BULLS BROSE_Sturmvogel_BBC Page 13
About these instructions
For your safety
The safety riding of the bicycle compromises
four elements:
• the instruction of
the rider and/or user, and
maintenance and repair
of the bicycle by the
BULLS specialist dealer,
• the section on general safety,
• the warnings in this instructions and
• the safety marking on the type plate.
Instruction, training and customer service
The BULLS specialist dealer is in charge of the
customer service. Contact details can be found on the
back page
of these operating instructions and in the
data sheet. If you are unable to contact your specialist
dealer, you will find a list of BULLS specialist dealers
on www.bullsebikes.com
They will also be able to attend your customer
service needs.
The rider or the user of the bicycle will be instructed in
person about the functions of the bicycle, in
particular its electrical functions and the correct use
the charger, at the time when the bicycle is
handed over by the supplying BULLS specialist
Each rider or user, should receive instructions on the
functions of the bicycle. The operating instructions
must be handed to each rider in printed form and
must be acknowledged and adhered to.
A BULLS specialist dealer commissioned to
perform repairs and maintenance work receives
regular training.