Groupe Brandt TST130ES Owner's manual

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Secadora de ropa
Description de l’appareil
Tableau de commande
Gaine d’évacuation de l’air
1 Installing for the first time
• Description of the machine - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -30
Safety instructions - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -31
How to save on energy - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -31
Outlet for the extraction hose - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -32
Left side outlet
Rear side outlet
Right side outlet
Positioning your dryer - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -33
The machine’s environment
Connecting your dryer - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -34
Air extraction
Electrical power supply
2 Using your dryer
Preparing your laundry - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -35
Inserting your laundry - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -35
Introduction to programming - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -36
Your dryer’s programmes - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -37
Programme sequence - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -38
3 Maintaining your dryer
Running maintenance - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -39
Cleaning the filter
Cleaning your dryer
4. Anomalies – what to do if…
Incidents that may arise - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -40
As you read through these instructions, you will encounter the following symbols,
which indicate:
Safety instructions that absolutely must be followed (to protect you, your
machine or your laundry)
An electrical risk
Important advice and information
Before starting your machine, please read these instructions carefully. They will enable you to
familiarise yourself very quickly with its operation.
In the constant desire to improve our products, we reserve the right to make any modifications for their
further improvement to the machine’s technical, operating or aesthetic characteristics.
Description of the machine
Control panel
Air extraction hose
Safety instructions
Energy savings
Your dryer is designed only for domestic use, for drying machine-dryable
• Give your textile a high-speed spin. Their
residual dampness will therefore be low
and you will save on energy. Even synthetic
textiles should be spun before drying.
Load you machine to the maximum,
providing optimum utilisation of energy.
Please observe the recommendations
regarding volume provided in these
A high ambient temperature and too small
a room will increase the drying time and
your electricity consumption.
You must observe the following
instructions. We accept no
responsibility and negate the guarantee
in the event of failure to observe these
instructions, which may lead to
personal injury or damage to the
Never connect the air extraction hose to
a flue pipe (risk of backflow of combustion
gases) nor to a VMC (controlled
mechanical fan system).
Only use your machine in accordance with
its method of use: this avoids damage to
the machine and to your laundry. Do not
use solvents in your machine (risk or fire
and/or explosion).
Precautions when using stain removers:
any pre-treatment with solvents, stain
removers or aerosols is not allowed. These
products are highly inflammable. If your
laundry requires this type of pre-treatment,
this must be done before washing. We
also recommend that you do not use these
products in a poorly ventilated area near
to your dryer and, in general near to any
electrical appliance, in order to avoid any
risk of an explosion.
Carefully follow the instructions on your
laundry’s maintenance labels.
If you must open the drum door during
the drying cycle, take care not to touch
the drum immediately since it will be very
Depending on your model, regularly check
the extraction hose to prevent your
machine from malfunctioning.
• Should an incident occur and you cannot
resolve it using the remedies we
recommend (see “INCIDENTS THAT MAY
ARISE”), please contact a qualified
professional electrician.
Do not allow children to play with the
machine and keep domestic pets away
from it.
Before you dispose of your worn-out
machine, please render it unusable.
Disconnect and cut off the power cable
next to the machine. Render the door lock
Respect the environment: contact your
dealer or your towns Technical Services
dept. for information on the possibilities
for scrapping your machine when it is worn
If you wish to change your machine’s
power cable, please contact a qualified
professional electrician
Outlet for the extraction hose
On delivery, your machine’s air outlet is on
the left-hand side (Fig. 1)
Left side outlet:
Remove the left-hand side plug.
Release the knob by pulling it outwards
and then extract the hose. (Fig 1)
Rear outlet:
Follow the actions indicated in
drawings (Figs 2 and 3)
Extract the hose through the hatch
Right side outlet:
Replace the left-hand side plug
Pass the hose and the knob through
the panel. To do this, align the knob
(Fig. 4)
Once these actions are completed:
Connect the hose to the wall
SSoommee pprreeccaauuttiioonnss aarree rreeqquuiirreedd wwhheenn ppoossiittiioonniinngg tthhee eexxttrraaccttiioonn hhoossee::
TThhee hhoossee mmuusstt nnoott bbee ssttrreettcchheedd
hhee hhoossee mmuusstt hhaavvee aass ffeeww bbeennddss aass ppoossssiibbllee ((mmaaxxiimmuumm 22))
YYoouu wwiillll oobbttaaiinn bbeetttteerr ddrryyiinngg rreessuullttss bbyy ffoollllo
owwiinngg tthhiiss aaddvviiccee..
The hose must be extracted from your dryer. There are three outlet options:
Left side outlet
Rear side outlet
Right side outlet
Fig. 4
Fig. 3
Fig. 2
Fig. 1
Your machine’s environment :
Your dryer releases heat. If you place
it next to another appliance or a unit,
we recommend that you always leave
a gap to allow air to circulate (Fig. 6).
We would also strongly advise
that you do not:
- Install your machine on a carpeted floor
If you cannot avoid this, take every
precaution to avoid obstruction air
circulation at the base of the machine.
- Install your dryer in an area where it is
exposed to water splashes
- Install your dryer in a small closed room
(if this is the case, open the door or the
window when drying)
Levelling :
Check that the floor is horizontal using a
spirit level: the maximum slope acceptable
is 1.5° (i.e. a measured difference of around
1cm across the width and the depth of the
Your dryer is fitted with four adjustable feet
(Fig. 7)
To level your machine and adjust its stability:
- Tip it backwards slightly
- Depending on the shape of the floor, use
a spanner or a set of pliers to screw or
unscrew one or more feet to adjust their
height (Fig. 7)
- Set your machine back on the feet and
check that it is stable.
Positioning your dryer
Fig. 7
Fig. 6
- Install your dryer in a poorly ventilated
room. The room’s temperature must remain
below 30°C during drying.
Electrical supply
Mains voltage : 230V
Fuse 13A
The socket outlet must be grounded to
In all cases, the connection must
comply with the standards in force in the
country concerned, together with the
supplementary regulations of the Electricity
AAddvviiccee oonn yyoouurr mmaacchhiinneess eelleeccttrriiccaall
CCoonnttaacctt aa qquuaalliiffiieedd pprrooffeessssiioonnaall eelleeccttrriicciiaann
ttoo cch
haannggee tthhee ppoowweerr ccaabbllee..
The power socket must be readily accessible
but out of the reach of children
Do not use an extension lead and adapter
or a multiple socket.
Never eliminate the earth circuit.
WWee ccaannnnoott bbee hheelldd rreessppoonnssiibbllee ffoorr aannyy
iinncciiddeenntt ccaauusseedd bbyy ppoooorr eelleeccttrriiccaall
WWhheenn iinn aannyy ddoouubbtt wwhhaattssooeevveerr,, pplleeaassee
ccoonnttaacctt yyoouurr iinnssttaalllleerr..
Air extraction
(Dryers with air extraction)
The moisture-laden air coming from your
machine during drying must be evacuated
(Fig. 8)
Either directly into the room:
If this is well-ventilated (if possible, install
your machine near to a half-open window)
Or via a connection fixed to the wall:
Near to the outlet from the machine (the
vent must be situated 30cm above the floor
to avoid condensation forming in the hose).
The vanes in the vent must be at least 15mm
apart to avoid clogging.
IImmppoorrttaanntt:: ggrriillllss ccoovveerreedd wwiitthh mmoossqquuiittoo
ssccrreeeenn mmuusstt nnoott bbee uusseedd..
The diameter of the hole through the wall
must be at least the same as the hose’s
external diameter.
Or by hanging the end of the hose out of
a window when you are using the dryer.
IIIImmppoorrttaanntt:: nneevveerr ccoonnnneecctt tthhee hhoossee ttoo
aa fflluuee ((rriisskk ooff ccoommbbuussttiioonn ggaasseess
bbaacckkfflloowwiinngg)) oorr aa VVMMCC ((CCoonnttrro
MMeecchhaanniiccaall FFaann))..
