou.
W h en t h e workin g cy cle has finis hed, the bu z zer o f t he di s hw a she r wi l l so u nd f or 8 secon d s , th en s top. Tur n o ff
t he a ppli ance usi ng th eO N/O FF butto n, sh ut o ff th ewa ter s upp ly and op enthe door of th edi shwashe r.
Wait for a f ewm inutes bef ore unlo adi ng th edi shwashe rto a voi dha ndlin gth edishes and ut ensils wh ile th ey
are still hota ndm ore suscept ibl e tobr eak age. The yw ill als odr ybe tter.
In the digi tal d isplay app ears total pro gramme time but is n ot blin king, only in th is case the program meh ase nded.
1.Sw itch off the dishwa sher by p re ssing the ON/OF Fbutton.
2.Turnoff thewatertap!
Hot di shes are sensi tive to kn ocks.The dishes should therefor eb eall owedt o cool d ow n arou nd 15 minutes
beforeremovingfrom theappliance.
Open t hed ishwasher 's door, leave it ajar and wait a few m inutes before rem oving t he dishes. I n this way they
will be cooler and the drying will b eim proved .
Unloadingthe dishwasher
Iti s norm alt hatt he dishwashe r is wet inside.
Empty the low erba sket first a nd then the upper o ne.T hiswill avoid water dripping f ro mt he upper Bas ket onto
the dishes in the low erone.
Ifyou open thedoor ,t hemachine will pause. The program
indicator will stop blinki ngand thebuzzerw ill mooinge veryminuteunless youclose
thedoor.A fteryou close thed oor ,themac hinewill restart to run after10 secon ds.
dur ing awashcycle
Premi se:
1 Acycle that is under wayca nonly be mod ified if i tha s only been r unn ing for a s hort time. O therwis e, the
de tergent m ay hav ea lready be en releas ed,a nd the ap plianc em ay have alrea dy dr ained the w ash water.
If t his is t he case ,th e deter gentd ispenser mu st be refil led(see the sec tion ent itled " Loading the
Det ergent " ).
2 P ress the St ar t/Pau seb utton, then press the pr ogram but ton , the mach ine wil lbe
in standby s tate, then y ouc an chan get he program to t he desir edc ycle sett in g(see the sectio ne ntitled
" S tarting a wash cycle. . . ").
NO TE: Duri ng delayin gs tate, pr essthe Start / Paus eb utton, then you can change t he prog ra mand delay t ime.
more t han 3 secon ds
Aforgotten dish can be added any time before the detergent cup opens.
Add forgotte n dishes.
Close the door
After the spray arms stop working, you can open the door
completely .
Open th e door a little to stop the washing.
Press the Sta rt/Pause button
Press the S tart/Pause button, the dishwasher will run
after 10 seconds.
When you press theS tart/Pausebutton to pauseduringwashing, theprogram
indicator willstopblinking andthe dishwasher will mooing everyminute unless you
pressthe Start/Pause buttontostart.
The filter prev ent slar ger remnant sof food or o ther obj ects f rom ge tting i nsi deth ep um.
Theresidues mayblockthefilter, inthiscasethey mustbe removed.
The fi lter syst emc onsi sts ofa coar se f ilte r,a flat ( Mainf ilte r)
A n da mi c rofi lter( F i ne f i lter) .
Food and soil particles trapped inthisfilterarepulverizedby a
specia ljet ont hel owe r spray a rman dw ashe dd own tod rain.
Lar g er i tem s, s uc h as pie c esof bone s or gl ass, t ha t coul d blo ck
thedrainaretrappedin the coarse filter.To removetheitems
caugh t by t he fil ter, gent ly s que eze the t ap o nth eto p of this
Thisfilter holds soiland food residuesinthe sumpareaa nd
preventsitfrombeingredepositonthe dishes duringwashcycle.
Main filter
Coarse filter
Fine filter
Thefilter efficiently
For b est p er fo rm ance and res ults, the f il te rmust b e cleane dre gular ly. t his r eason,i t i sa goodi dea to
r emo ve t hela rger fo od par ti clest rapp edin the filter after e ach was hcyc leb yrin sing the s em icirc ular filte ran d
c up u nderru nnin gw ater. Tor emove th efil ter d evice, p ull t hec up handle in t heu pwardd irection.
re mo vesf ood part icle s from th ewa sh w ate r, all owin g it t obe rec ycle dd uring t he cycle.
T he dish was her must ne ver beus ed w i tho ut t he f il t er s.
Imp ro per repl ac emen tof the f ilter may red uce the perform anc elev elof the applian ce
and damage dishesand utensils.
St ep 1 Turn t he filter in ant i- clockwis ed irect io n,
t hen li f t it u p.
St ep 2 lif t the Main filte r up
Step 3 lift theFinefilter up
When following this procedure fro m step1 to step 3, the filter system will be removed;
when following it from S tep 3 to Step 1, the filter system will be installed.
Th e cont ro l p ane l can be clea ned by u sing a lig htly dampen edc loth.
Aft ercl eaning, m ake sure to dr yi tt horoug hly.
For the ext e ri or, use a good app liance po li s h wax.
Neveru ses harp obj ects, scouring pa ds o rh ar sh c lean ers ona ny p art o fthe dis hwa sher.
ProtectAgainst Freezing
1.Cutoff the electricalpowertothe dishwasher.
2.Turn off the w at ers uppl y and d is connec t the wat eri nlet pi pe from the water val ve.
3.Drainthewater fromthe inletpipe andwatervalve. (Use apan tocatchthewater)
4.Reconnect t he water inl et pipe t ot he water val ve.
5.Remove the filter at the bott omo f the t uband use a spong eto soak up wate rin the sum p.
pl ease take frost pr ot ection meas ur es o nt he di shwasher in winter.Ev ery fter washing c ycles,
pl ease oper ateas follow s
time a
- Inspec t the filte rsfo rblo ckinga fter e ver ytime th edi shwa sher ha sbe enu sed.
- By uns crewing the coar sefi lter, you can remove t he filter system. Re movea nyf oo dre mna nts and
cleanthefilters underrunningwater.
Cleaning the Filter
CleaningThe Door
To c l ean th e c o a rs e f il t er and t he fin e fil t e r, use a clean i n g bru sh . Reas sem ble t hefil t er parts as sho wn in th e f igures
on th e la st pa ge a nd r eins ert t he e ntire assem bly in the dis hwa sher,po sitio nin g i ti n i tss eat and pres sing dow nwa rds.
Theentirefilter assemblyshouldbe cleanedoncea week.
Whencleaning thefilters, don't knock onthem.Otherwise, thefilters could be
contortedandtheperformance ofthe dishwashercouldbe decreased.
To clean thee dge around t hed oor,you sho uldu seo nly a sof twa rm, d amp clot h.
To avoid pene trati ono f wa teri nto the d oorl ock and elect rical componen ts,d o not
usea spr ay cle aner of any kind.
Never u se a spr ay c lean ert ocle an t he door panel as i tm ay dam age the door loc k
and electricalcomponents.
Ab rasive ag ent sor some pa pe r towels shou ldnot b eu sedbecau seo f th eris kof
sc r a t c hi ng o r l eavin g spot s on the st ai n les s stee l s ur fa ce.
Cleaning the SprayArms
I fyour dishwa shercannot w ork beca use of the ice,
pl ease con tac tprofessi onal service person s.
It i s ne cessary t o cle an t h e s p ray a rms reg ul ar ly for har d
water chemicalswillclogthesp rayarmjetsandbearings.
Tor emove th eup per s pra ya rm,screw off then ut c lockwise the n
removethea rm.
To rem ov e th e l ower spr ay arm , pul l out the spr ay a rm upwa rd .
Was h th ear ms in soa pya ndw arm wa tera ndu se a sof tbr ush t o
cleanthejets.Replacethem afterrinsing themthoroughly.
Itis recommendthatyourun awashcycle withthe
dish washer e mpt yan dthe nre mov eth eplu gfro mthe
socket, t urn o ff th ewa te r supp ly and le ave the door of
t he applian c e sl ight ly ope n. T h is wil l hel p th e door
sealstolast longer andpreventodoursfromforming
withinthe appliance.
If th e appliance must be move d, tr yto keep it in t he
verticalposition. Ifabsolutelynecessary,itcanbe
positi oned on its back.
dishwasher is foo dth atre mainst rappe di n the seals .
Periodic clea ning with a d amp sponge will p reve nt t his
f r o m occu rr ing.
Af ter ever ywa sh, t urn offt he wa ter supp ly to the
applia nce and leave th e doo rsli ght ly op en soth at
m oistu rea nd odour sa reno ttra pped in side.
Befo re cl eaning or p erformi ng mainten ance, always
remove th ep lug fr omt he socket.
Tocleanthe exteriorandrubberpartsof thedishwasher,
donot usesolventsor abrasivecleaningproducts.
O nly u se a cloth with w arm soapy wate r.
To rem ov es pots or st ains f rom the sur face of t he
interi or, usea clothdampe ned withwater a na little
v inega r, o ra c lean ing pro duct mad esp eci fical lyf or
After EveryWash
Remove the Plug
No Sol vent s orAbras ive C leani ng
Mov ing theAp plia nce
Whennot inUse for aLongTime
Th einstal lation of the pipes
and elect rical e qui pments
should be d one byp rofessionals .
before installing dishwasher.
Failureto do so canresultin
death orelectricalshock.
The in sta l la ti on p o siti on o fd is h wash e rs ho u ld be n ear t h eex i s ting inl et a n d drai n hos e s and
powe rcord.
One s ide of t he c ab i ne t s ink sh oul d b e cho s en t o fa cil ita t eth e conn e c tio n of dr ai n hos e s of
the di shw as he r.
pl ease che ck t he acco mpanyi ngin stallation acc es sories(h ook for a esth etic pan el ,sc rew)