Copyright AF International 2011
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the customer, who must satisf
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of the
AF Product Information
Product Code: SDU125D
Packaging: 125ml aerosol
Description: Non-flammable invertible airduster
Pure compressed gas for blowing dust and debris from
inaccessible areas of computer and office equipment
à 100% ozone friendly
à Non-flammable
à Actuator allows strength of blast to be controlled
à Extension tube for reaching confined areas
à Ideal for use on keyboards, printers, fax machines and computers
à Can be used at any angle making it ideal for cleaning delicate electrical and
optical equipment
Additional Information
à Inner barcode: 5028356500284
à Outer barcode: 15028356500281
à Unit dimensions: 20.0 x 0.66 x 0.66cm
à Outer dimensions: 21 x 27.4 x 20.1cm
à Unit weight: 0.250 kg
à Outer weight: 3.143 kg
à Packing unit: 12
à CCCN-no: 29033080
à Can be found on: www.af-net.com
AF International, A division of H K Wentworth, Ashby Park, Coalfield Road, Ashby de la Zouch, Leicestershire LE65 1JF
Tel: +44(0) 844 375 9700 Fax: +44(0) 844 375 9799 www.af-net.com
BS EN ISO 9001:2008 Certificate No. FM 32082 Rev: 02 - March 2011