IP Single or Dual Port EXTender 4100: Quick Installation Guide 2
Copyright Information
© Copyright 2007 Citel plc All Rights Reserved
No part of this publication, including text, examples, diagrams, or icons, may be
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Trademark Information
Citel, Citel Technologies, the Citel logo, Citel EXTender™, Citel IP PBXgateway
and The VoIP Migration Company are trademarks or registered trademarks of
Citel or its wholly-owned subsidiaries in the United States and other jurisdictions.
All other trademarks, registered trademarks, and service marks are the property
of their respective owners.
Accuracy Notice
Every effort was made to ensure that the information in this guide is complete
and accurate. However, Citel makes no representations or warranties, whether
expressed or implied, as to the accuracy or completeness of these materials and
shall not be liable for any loss or damage suffered or incurred as a result of
reliance upon or use of them.
Information in this publication is subject to change without notice. Citel
Technologies reserves the right, without prior notice, to change the equipment,
designs or documentation referred to herein as it considers necessary.
Your Responsibility for your System’s Security
Toll fraud is the use of your telecommunications system by an unauthorized
party, for example, persons other than your company’s employees, agents,
subcontractors, or persons working on your company’s behalf. Please note that
there may be a risk of toll fraud associated with your telecommunications system
and, if toll fraud occurs, it can result in substantial additional charges for your
telecommunications services.
You and your System Manager/System Administrator are responsible for the
security of your system such as programming and configuring your equipment to
prevent unauthorized use. The System Manager is also responsible for reading
all installation, instruction and system administration documents provided with
this product in order to understand fully the features that can introduce risk of toll
fraud and the steps that can be taken to reduce that risk. Citel Technologies does
not warrant that this product is immune from or will prevent unauthorized use of
common-carrier telecommunications services or facilities accessed through or
connected to it. Citel Technologies will not be responsible for any charges that
result from such authorized use.
Document Number: G-4100-RUC Version: Rev AB © Copyright 2007 Citel plc All Rights Reserved