IBM BladeCenter LS22 at a glance
Processor (max)
Latest Six-Core AMD Opteron processor 2000-series, including
standard power and high-efficiency models
Number of processors (std/max)
Cache (max)
Up to 6 MB shared
Up to 64 GB DDR II VLP (up to 800 MHz)
Internal storage
Up to two SAS or solid-state HDDs installed on each blade
(support for up to three hot-swap SAS drives with optional
storage and I/O expansion blade)
Maximum internal storage
1.5 TB with optional storage and I/O expansion blade
2 integrated Gigabit Ethernet controllers
I/O upgrade
1 PCI-X expansion connector and 1 PCI-Express expansion
Systems management hardware
Integrated systems management processor
30 mm two-socket blade
Max blades per chassis
BladeCenter E 14, BladeCenter H 14, BladeCenter S 6,
BladeCenter T 8, BladeCenter HT 12
Operating systems
Microsoft® Windows®, Linux®, VMware, and Sun Solaris
I/O ports (max)
Limited warranty
3-year customer replaceable unit and onsite limited warranty
For more information
World Wide Web
U.S. ibm.com/systems/bladecenter/
Canada ibm.com/systems/ca/en/
© Copyright IBM Corporation 2009
IBM Systems and Technology Group
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Produced in the United States
June 2009
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Maximum internal hard disk and memory
capacities may require the replacement of any
standard hard drives and/or memory and the
population of all hard disk bays and memory
slots with the largest currently supported drives
available. When referring to variable speed
CD-ROMs, CD-Rs, CD-RWs and DVDs, actual
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the maximum possible.
When referring to storage capacity,
GB = 1,000,000,000 bytes and
TB = 1,000,000,000,000 bytes.
Accessible capacity is less.
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