ASCII Configuration File INSYS Router
2.1.10 Loading the Configuration to the Sandbbox
The section "textconfig" of the ASCII configuration file contains the object "as-
cii_config_to_sandbox" to define whether the current configuration is to be loaded
to the sandbox (0 = no loading of the configuration; 1 = loading of the configura-
tion). If an ASCII configuration out of the sandbox without authentication is al-
lowed, the configuration file will be retrieved by the firmware and evaluated. If this
object is set to 1, a new configuration file will be created after executing the con-
figuration file and stored under the name "ascii_config_download.txt" to the sand-
box directory /var/spool/. The configuration will be loaded to the sandbox in the
following example:
[ textconfig ]
ascii_config_to_sandbox = 1
2.1.11 Including Files
It is also possible to upload the content of other files within the ASCII configuration
file. This is required to upload certificates, keys, lists, or e-mail and SSM texts for
example. These files are entered in text form as object value with the respective
object. Carriage returns may also be contained within the object with this. How-
ever, no comments as described in section 2.1.1 must be contained within these
object values.
In order to store certificates or keys for example, these will be entered as object
value following the object name. For this, the certificate or key is opened in a text
editor, copied there, and completely pasted behind the " = " in the object. The fol-
lowing (shortened) example shows the CA certificate in the ASCII configuration file:
[ openvpn server dialin ]
ca_certificate = -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
The entry of lists, like the AT answer list, takes place in a similar way and is shown
in the following example:
[ serial ethernet modem ]
at_answer_list = -----BEGIN AT ANSWER LIST-----
i="Serial Ethernet Gateway Version 1.0"