14 Learning Plesk Expand Basics
The Plesk section contains the following shortcuts:
Plesk Servers. This shortcut takes you to the list of all Plesk servers registered in
Plesk Expand. There you can manage Plesk servers, register a new Plesk server,
reload selected servers or remove the servers you no longer need.
Plesk Clients. This shortcut takes you to the list of all Plesk client accounts from all
Plesk servers registered in Plesk Expand. There you can manage Plesk clients,
create a new Plesk client, create a new client template. You can also suspend,
unsuspend, remove Plesk clients or refresh the particular client’s data from the
corresponding Plesk server.
Plesk Domains. This shortcut takes you to the list of all domains from all Plesk
servers registered in Plesk Expand. There you can manage domains, create new
domains, create and edit domain templates, manage DNS zones configured for
domains. You can also suspend, unsuspend, remove domains from Plesk Expand
and refresh a particular domain data from the corresponding Plesk server.
Plesk CP Sessions. This shortcut takes you to the list of all sessions with Plesk
servers registered in Plesk Expand.
The Expand section contains the following shortcuts:
Expand Resellers. This shortcut takes you to the list of all resellers registered in Plesk
Expand. There you can manage reseller accounts, create or remove resellers.
Expand Clients. This shortcut takes you to the list of all Expand client accounts
registered in Plesk Expand. There you can create Expand clients (from scratch or
by transforming a regular Plesk client into an Expand client), remove Expand
clients, or proceed to the administration page of each Expand client.
Centralized Mail. This shortcut takes you to the list of all central mail servers
registered in Plesk Expand. There you can create or remove central mail servers,
proceed to the administration page of each central mail server by clicking its name
in the list. You can also view the overall centralized mail statistics and proceed to
the list of all mail accounts (Plesk clients and domains) registered on all the central
mail servers.
Centralized DNS. This shortcut takes you to the list of all central DNS servers
registered in Plesk Expand. There you can create or remove central DNS servers,
proceed to the administration page of each central DNS server by clicking its name
in the list.
Centralized DB. This shortcut takes you to the list of all central database servers
registered in Plesk Expand. There you can create or remove central database
servers, proceed to the administration page of each central database server by
clicking its name in the list.
Central Backups. This shortcut takes you to the list of all remote storages for backing
up Plesk servers, Plesk clients and domains. There you can schedule and manage
backup tasks for Plesk servers, Plesk clients and domains.
Migrations. This shortcut takes you to the list of all migrations of accounts between
Plesk servers, which were initiated in Plesk Expand. There you can start a new
migration, view and refresh statuses of migrations, remove migrations, proceed to
viewing information about each migration task by clicking its name in the list.
The System section contains the following shortcuts: