RF and IR Versions of the RC-8
The Vaux RC-8-RF Remote Control uses radio frequency (RF) control, allowing transmission of signals
through walls, typically up to 125 feet with the standard receiver antenna. One or more RC-8-RF remotes
may be added to either an Aris 700 or an Aris 720i system. The Vaux RC-8-IR Remote Control uses infrared
(IR) line-of-sight communications. One or more RC-8-IR remotes may be added to either an Aris 710 or an
Aris 720i system (e.g. for use with an existing IR repeater system). Infrared control of the 710/720i (an input
mechanism for commanding the 710/720i) is not to be confused with infrared learning and playback of
other device’s IR commands (an output mechanism for controlling CD, laser, etc. from the Controller).
The Mode Switch
The RC-8 has a three-position slide switch which sets the operating mode of the unit. The Audio/Video
position is used for accessing learned IR control codes, which are divided into eight devices (or banks, or
pages), and, for Aris Controllers, for controlling source-to-zone A/V routing, and zone-based
volume/bass/treble adjustment. The Lights/App position allows control of up to 100 Lights and Appliances
around the home, provided that the Controller is equipped with the optional X-10® interface module/cable.
The Macros position provides direct access to up to 20 multi-step MACRO sequences, as implemented by the
Controller. Note that depending on the position of the mode switch, certain buttons may not be valid, and
will result in a flash of the red Error light on the remote control. For example, in the Macros position, non-
numeric buttons are invalid.
The “Device” v.s. “Shift-Device” difference
In the Audio/Video mode, a press of one of the device-selection buttons (e.g. CD) results in a “Source-
Change” command being transmitted, as well as a change (internally in the RC-8) which will specify the
chosen device in subsequent commands — this is called the “Current Device.” In response to the
transmitted Source-Change command, the Altrix Controller will generally perform a sequence of operations
to turn the selected source on. By first pressing Shift, then a device button (e.g. Shift-CD), there is NO
Source-Change command transmitted, just an internal change of the RC-8’s Current Device — this is handy
under certain circumstances when you do not want the source-change command transmitted. For example,
you may not want to disturb the source device playing in your zone, but may wish to route a different device
to a another zone, or control a different IR device — Shift-Device provides a way to do this. Note that
“Shift-CD” means to first press the Shift button, then the CD button — not both together.
What is stored in the RC-8
The RC-8 only stores four things:
• the “Current-Device” for A/V control, which is changed during operation by pressing a device button, or
by pressing a Shift-Device sequence (e.g. Laser or Shift-Laser).
• a “Default Zone,” which is used by Aris Controllers for controlling the zone you are in (routing a source,
volume/mute/bass/treble control...).
• a default Lighting Group (X-10 House Code).
• a Security ID Code (factory setting = 1070; only applies to the RF version of the RC-8).
What is transmitted by the RC-8
It is sometimes important to know when the RC-8 is transmitting, and what the command consists of. An
example of when you need to be concerned about this is when you are using an RC-8-IR remote to teach
Vaux IR commands to a learning keypad, or other learning IR system. Valid (no red-error flash on remote)
single-button presses, such as Play, transmit a command. Some button sequences, such as Shift-Device, do
not transmit a command at all (although a green-light flash confirms each button press). Some button
sequences, such as Shift-Delay-5, or Zone-2-On, only transmit a code on the last button press. The Vaux
Controller will provide a flash or other indication when a command has actually been transmitted/received,
or, for the RC-8-IR, you can hold the remote a few inches from Controller’s front-panel IR Learning sensor
(not the IR Control sensor), which has an always-active feedback light indicating IR signal.