Converting to
Side-discharge Operation
W ithout the g rass deflector , discharge
co v er , or complete g rass catcher assembl y
mounted in place, y ou and other s ar e
exposed to blade contact and thr o wn de bris.
Contact with r otating mo w er blade(s) and
thr o wn de bris will cause injur y or death.
• Nev er r emo v e the g rass deflector fr om
the mo w er because the g rass deflector
r outes material do wn to w ard the turf.
If the g rass deflector is ev er dama ged,
r eplace it immediatel y .
• Nev er put y our hands or feet under the
mo w er .
• Nev er tr y to clear the discharge ar ea or
mo w er blades unless y ou mo v e the blade
contr ol s witch (PT O) to disenga ge and
tur n the ignition k ey to of f. Also r emo v e
the k ey and pull the wir e of f the spar k
Note: T o use the mo w er in side disc harg e mode ,
only the right baffle m ust be remo v ed. Mounting
hardw are m ust be installed in open holes .
1. Stop the engine and remo v e the ignition k ey .
2. R emo v e the 2 knobs and cur v ed w ashers that
secure the right baffle to the mo w er .
3. R emo v e the right baffle and lo w er the g rass
deflector o v er the disc harg e opening .
Important: Ensur e the mo w er has
a hinged g rass deflector that disper ses
clippings to the side and do wn to w ard the
turf, while in side discharge mode.
4. Install the fasteners y ou remo v ed previously
into the holes in the top of the mo w er to
prev ent flying debris .
T o m ulc h g rass clippings , install the right baffle ,
refer to Installing the Baffles .
Operating Tips
Selecting the Proper Height-of-Cut
Setting to Suit the Conditions
R emo v e appro ximately one inc h or no more
that 1/3 of the g rass blade when cutting . In
ex ce ptionally lush and dense g rass y ou ma y ha v e
to raise the height-of-cut setting another notc h or
con v er t to side disc harg e or bag ging operations .
Mowing in Extreme Conditions
Air is required to cut and recut g rass clippings in
the mo w er housing, so do not set the height-of-cut
too lo w or totally sur round the housing b y uncut
g rass . Alw a ys ha v e one side of the mo w er housing
free from uncut g rass , allo wing air to be dra wn
into housing . W hen making an initial cut through
the center of the uncut area, operate the mac hine
at a slo w er speed and bac k up if the mo w er star ts
to clog .
Mowing at the Proper Intervals
Under nor mal conditions y ou’ll need to mo w ev er y
4-5 da ys . Ho w ev er , g rass g ro ws at different rates
at different times . T hus , in order to maintain the
same height-of-cut, whic h is a g ood practice , y ou’ll
need to cut more frequently in early spring; as the
g rass g ro wth rate slo ws in mid summer , cut only
ev er y 8-10 da ys . If y ou are unable to mo w for an
extended period due to the w eather conditions or
other reasons , con v er t to side disc harg e or bag ging
options or mo w first with the height-of-cut at a
high lev el; then mo w ag ain 2-3 da ys later with a
lo w er height setting .
Always Mow with Sharp Blades
A shar p blade cuts cleanly and without tearing or
shredding the g rass blade lik e a dull blade . T earing
and shredding causes the g rass to tur n bro wn
at the edg es whic h impairs g ro wth and increases
susce ptibility to disease .
Cleaning After Operating
T o ensure optim um perfor mance , clean the
underside of the mo w er housing . If residue is
allo w ed to build up in mo w er housing, cutting
perfor mance will decrease .