Insys ASCII Configuration File Owner's manual

  • Hello, I am your chat assistant. I have analyzed the provided document: INSYS Router Add-On Manual. This manual describes the use of ASCII text files for configuring INSYS routers. It covers topics such as file structure, syntax, and how to modify and upload configuration files. I have detailed overview of device configuration and can answer your questions regarding features, logs, or file structure and use cases.
  • What is an ASCII configuration file in the context of the router?
    Can I add comments to the ASCII configuration file?
    How are endless lists handled in the ASCII configuration file?
INSYS Router
Reference Manual for the
ASCII Configuration File
Add-On Manual
Any duplication of this manual is prohibited. All rights on this documentation and
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Hermann-hl-Str. 22
D-93049 Regensburg, Germany
Phone: +49 941 58692 0
Fax: +49 941 58692 45
Date: Jul-16
Item: 31-22-03.165
Version: 1.11
Language: EN
4 Jul-16
1 General Information ............................................................................... 5
2 ASCII Configuration File ......................................................................... 6
2.1 Structure of the Configuration File ....................................................................... 6
2.1.1 Comments ................................................................................................ 6
2.1.2 Formatting ................................................................................................ 7
2.1.3 Strings ...................................................................................................... 7
2.1.4 Endless Lists ............................................................................................. 7
2.1.5 Missing or Double Sections / Objects ...................................................... 8
2.1.6 Deleting Object Values ............................................................................. 8
2.1.7 Mutually Exclusive Settings ..................................................................... 9
2.1.8 Restart at the End of the Configuration ................................................... 9
2.1.9 Reloading the Old Configuration after Configuration Aborts ................... 9
2.1.10 Loading the Configuration to the Sandbbox .......................................... 10
2.1.11 Including Files ........................................................................................ 10
2.2 Uploading Existing Configuration Files .............................................................. 11
3 Log File ................................................................................................ 12
4 Configuration Using ASCII Configuration File ....................................... 13
5 Reference for the ASCII Configuration File ........................................... 14
INSYS Router General Information
1 General Information
This add-on manual serves as reference for the configuration file of INSYS routers
in ASCII format and may only be used together with the operator manual of the
respective router. Safety instructions, technical data, and functional descriptions
must be taken from the operator manual.
This add-on manual is valid for all routers of INSYS icom with a firmware version of
2.4.x or higher.
This reference describes all configuration options of the different variants of the
router. The individual variants do not contain all described settings. The actual
scope depends on firmware and variant.
ASCII Configuration File INSYS Router
2 ASCII Configuration File
The router allows to export the configuration as ASCII text file. This text file can be
modified accordingly and uploaded again to the router to configure it in a conven-
ient way (see Uploading Existing Configuration Files on page 11). Moreover, an
"empty" configuration file (ASCII template) can be downloaded from the router, i.e.
a configuration file that contains no settings, but all setting options available on the
respective device.
A detailed description of the function for downloading and uploading configuration
files can be found in the operator manual of the router.
2.1 Structure of the Configuration File
The ASCII configuration file is structured in several sections. The section and object
sorting is based on the web interface. Each section starts with the name of the sec-
tion in square brackets "[ section ]" followed by further lines with the individual
objects of this section. Within the objects, object name and object value are sepa-
rated by an equals sign "Objectname = Objectvalue". Each line is finished with a
carriage return. The end of a section is defined by the start of a new section or the
file end.
The configuration file is case sensitive, i.e. capitalisation is considered.
The following excerpt of an ASCII configuration file shows the section "textconfig"
with the two objects "reboot" and "abort_on_error" as well as the section "webin-
terface" with further objects:
[ textconfig ]
reboot = 0
abort_on_error = 0
[ webinterface ]
local_http = 1
remote_http = 1
remote_https = 1
http_port = 80
https_port = 8888
location = 'Location' #This value has to be enclosed in single quotes
Comments can be introduced by a hash sign " # " at the beginning or also within a
line. A semicolon " ; " can only introduce a comment at the beginning of a line
(also following leading blanks or tabs). All other characters in the line will be ig-
INSYS Router ASCII Configuration File
2.1.2 Formatting
Blank lines can be inserted between any lines.
