Table of Contents
Chapter 1. Introduction …..………..……....................
1.1 General …………...…...…………….…………………… 1-1
1.2 Features……………...…………………………………… 1-2
1.3 Specification ………….………………………………….. 1-3
1.4 Front Panel ………………………………………………. 1-6
1.5 Rear Panel ……….…...………………………………….. 1-7
Chapter 2. Configuration ………….….…………..….
2.1 Configuration of the router …...………………………… 2-1
1. Check the Ethernet Adapter in PC or NB…….. 2-1
2. Check the Terminal Access Program...……….. 2-1
3. Check the Web Browser in PC or NB..……….. 2-1
4. Determine Connection Setting……….……….. 2-2
5. Install the SHDSL Router..……………..…….. 2-2
2.2 Configuration via Web Browser………...…..…………… 2-4
Chapter 3. Set Up ……….…………………...……..….
3.1 Basic Setup ………………..…..…………………….… 3-1
1. Bridge Mode………………………………… 3-1
2. Routing Mode…………………………….…. 3-2
3.2 Advanced Setup…………………..…………………….. 3-8
1. SHDSL………………….……...….………….. 3-8
2. WAN……………………………....………… 3-9
3. Bridge………………………….......………… 3-10
4. VLAN…………………….……...………….. 3-11
5. Route…….……………….……....………….. 3-14
6. NAT/DMZ…………………….......…………. 3-16
7. Virtual Server…..….......…………………...... 3-17