Subject to change without noce
Wide windrow (A):
Deectors outboard
Narrow windrow (B):
Deectors inboard
Roll condioner:
Move handle (C)
Finger condioner:
Move handle (D)
Side Deectors
Sharp blades reduce horsepower
Install cuerbar deectors (A) when
cung tall, stemmy crops
Remove cuerbar deectors to
reduce debris buildup on the
Note: Deectors (A) must NOT be used
with nger condioners.
Finger Bae Roll Bae
Wide bae posion (A): Move lever (C) a to lower the bae
Narrow bae posion (B): Move lever (C) forward to raise the bae
Rocky, ridged, or loose ground
45 kg (100 lb.) oat seng
Smooth, level, or rm Ground
55-70 kg (125-150 lb.) oat seng
1. Close li cylinder valve (A).
2. Remove spring lock plate (B) and lock plate hardware (C).
3. Turn adjuster bolt (D) to adjust measurement (E):
Turn bolt (D) clockwise to increase the oat.
Turn bolt (D) counterclockwise to decrease the oat.
4. Install lock plate (B) and hardware (C).
800 PTO rpm 1000 PTO rpm
Light/Thin Crop
Heavy/Tough Crop
Disc Speed
Ground Speed
Smooth, level, and rm ground: 16 km/hr (10 mph) and higher or unl
cung and condioning are compromised.
Rocky, ridged, and loose ground: Slow to minimize bouncing, uneven
stubble, and cuerbar damage.
(A) acres/hr, (B) hectares/hour, (C) km/hr, (D) mph, (E) R116 PT, (F) R113 PT
Transport Mode Field Mode
Field Mode:
Switch at (A)
Light (C) on
Transport Mode:
Switch at (B)
Light (C) o