Your machine complies with European Directives 73/23/EEC (Low Voltage Directive)
and 89/336/EEC (Electromagnetic Compatibility) as revised by Directive 93/68/EEC.
Connecting your dryer
Fig. 8
Fig. 9
Preparing your laundry
Do not dry the following in your
- Plastic-coated fabrics
- Chlorofibres (Thermolactyl*, for example)
* Registered trademark
- Items of laundry containing plastic foam
or foam rubber or underwiring that may
become detached
- Bulky articles (duvets, eiderdowns, etc.)
- Laundry that ahs not been spun
- Laundry cleaned with inflammable
chemical products
Tumble dry
dry gently
Do not tumble dry
Check your textiles’ condition
If you notice the presence of any stains,
even after washing, before you introduce
your laundry into the dryer, do not dry the
items concerned because, as a general rule,
stains that have been ironed or dried in a
tumble dryer can no longer be removed.
If necessary, please refer to the remedies
for treating stubborn stains provided in
most washing machine’s instruction
manuals and, above all, wash the stained
items again
Preparing your laundry:
- Close any zips and press studs
- Remove any poorly sewn buttons, pins
and hooks
- Knot any belts, apron strings, etc.
- Turn out the pockets
Check the labels on your laundry
Inserting your laundry
Inserting your laundry in the drum:
- Open the door to the drum by pulling the
door flap (Fig. 10)
- Place your washed and spun laundry in
the drum without bunching or folding it
- Close the door, close the door flap by
pressing it until it is fully locked (Fig. 10)
- Ensure that the flap has fully clicked home
and locked.
Recommended volumes:
To restrict creasing and optimise drying times, we recommend that you do not exceed a
volume of:
- ¾ of the drum when drying “All textiles” or JEANS
- ½ the drum when drying “Silk”
Fig. 10
Introduction to programming
Flashing light
Programming a drying cycle:
Adding or removing an item during drying:
• Press “Start/Pause” to interrupt drying
Add or remove the item
Press “Start/Pause” to restart drying.
Cancelling a programme or a drying cycle while running:
• Press “ON/OFF at any time during programming or drying.
Maintaining your dryer’s performance:
• Clean the filter on every cycle
Important : The current cycle is cancelled when the electrical supply is cut off. If
this happens, you must start programming again from the beginning.
o Press "On/Off"
The programme "Mixed ready to wear"
will automatically be displayed.
o If you want a different programme, choose it by turning the programme
knob in either direction
• o choose the option "buzzer" if you want it
• o for an immediate start, press "Start Pause" ,
o or choose "Delayed start" y and then press "Start Pause"
3h or 6h or 9h
programme chosen
Mixed ready to wear
Your dryer’s programmes
Recommended programmes for laboratory testing
(as per 61121- Directive 95/13/CEE)
Load I ”Dry cotton” 5 kg Select “Household Linen” “Ready to fold”
Load II “Ready to iron cotton” 5 kg Select “Household Linen” “Ready to iron”
Load III ”textile d’entretien facile” 2 kg Select ”All textiles” “Ready to iron”
Ready to wear
usual fabrics
usual fabrics
usual fabrics
Ready to
Ready to iron
Dry no
denim, heavy cotton: sheets,
dusters, tablecloths, etc.
fabrics already dry,
knitwear for example
very delicate: silk, fine
synthetic lingerie, etc.
no6 minutes
Additional drying 20 or 30 min.
Everyday programmes
Type of fabric
Other drying programmes
Refresh and air your items after prolonged storage
NB: If you wish to use this programme at the end of a cycle,
you must switch off the drier and then switch it on again.
Cooling : this occurs during the last part of the drying cycle.
Buzzer : an audible signal during the untangling phase (selectable at any time throughout the
Untangling: This occurs as soon as drying is complete to avoid your textiles becoming tangled.
