1 Push COOK TIME bultov
;’ Sel lengrh 01 hakIng ,~v(’ w,,h SET knot
I Push BAKE bunon ,
A Set desired lemperal~re wllh SET knob
E When COOK TIMC ,I, reached Ihe end “I cycle lone WIII sound and
Ihe oven WIII lur” 01’
Nore You can push Ihe STOP TIME bulfon lo find oul when Ihe end
of cycle WIII sound and lhe oven will lurn off
1 Push COOK TIME bu:l”r
2 Set length of baking I~me wllh SET knob
3 Push STOP TIME but’on
4 Sel Ume of day whw baking should be compleled wlfh SET knob
5 Push BAKE bulion
6 Sel desired femperalure wllh SET knob
7 When STOP TIME 1s reached Ihe end of cycle lone wll sound and the
oven WI1 l”,” OH
Note You can push Ihp STOP TIME button 10 find out when Ihe ““en
w,lI lurn ofi Push and hold Ihe COOK TIME bution lo find “uf when Ihe
oven Will ,utn on
When a funcl~on has been enlered, you can recall whal has been pro
qrammed by pushing lhe corresponding luncl~on bullon The messages
; Ihe dfspla; show you which luncl~on 15 currenlly being dIsplayed While
thr luncl~on IS d,solaved Y”,, can chanae I, wlh Ihe SET knob You can
change any programmed luncl~on at any Ilme
End of Cycle Tone (3 long beeps one second on one second oq sho:;s
Ihn’ a rImed oven operallon has reached STOP TIME or I-al the Timer
1 as counled down
Ar~enflon Tone (sews of short beeps one quarter second on. one quarter
second ofl unl,I proper response IS given) WIII sound If ““en has only
been partially programmed For example. II you have selecled a COOK
1IME bul no lemperaiure. you will hear Ihe atlenl~on lone unlll you s&cl
a lemperalure or push OVEN CANCEL
Notlhcallon Tone (wgle. one second beep) shows lhal the ““en has
slab~llred al the selecled lemperalure
Keylone (single. one tenth second beep) sounds wllerl any builon 15
Failure Tone (sews 01 very rapId beeps. one eighth second on one quarler
second off) display WIII show FO FB Cancel Iallure lone by pushng Ihe
OVFN CANCEL butlon II the failure occured while you were programm
,“g Ihe Eleclrlc Range Conlrol push Ihe OVEN CANCEL butIon and Iry
agal” If you sIllI ger a failure lone lhal does not slop after 16 seconds
ml for serwce If you are unable lo cailcel Ihe Iallure lone wlh Ihe OVEN
CANCEL button. unplug Ihe range or dlsconnecl the CI~CUII breaker
II you preler lhat your range nol have a” audible lone al Ihe end “I a cycle
or when you push a bufion (Key Tone). you can elim~nale Ihe End “I Cy
cle and Key Tone by pushing and holding Ihe OVEN CANCEL bullon “”
111 you hear a short beep (in approximately Iwo seconds) If you wsh lo
acl~vale lhe fones agal” push and hold lhe OVEN CANCEL bullor? once
more unlh yo,, Ihear a shorf beep CancellIng or acllvallng the lanes should
only be done when there IS no oven operal~on proyranlmcrl Pus11 nq Itlc
OVEN CANCEL button WIII clear alI luncl~ons except the clock snii 11wr
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