Blanks and tabs can be inserted
at the beginning of a line
at the end of a line
between square brackets and section names
between object name and " = "
between " = " and object value
between object name and " ; " for endless list entries
between " ; " and object value for endless list entries
2.1.3 Strings
Strings that are used to enter passwords or user names for example must be
placed between single quotes "" (a comment indicates the use of single quotes
in each such entry). The strings may also contain single quotes because only the
first and last single quote is searched for. Basically, the characters 0x20 through
0x7E are permissible, i.e. 0 through 9, a through z, A through Z, and the special
characters! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / ; < = > ? @ [ ] \ ^ _ { } | ~, as well as the blank.
The colon is not permissible. The following example shows the entry of strings:
dialnumber = '*99***1#' #This value has to be enclosed in single quotes
2.1.4 Endless Lists
Some objects can form endless lists (e.g. routes). If further objects are passed with
an object (e.g. the source address, net mask, data direction, etc. in case of a fire-
wall rule), these are written into the same line, but separated from each other using
a semicolon " ; ". The object "list" defines, whether the endless list contained in
this section that is already stored on the router is to be deleted "list = d" (d for
delete) before the new objects are entered, or the new objects are appended to the
list "list = a" (a for append). If the object "list" is missing, the objects are ap-
pended to the list. Generally, there is no more than one endless list per section. The
following example shows such an endless list:
....list = d
new_entry = common_name = cname1 ; vpn_ip =
new_entry = common_name = cname2 ; vpn_ip =
ASCII Configuration File INSYS Router
2.1.5 Missing or Double Sections / Objects
If sections or objects are missing in an ASCII configuration file, the missing sec-
tions or objects will not be uploaded to the router, i.e. the configuration of these
objects remains untouched. A single section is already a valid configuration file.
Moreover, it must not even contain an object, which can be used to restart a dial-
out for example. Processing a section in a configuration file corresponds with
pressing the "OK" button on the respective page of the web interface.
If an ASCII configuration file contains an object more than once, the successive
object overwrites the previous one, because the configuration file is processed se-
quential. In the following example, the second object overwrites the first, i.e. the
object "dns" will be set to "":
[ dns ]
dns =
dns =
Sections can also occur repeatedly and are also configured repeatedly. This can be
used for example to close a dial-up connection, configure the communication de-
vice, and set-up the dial-up connection again within one configuration, as shown in
the following example:
[ dialout ]
start_dialout = 0
[ isdn ]
msn = 25
[ dialout ]
start_dialout = 1
2.1.6 Deleting Object Values
This parameter is only available from firmware version 2.10.x!
If a parameter is configured, i.e. a certain value has been assigned to an object, this
value will only be updated with a configuration again. If the object is missing in a
configuration file or no object value is assigned to it, the original object value re-
mains unchanged. If the object value is to be deleted explicitly, the object value
"C_L_E_A_R" must be assigned to the object:
[ dns ]
dns = C_L_E_A_R
INSYS Router ASCII Configuration File
2.1.7 Mutually Exclusive Settings
If settings are made in an ASCII configuration file that are mutually exclusive, for
example simultaneously activating an OpenVPN client and server, the section con-
figured first is valid (i.e. the one that is earlier in the configuration file). However,
the associated settings are taken over. A comparable behaviour is also on the web
interface: a conflicting setting cannot be made after configuring a certain setting,
because it will be faded out.
2.1.8 Restart at the End of the Configuration
The section "textconfig" of the ASCII configuration file contains the object "re-
boot" to define whether a restart of the router is to be made following the configu-
ration (0 = no restart; 1 = restart). A restart can be used to ensure that all services
are started with the new settings (VPN settings are only used following a new dial-
out for example). A restart will be made at the end of the configuration in the fol-
lowing example:
[ textconfig ]
reboot = 1
abort_on_error = 0
2.1.9 Reloading the Old Configuration after Configuration Aborts
The section "textconfig" of the ASCII configuration file contains the object
"abort_on_error" to define whether the old configuration is to be reloaded in case
the configuration aborts due to an error (0 = no reload of the old configuration;
1 = reload of the old configuration). The configuration aborts in case of significantly
faulty configurations that would result a red warning message in the web interface.
