Copyright AF International 2011
All information is given in good faith but without warranty. Properties are given as a guide only and should not be taken as a
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the customer, who must satisf
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of the
AF Product Information
Product Code: SMC000
Packaging: Smart-Clene
12 pre-saturated wipes
and large micro-fibre cloth
Description: For safe cleaning of
Smartphone’s and tablets
A universal cleaner for hand held gaming consoles such as PSPs, MP3 players, mobile phones
or touch screen devices including tablet technologies and smartphones in handy individual
sachets. The large micro-fibre cloth leaves a smear free finish.
Ideal for cleaning hand held gaming consoles, PSPs, MP3 players, mobile phones and
touch screen devices.
à Impregnated large wipes with a alcohol free friendly cleaning solution
à Anti-bacterial – provide a clean and germ free finish
à Removes dirt and grime quick and easy without abrasion
à Large, soft micro-fibre cloths shines and removes grease finger marks quickly
à Provided in a tamper proof blister pack with euro hole
Additional Information
Inner barcode: 5028356505969
à Outer barcode: 15028356505965
à Unit dimensions: 23.0 x 17.2 x 4.8 cm
à Outer dimensions: 24.0 x 46.0 x 20.5 cm
à Unit weight: 0.170 kg
à Outer weight: 1.97 kg
à Packing unit: 10
à CCCN-no: 34022090
à Can be found on: www.af-net.com
AF International, A division of H K Wentworth, Ashby Park, Coalfield Road, Ashby de la Zouch, Leicestershire LE65 1JF
Tel: +44(0) 844 375 9700 Fax: +44(0) 844 375 9799 www.af-net.com
BS EN ISO 9001:2008 Certificate No. FM 32082
Rev: 00 - August 2011