Congratulations on your purchase of a Quantum AudioTM state-of-the-art power amplifier.
oiduA mutnauQ a fo noitceles ruoY TM car audio product indicates a true appreciation of fine
musical reproduction. Whether adding to an existing system or including your Quantum
AudioTM amplifier in a new system, you are certain to notice immediate performance
A power amplifier’s performance is only as good as its installation. Proper installation will
maximize the system’s overall performance. It is recommended that you have our
product installed by an authorized Quantum AudioTM . reliater . However, if you decide to
install it yourself, please carefully read through this manual and take your time to do a
quality installation.
Due to continuing product improvements and possible manual revisions, we recommend
checking our website for latest product information at www.quantumauio.net.
Exposure to high power sound system can cause hearing loss or damage.
Listening to your system at loud levels while driving, will impair your ability to
hear traffic sounds and emergency vehicles. Use common sense when listening
to your system.
IMPORTANT! Before making any connections, disconnect the car’s battery until
the installation is completed to avoid possible damage to the electrical system.
Serial # Model #
yrettaB ehT tA eriW rewoP s’reifilpmA esuF
s'rac eht tcetorp lliw sihT .yrettab s'rac eht fo ”21 nihtiw eriw rewop eht esuf ot erus eB
A SI SIHT .yrettab dna reifilpma rewop eht neewteb tiucric trohs a fo esac ni yrettab
s'rac eht ton reifilpma rewop eht tcetorp ylno lliw esuf ni-tliub s'reifilpma eh t ,TSUM
srotcennoC eriW edarG hgiH esU
ot dednemmocer si ti ,snoitcennoc efas eruces dna refsnart rewop mumixam erusne o T
rof( sgnir lanimret dna )reifilpma ta noitcennoc rof( sedaps reirrab edarg hgih esu
.)yrettab ta noitcennoc
elciheV htaenrednU seriW ynA nuR toN oD
hguorht seriw lla nur ot tseb si tI .degamad ro tuc gnieb fo ecnahc a evah seriw desopxE
dna noitallatsni renaelc a ot sdnel sihT .slenap edis ro/dna teprac eht rednu elcihev eht
.egamad fo ksir ssel
reifilpmA gnitnuoM nehW noituaC esU
llew sa senil ekarb ,senil muucav ,senil sag ,seriw lacirtcele ynam era ereht rebmemeR
eht gnitnuo
m nehw era yeht erehw wonk uoy erus ekaM .elibomotua eht ni knat sag a sa
.knat sag eht ni seloh gnillird ro seriw gnitrohs ,senil gnirutcnup diova ot reifilpma
Run Signal Wires Away From Electrical Wires
sesion gnippop .e.i( metsys lacirtcele s'rac eht morf esion decudni fo ytilibissop diova oT
.gniriw lacirtcele s'rac eht m
orf yawa seriw nur ,)esion enigne ro
tnioP emaS ehT tA dnA elbissoP sA trohS sA seriW dnuorG llA ekaM
gnidnuorg eht ekam ,)esion enigne .e.i( spool dnuorg fo ecnahc eht ecuder ot redro nI
elpitlum gnisu nehw ,oslA .ecnatsiser s'eriw eht ecuder ot elbissop sa trohs sa eriw
dednuorg era stinu lla eru
s ekam ,stnenopmoc .tniop emas eht ta
seriW ehT gninnuR nehW segdE prahS diovA
eht wolla ot ton luferac eb ,strohs rekaeps ro langis ,rewop fo ytilibissop eht diova o T
eriw eht tcetorp ot temmorg a esU .segde prahs htiw tcatnoc ni emoc ot seriw s’reifilpma
. llaw erif eht hguorht gninnur nehw
Take this time to attach your sales receipt to the manual and put it in a safe place. In case
of any unforeseen reason this product may need warranty service, your receipt will be
necessary to establish purchase date.