This function can be used for example to secure "critical" configurations (e.g. the
dial-up connection that is currently used for remote configuration), by activating
this function before the "critical" section and deactivating it again behind it, i.e. the
old configuration will only be reloaded, if the abort happens in the "critical" section.
The old configuration will be reloaded after an abort in the following example:
[ textconfig ]
reboot = 0
abort_on_error = 1
ASCII Configuration File INSYS Router
2.1.10 Loading the Configuration to the Sandbbox
The section "textconfig" of the ASCII configuration file contains the object "as-
cii_config_to_sandbox" to define whether the current configuration is to be loaded
to the sandbox (0 = no loading of the configuration; 1 = loading of the configura-
tion). If an ASCII configuration out of the sandbox without authentication is al-
lowed, the configuration file will be retrieved by the firmware and evaluated. If this
object is set to 1, a new configuration file will be created after executing the con-
figuration file and stored under the name "ascii_config_download.txt" to the sand-
box directory /var/spool/. The configuration will be loaded to the sandbox in the
following example:
[ textconfig ]
ascii_config_to_sandbox = 1
2.1.11 Including Files
It is also possible to upload the content of other files within the ASCII configuration
file. This is required to upload certificates, keys, lists, or e-mail and SSM texts for
example. These files are entered in text form as object value with the respective
object. Carriage returns may also be contained within the object with this. How-
ever, no comments as described in section 2.1.1 must be contained within these
object values.
In order to store certificates or keys for example, these will be entered as object
value following the object name. For this, the certificate or key is opened in a text
editor, copied there, and completely pasted behind the " = " in the object. The fol-
lowing (shortened) example shows the CA certificate in the ASCII configuration file:
[ openvpn server dialin ]
ca_certificate = -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
The entry of lists, like the AT answer list, takes place in a similar way and is shown
in the following example:
[ serial ethernet modem ]
at_answer_list = -----BEGIN AT ANSWER LIST-----
i="Serial Ethernet Gateway Version 1.0"
INSYS Router ASCII Configuration File
The configuration of e-mail messages takes place in form of endless lists (see End-
less Lists). The object value in form of further objects is entered here behind the
object name "new_entry" that are separated by a semicolon " ; " from each other.
The message text is then entered in the sub-object "text". This may also contain
carriage returns in case for e-mails and is enclosed by the strings "-----BEGIN MES-
SAGE-----" and "-----END MESSAGE-----". This may not contain carriage returns for
SMS messages and is entered without any further formattings. This is shown in the
following example for an e-mail message:
[ email ]
start_email = 1
list = d
new_entry = recipient = ; cause = 0001 ; attach =
0001 ; status = 1 ; text = -----BEGIN MESSAGE-----
will be sent on system start-----END MESSAGE-----
new_entry = recipient = ; cause = 0002 ; attach =
0004 ; text = -----BEGIN MESSAGE-----
Will be sent when setting up an OpenVPN tunnel-----END MESSAGE-----
2.2 Uploading Existing Configuration Files
The router allows to upload an ASCII configuration file. The following issues must
be taken into account with this:
No certificate keys will be downloaded when downloading an ASCII
configuration file due to reasons of security. These are missing then when
uploading the ASCII configuration file again. A manual inclusion is described
in section Including Files on page 10.
The current time will also be downloaded when downloading an ASCII
configuration file. This will then overwrite the current time with the time of
the download when uploading the ASCII configuration file again.
Possible deactivations of individual rules will not be downloaded for existing
rule lists (for firewall, dial filter or port forwarding for example) when
downloading an ASCII configuration file. Therefore, previously deactivated
rules will be active again when uploading the ASCII configuration file.
Log File INSYS Router
3 Log File
A log file is written during the configuration file is processed. Besides start and end
of the configuration, the following faults are recorded in the log file.