Programme sequence
Action or status
Light permanently lit
Flashing light
Rrogramme selection
Immediate start
Delayed start
Pause drying (during the
pause period)
Continue programme
Untangling (24 hours
max.) Then drying is
End of cycle (when you
open the door)
ON &
Mixte Prêt à porter
Selected programme
running &
Selected programme
9h ou 6h ou 3h &
Selected programme
running &
Selected programme
Stop (the drum is fixed )
running &
Stop (each at
rotation drum)
Running maintenance
Please remember that you must clean the
filter after every cycle.
This is situated on the left-hand side, inside
the drum.
To clean it:
- Remove the filter from its housing by pulling
it upwards from the bottom (Fig. 11).
- Clean the filter by removing the thin
coating of fluff covering it (Fig. 12).
You should not run the filter under the
tap under any circumstances (Fig. 13).
- Replace the filter in its housing and push
it fully in.
Fig 11
Use a small amount of the fluff in a ball
to rub the filter to facilitate removing
any fibres.
Cleaning your dryer
Use only a sponge or a cloth dampened with
water and liquid soap to clean the control
panel, the access to the drum and the dryer’s
In all cases, do not use (Fig. 14):
Abrasive powders
Metal or plastic sponges
Alcohol-based products (alcohol, thinners,
Cleaning the filter:
Every 6 months, vacuum the ventilation
grills at the front and rear of the
machine to remove any dust or fluff.
Incidents that may arise
Faults Check that :
The filter in the drum is not full of fluff
The condenser is not clogged (2)
The load of laundry has been spun sufficiently ((minimum
500 rpm) but spinning at 850 rpm provides the shortest
drying time)
The temperature in the room is not too high (particularly if
the room is small). If necessary, open the door or the window.
The air inlets and outlets are unobstructed enough to
ensure correct ventilation (2) or that the extraction hose
does not have too many bends (1)
The filter in the drum is not full of fluff
The correct type of drying has been selected. If necessary,
choose a drier programme.
The condenser is not blocked with fluff (2).
Some incidents may occur while you are using your dryer. We provide some solutions.
(1) signifies a machine with extraction, (2) signifies a machine with a condenser.
The drying times are too
Check that:
The laundry is too damp.
Check that:
The laundry was “unfolded” sufficiently when placed
in the drum.
The drum is not overloaded.
The laundry is not evenly
Check that:
The laundry is not too dry.
You have used softener during washing. Use of this
product significantly reduces problems with static
The items are loaded with
static electricity.
Check that:
The catchment tank is full: after emptying it, replace it
correctly, pushing it firmly into its housing.
The “Tank Full” light (2) is
Check that:
The tank is correctly fitted: push it in firmly.
The condenser is correctly positioned and locked in place.
The “Tank Full” light (2)
comes on even though the
tank is empty. Check that:
Your dryer is level.The “Tank Full” light (2)
comes on during the cycle
even though the tank is only
partially full. Check that:
Your dryer does not start.
Check that:
The plug is connected to the socket
The ON/OFF button is depressed
The lid is correctly closed
The condenser is correctly locked in place (2)
The catchment tank is correctly fitted (2)
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Las intervenciones que requiera la máquina deberán ser efectuadas:
- por el revendedor,
- o por cualquier profesional cualificado depositario de la marca.
Al llamar, mencione la referencia completa de la máquina (modelo, tipo y número de serie). Estos datos figuran en la
placa de identificación situada en la máquina.
Les éventuelles interventions sur votre appareil doivent être effectuées :
- soit par votre revendeur,
- soit par un autre professionnel qualifié dépositaire de la marque.
Lors de votre appel, mentionnez la référence complète de votre appareil (modèle, type et numéro de série). Ces
renseignements figurent sur la plaque signalétique fixée sur votre appareil.
Any maintenance on your equipment should be undertaken by:
- either your dealer,
- or another qualified mechanic who is an authorized agent for the brand appliances.
When making an appointment, state the full reference of your equipment (model, type and serial number). This
information appears on the manufacturer's nameplate attached to your equipment.
Servicio postventa :
Service après vente :
After Sales Service: