Important information about your Toyota
Occupant restraint systems
Toyota encourages you and your family to take the time
to read Section 1−3 of this Owner’s Manual carefully. In
terms of helping you understand how you can receive
the maximum benefit of the occupant restraint systems
this vehicle provides, Section 1−3 of this Owner’s Manu-
al is the most important section for you and your family
to read.
Section 1−3 describes the function and operation con-
cer ning seats, seat belts, SRS ai rbags a nd child re-
straint systems of this vehicle and some potential haz-
ards you should be aware of. These systems work to-
gether along with the overall structure of this vehicle in
order to prov ide occupant res tr aint i n the event o f a
crash. The effect of each system is enhanced when it is
us e d p r operly a nd t oget he r w i t h o t h er s y s t e ms. N o
single occupant restraint system can, by itself, provide
y ou o r y our f ami l y with t he e qual lev e l o f res t r ai n t
which these systems can provide when used together.
That is why it is important for you and your family to
understand the purpose and proper use of each of these
systems and how they relate to each other.
The purpose of all occupant restraint systems is to help
reduce the possibility of death or serious injury in the
event of a collision. None of these systems, either indi-
vidually or together, can ensure that there is no injury
in the event of collision. However, the more you know
about these systems and how to use them properly, the
greater your chances become of surviving an accident
without death or serious injury.
Seat belts provide the primary restraint to all occupants
of the vehicle, and every occupant of the vehicle should
wear seat belts properly at all times. Children should
always be secured in child restraint systems that are
appropriate for their age and size. SRS (Supplemental
Rest rai nt Sy stem) airbags are, as thei r n ames i mply,
desi gned t o wor k with, and be suppl emental to, seat
belts and are not substitutes for them. SRS airbags can
be very effective in reducing the risk of head and chest
injuri es by pr eventing cont act of the head a nd c hest
with interior portions of the vehicle.