Unknown section
Section not available on this router (e.g. [ dialout ] on MoRoS LAN)
Missing value of an object
Unknown object
The log file can be displayed on the web interface of the router in the "System"
menu on the "System data" page using the link "Show text config log" and in the
"System" menu on the "Download" page using the link "Text Configuration Log".
A detailed description of the function for displaying the log file can be found in the
operator manual of the router.
INSYS Router Configuration Using ASCII Configuration File
4 Configuration Using ASCII Configuration File
This section describes how to download an ASCII configuration file from the router,
edit it accordingly, and loading it up to the router again.
Your router must be in operation and you must have access to the web interface to
perform the following steps. It is prerequisite that you are familiar with the router
and have worked through the associated user manual, especially the sections
"Commissioning" and "Operating Principle".
Configuration with the web interface
In order to download the actual configuration of the router, right-click in
the "System" menu on the "Download" page in the "Configuration"
section the link "ASCII". Select "Save target as..." and save the
configuration file to an appropriate location under a suitable name.
In order to download an empty configuration file of the router, right-click
in the "System" menu on the "Download" page in the "Configuration"
section the link "ASCII template". Select "Save target as..." and save the
configuration file to an appropriate location under a suitable name.
Open the configuration file with a text editor and make the respective
modifications. Save the edited configuration file again.
Delete unused sections and objects to speed up the subsequent
In order to upload the edited configuration to the router again, select in
the "System" menu on the "Update" page in the "Manual update" the
"Browse..." button and open the configuration file to be uploaded.
Save your settings by clicking "OK".
Confirm the upload by clicking "Yes".
Change of the time!
The time can be misadjusted by uploading a previously
downloaded configuration.
If you load a configuration from the router, the actual time
is also stored in the configuration file. If you upload this
configuration file without deleting or editing the [ settime ]
section again later, the time in the router will be overwritten
with the time in the configuration file (that is wrong in the
Reference for the ASCII Configuration File INSYS Router
5 Reference for the ASCII Configuration File
You will find a reference of all sections with the associated objects that can appear
in the ASCII configuration file in this section. Please note that the available sec-
tions, objects, and options depend on the firmware and variant of the router. If you
download an actual ASCII configuration file from a router, this contains only the
currently configured objects in their respective sections, i.e. objects that exist in the
router indeed, but are not configured, are not contained. If you download an empty
ASCII configuration file as template from a router, this contains all available objects
of this router.
Sections and objects can be deleted from or added to an ASCII configuration file. It
is also possible to create an ASCII configuration file from an empty TXT file. The
requirements for the ASCII configuration file that are described in the section "AS-
CII Configuration File" of this manual must be considered with this.
[ textconfig ]
reboot 0 = No restart after configuration (default)
1 = Restart after configuration
abort_on_error 0 = No reload of the old configuration after abort (default)
1 = Reload of the old configuration after abort
ascii_config_to_sandbox 0 = No storage of the configuration in the sandbox (de-
1 = Storage of the configuration in the sandbox (default)
(from FW 2.11.0)
[ webinterface ]
username User name for web interface access (default: insys)
Object value must be passed in single quotes!
password Password for access (default: see manual)
Object value must be passed in single quotes!
local_http 0 = Local configuration via HTTP disabled
1 = Local configuration via HTTP enabled (default)
remote_http 0 = Remote configuration via HTTP disabled
1 = Remote configuration via HTTP enabled (default)
local_https 0 = Local configuration via HTTPS disabled
1 = Local configuration via HTTPS enabled (default)
(from FW 2.11.0)
remote_https 0 = Remote configuration via HTTPS disabled
1 = Remote configuration via HTTPS enabled (default)
http_port HTTP port of the web interface (default: 80)
https_port HTTPS port of the web interface (default: 443)
INSYS Router Reference for the ASCII Configuration File
location Location of the router
Object value must be passed in single quotes!
auth_type password = Authentication via user name and password
radius = Authentication via RADIUS server
(from FW 2.12.0)
auth_fallback 0 = No authentication with password upon radius timeout
1 = Authentication with password upon radius timeout
(from FW 2.12.0)
[ address ]
ip IP address of the router (default:
netmask Network mask of the router (default:
start_netmapping 0 = Netmapping disabled (default)
1 = Netmapping enabled
(from FW 2.6.0)
virtual_net Virtual network address of the local network
(from FW 2.6.0)
slaac_active 0 = SLAAC disabled
1 = SLAAC enabled (default)
(from FW 2.10.0)
ipv6 IPv6 address of the router (default = random)
(from FW 2.10.0)
prefix_length Length of the IPv6 address prefix (7-64, default: 64)
(from FW 2.10.0)
Reference for the ASCII Configuration File INSYS Router
[ wlan_ap ]
for WLAN routers from FW 2.12.7
start_ap 0 = WLAN access point disabled (default)
1 = WLAN access point enabled
channel WLAN frequency channel (1-11, default: 1)
hide_ssid 0 = SSID broadcast enabled (default)
1 = SSID broadcast disabled
ssid SSID of the access point (max. 32 ASCII characters)
security none = No encryption
psk = Encryption with PSK (default)
encryption wpa1 = Encryption protocol WPA 1
wpa2 = Encryption protocol WPA 2 (default)
wpa12 = Encryption protocol WPA 1/2
psk_key WLAN key (8-63 ASCII characters/64 hex characters)
Object value must be passed in single quotes!
[ routing local ]
list a = New entries are appended to existing list
d = Existing list is deleted (default)
new_entry New route entry that passes the following sub-objects:
net Network address of the static route for IPv4
netmask Net mask of the static route for IPv4
gateway Gateway of the static route for IPv4
ipv6 Network address of the static route for IPv6
(from FW 2.10.0)
prefix_length Net mask of the static route for IPv6
(from FW 2.10.0)
gateway6 Gateway of the static route for IPv6
(from FW 2.10.0)
[ hostnames ]
from FW 2.10.0
hostname Host name of the router (default: <Router name>)
domainname Domain name of the router (default: local)
list a = New entries are appended to existing list
d = Existing list is deleted (default)
new_entry New route entry that passes the following sub-objects:
ip IP address of the host entry
host Host name of the host entry
INSYS Router Reference for the ASCII Configuration File
[ macfilter ]
from FW 2.11.0
start macfilter 0 = MAC filter disabled (default)
1 = MAC filter enabled
list a = New entries are appended to existing list
d = Existing list is deleted (default)
new_entry New filter entry that passes the following sub-objects:
mac Permitted MAC address
[ radius ]
from FW 2.12.0
server Address of the RADIUS server
port Port of the RADIUS server
secret "Shared Secret" of the RADIUS server
[ command line ]
from FW 2.12.0
username User name for CLI access
Object value must be passed in single quotes!
password Password for access
Object value must be passed in single quotes!
local_telnet 0 = Local CLI configuration via Telnet disabled
1 = Local CLI configuration via Telnet enabled (default)
local_ssh 0 = Local CLI configuration via SSH disabled
1 = Local CLI configuration via SSH enabled (default)
remote_telnet 0 = Remote CLI configuration via Telnet disabled
1 = Remote CLI configuration via Telnet enabled (default)
remote_ssh 0 = Remote CLI configuration via SSH disabled
1 = Remote CLI configuration via SSH enabled (default)
telnet_port Telnet port for CLI (default: 23)
ssh_port SSH port for CLI (default: 22)
auth_type password = Authentication via user name and password
radius = Authentication via RADIUS server
auth_fallback 0 = No authentication with password upon radius timeout
1 = Authentication with password upon radius timeout
md5_checksum MD5 checksum for SSH connection (only display)
prompt String for CLI prompt (default: >)
Object value must be passed in single quotes!
(from FW 2.12.4)
Reference for the ASCII Configuration File INSYS Router
[ com1 ]
for cellular routers
pin PIN of SIM card 1
pin2 PIN of SIM card 2
provider_mode auto = Automatic log-in to standard provider of SIM
card 1
preferred = Log-in to preferred provider for SIM card 1,
otherwise to standard provider
exclusive = Exclusive log-in to exclusive provider for SIM
card 1
pref_provider Provider ID of the preferred provider for SIM card 1
excl_provider Provider ID of the exclusive provider for SIM card 1
provider_mode2 auto = Automatic log-in to standard provider of SIM
card 2
preferred = Log-in to preferred provider for SIM card 2,
otherwise to standard provider
exclusive = Exclusive log-in to exclusive provider for SIM
card 2
pref_provider2 Provider ID of the preferred provider for SIM card 2
excl_provider2 Provider ID of the exclusive provider for SIM card 2
auto_login 0 = Daily log-out and log-in disabled
1 = Daily log-out and log-in enabled (default)
hour_out Daily log-out at (hour; 00-23)
min_out Daily log-out at (minute; 00-59)
hour_in Daily log-in at (hour; 00-23)
min_in Daily log-in at (minute; 00-59)
[ com1 ]
for ISDN routers
msn MSN of the connection to which the router is connected
caller1 Permitted caller number 1
caller2 Permitted caller number 2
caller3 Permitted caller number 3
caller4 Permitted caller number 4
caller5 Permitted caller number 5
[ com1 ]
for modem routers
country Country-specific settings of the modem (default: FD)
wait_for_dialtone 0 = Do not wait for dial tone before dialling (default)
1 = Wait for dial tone before dialling
INSYS Router Reference for the ASCII Configuration File
[ com2 ]
for redundant cellular communication device
pin PIN of the SIM card of the redundant communication
provider_mode auto = Automatic log-in to standard provider of SIM
card 1
preferred = Log-in to preferred provider for SIM card 1,
otherwise to standard provider
exclusive = Exclusive log-in to exclusive provider for SIM
card 1
pref_provider Provider ID of the preferred provider for SIM card 1
excl_provider Provider ID of the exclusive provider for SIM card 1
auto_login 0 = Daily log-out and log-in disabled
1 = Daily log-out and log-in enabled (default)
hour_out Daily log-out at (hour; 00-23)
min_out Daily log-out at (minute; 00-59)
hour_in Daily log-in at (hour; 00-23)
min_in Daily log-in at (minute; 00-59)
[ com2 ]
for redundant ISDN communication device
msn MSN of the connection to which the redundant commu-
nication device is connected
caller1 Permitted caller number 1
caller2 Permitted caller number 2
caller3 Permitted caller number 3
caller4 Permitted caller number 4
caller5 Permitted caller number 5
[ com2 ]
for redundant modem communication device
country Country-specific settings of the modem (default: FD)
wait_for_dialtone 0 = Do not wait for dial tone before dialling (default)
1 = Wait for dial tone before dialling
[ terminal1 ]
not for LAN routers
command AT command that is passed to the communication device
[ terminal2 ]
for redundant communication device
command AT command that is passed to the redundant communi-
cation device
Reference for the ASCII Configuration File INSYS Router
[ wwan ]
for LTE routers
pin PIN of the SIM card
auth pap = Authentication via PAP (default)
chap = Authentication via CHAP
allow_2G 0 = 2G connections are not allowed
1 = 2G connections are allowed (default)
allow_3G 0 = 3G connections are not allowed
1 = 3G connections are allowed (default)
allow_4G 0 = 4G connections are not allowed
1 = 4G connections are allowed (default)
username User name
Object value must be passed in single quotes!
password Password
Object value must be passed in single quotes!
apn Access Point Name
check_type dns = Connection check via DNS request (default)
ping = Connection check via ping
check_interval Interval of connection check (in minutes, default: 10)
dns_target Target of connection check via DNS request (default:
ping_target Target of connection check via ping
provider_mode auto = Automated log-in to standard provider
preferred = Log-in to preferred provider, otherwise to
standard provider
exclusive = Exclusive log-in to exclusive provider
pref_provider Provider ID of the preferred provider
excl_provider Provider ID of the exclusive provider
daily_auto_log 0 = Daily log-out and log-in disabled
1 = Daily log-out and log-in enabled (default)
hour_out Daily log-out at (hour; 00-23, default: 00)
min_out Daily log-out at (minute; 00-59, default: 01)
hour_in Daily log-in at (hour; 00-23, default: 00)
min_in Daily log-in at (minute; 00-59, default: 02)