Welcome to the TiVo
experience. This guide describes features
and settings of the TiVo experience on TiVo BOLT
series, TiVo Roamio
series, and TiVo Mini.
1. Activate the TiVo service. The TiVo service is what makes
your TiVo box smart. It includes everything from your show
listings to SkipMode
and OnePass
searches. If you haven’t
yet activated your TiVo service, visit tivo.com/activate or call
TiVo service is required. No functionality is represented or
should be expected without a paid subscription to the TiVo
2. Connect your TiVo box. Use the installation instructions that
came with your box to connect the TiVo box to your TV
programming source, your home network, and your television.
If you no longer have the instructions, visit explore.tivo.com/
3. Complete Guided Setup. After connecting your TiVo box,
follow the steps in on-screen Guided Setup. This configures the
TiVo box for your home, and ensures you have the latest
product updates.
4. Pair your remote. A TiVo Voice remote, included with the VOX
series TiVo box, is highly recommended for use with the new
experience. If you are using a different TiVo box, the Voice
remote is available for purchase separately from the TiVo
store.The remote must be paired with your TiVo box in order to
use the voice feature, and it should pair automatically with your
TiVo box when you begin to use it. You’ll know it’s paired
successfully if the activity light at the top of the remote flashes
yellow with each button press. If the light flashes red with each
button press, you can pair the remote manually by choosing
the Menu icon from the Home screen, then choosing
Settings > Remote, CableCARD, & Devices > Remote Control
5. Take a tour! Once you’re done with Guided Setup, the Quick
tours in Chapter 1 of this guide will introduce you to the great
things you can do with your TiVo box.
6. Visit tivo.com/howto. For the latest information on how to
use the features of your TiVo box (including new features as
they become available), visit explore.tivo.com/how-to.
When we talk about the TiVo service, here are some terms you
should know:
Live TV. If you’re watching a show as it’s being broadcast,
you’re watching live TV. You can pause live TV for up to 30
minutes on each tuner. When you resume watching, you’re
“behind” live TV. (You can always get to live TV by pressing the
LIVE TV button on your remote).