ifr.r"-üu,rnn, select the actile inpul to üe NAD Cl60 rd thc
;;'i; ;.',' '; rl'n ttt'c uurl'"'' rrri tlrt PRI ol r | & I suLl"1'
tir,, trurt,,n. ort lltc rctttut' conllul hand:(l Jrrplitrtte the'e
;;;";;, ;iiit ,1" .'..ptiorl of thc t''er irpul.t:t.l"l1]: '1"'ll:
ou.t .r.ft it,put sekrcior button indicatcs $hich inpul hxs been
lifä$ä .,..,, ,n. nortable cornectcd to cither thc PHoNo Mll
r'r'i\4(lsucl(('ls xs the itcn\c inlut
ä S.l",t',1,c Cll {or (rlllr{ lilx-1"\cl :'ollrct) conllcctrLl lu tlrc
Cl) sociiets. xs thc rctire illput
irlrä i.i..r, drc vCR (ol stefeo rv/Sxtellile/cable I)fc-
,,lxrlifi.r) .onn..tc,l ro dle \lDllo sockets as thc activc inpill
iüf .ür,l.tt . ii"" r.t.l source connccted to the r\t r sockets' as
tl;#;["'ii'i]:il ,','.,"'er' (or othct linelevel source) connccted
i" iitT r"",,'.'t".i"r' &s the ictire inPul Tht femote cortrol
i"',är.t f,"r rapr,u. f,ult(nls for AN{ xrd l'Mruessirg eith€r ore
\\ill seled thc Cl60 s tuner lnPut
ZPt 2 Selects Tapc / xs lhe actile itpnl'
äpn I nonitoi Selects thc o lput fron t taPe recorder' \\'Ierr
',tat i,tl f'aal' trlt"t ',t 'll"llllnfillq r(\ orrllll'l\ l)t inr lll'ldc lllrDll*ll
l;',, i.i'. i;i",' l'r1 * rl,( lrPr' I butt'rtr utrr'r.' tu rrlccl it rtnd
asdn io lctrtln to thc rornrd inpul scledioll
äp. i lt " tnfc i\'Iorilof nnctjol.\rhich docs not olclridc tlle
cu'r|cnt input ielecriorl lof cx"mple' if the CD is the ac \e jnPut
.;;;; iAPi ' is selectcil. tircl the 0D sign"rl \'-ill continue lo be
,.i..i,"l ^n,f ""t t,) t ulh thc liu'ts 2 xn(l TAPII I oLTPtll sockels'
ir,,il, ir'tf,. or*,,r tn,n tccotder cotrttcctecl to lipe I thd $ill be
i;;',';. i;. 'l ,l 'lr, t"rlu' lllD Ir' Indr(1r' Trlre I i\ rrnr*((l'
il,, 1u, r' ltttt.,t tl" r'li\r' irllrlrl \\ill rl\u 'l l\ lil
NOId: 'lhc rcllloli' corttol hanclsct rith tht C 160 supplied is of a
,t'tt"t,tf f,'fO trpc, dt'signcd to optf^te se\'01'1 Nll) nlodels
;;;;;' il;";; ,iii,tii' t"i'a"t are ittoperrtire 1s !h.e futlcllon:
,,'r',i ,iiprt"".a b\ thc cl60 Thc video I -d '.'dil -l'.]]l'lll
,ataarn]. tiurt,ult un rtt,'lcnotc cotltlol htttdset i||c illoperitlle ln
tltc cxse 0i the Clbo
ifr.-ö i t f,r, it t*,f *'i,ft I]\sS tnd TRIBLII tone controls to
xiliust the lond balxnce o[,lorr slstenl
äe il Jclocl position is 'fllrt \\'itir ro boosl ol cr( and a dctent
i'rrlicntes this p;sitjoll. Rol"ttc the colltrol clockNisc lo lrcre1l.st
ii . ""i"""i"fn.t, "t rreblc Rotate the control iuti clockwise to
,laara"ra tlta ,nurunt uf Bilss or Tleblc Thc Tollt conlrols do nol
',rffect recotclittgs n'ltle usirg thc TlPe onlimts
ir', iöii nLuLn'',,,(h b\ lu:\c\ lhL'lorr' tlrrrrr.l \r'clrorr r)l lhc
lil CrOo. rt tt,. fnn. controls are.lot.nonndlr lsed ard left in
ti .'"ti ,i.l,,.f, p"ri it,, thcn it is td\isahle to s\\'itch out tht lbne
ä,"rt",i li"ainn altogcrhcr bl using, llis s\\'itch Lr the out
""tür,,'l. tf" Torc coltlol circLlits are lctjve' pushirg thc T0\B
I]IU,\'I slitcil in brptsscs thc lol]e Control secllon'
irr.ieilri:u,-,,r"r ^diusts the relalivt levels ofthc left ud right
,r.lli.*.'Lft. ,2 o clock position proliclcs tquitl level to the left
,,,',1 ,irltt ,lt,t,tn.l' \ d('crrr rrrdi(trle'rlriirli,lll,ll.,, ,U\,.,a. ,',"
Rotlli;g rhc cunlr''rl !hr(k\\isc rrlu\o
'r;i;. la;",i; * 'l'; ."t'tol:rnti-clorhri'r'trr''rc'rlr' lrrl:rrricIorh"
i,i-.'fl. frU ir' f a"lrr)l (lue\ rrol xfft1L r' !ofJitr{' rrrirrl{ tr\rrr:l
the nIFr outFrts.
ifr.iöfi "i,",',tnf rdittst' tlte ortr'tll lottdrtt': ol tlrv 'iHn:dr
tline f.cl rn üe loudspeakers lt is motor dli\er and ciu De
,A]"it.Jftt ,fl., ",,,äte control h"udset Thc VOLl-ll\'lE conlrol
dor:s not affect recordirgs nladc usi0g thc llpc oulluts
Ol1 the fcmotc colllrol htlldsel prcss lhc )lt.Tl] llutt(nl lo
icmp,rLar.itl slircfr offrhe sountl to the sperkers';Lnd lrctclphotles
irr'i t,"J. i. indi(irltd hr tltt ltttir' rrrltrrl Lllr-n:r'lrrrri l'r(':
-Vl Tl. l*Lirr Io rr'\tolr' \rrrll'tl \1rll( Jirf' ll"l 'tl1( ct f(\'nf0lllq\
,,,,'j. ,*i"ltf'" f,'1" "lrlPrrr'r"rl \\ill irlli'(l tlre sr-tral gr'inr to th'
Pre amp outBlt (Ple out)
ivi",, "nu ruura. l, sclected. its sign'll is dso fed dirccth to lut\
ö;'rl#il;;;";..ted to thc T'r'ijr 2 or T'{Pl I ourl't'Ts fol
r:nu-Ä .op," t "n*"n tNo tapc lnachines cot ected to vour NAD
iiiro. t',u,tt. ,uur.. trpe in the recordcr conrccted to lale 2 tnd
itr. t t'.ttt t,rp. i,,tn tt't. iccolder comccted to ttpe I ß\ selectrrlll
iipll u rnput rou ciLn ro\\ rer:ord fiom T"tpe I lo l'tfc I üd
monilor tlic sigttal conting from dle origin'il lllpc
i]i'i,t'i'", "t't"f hrrrd:' t hrtldlu' rll rltc t'c' itttrttiott' r'l tlt'
t'U, i ii',ii"J f"' irdLlrrion d c"rrlruls ro t\'rrrurrl\ I'ln r'rlt \lD
'tuneN. Casscttc and CI) nllchines' ll Nill opel"!te uP lo iL Lllst"nce
o[ lfü (5n).
Alkdine bnttefjes arc t cctlmntr:niled lol ntluinlun opelxlilil litc
"t,,'liri'in ii:l bllttcries shotri(l bc fitttcl in tire bnttcn
."tra',t"."it,i ,f,. Icllt of lhe llcrlide (lontL'ol ilandstl \\ht11
.""ilr.i,tt rr^*.""r, ar,eck th'lt dle\ hl\'t heer fut iü üe ligllt ri'"Lt
r.n',uul, "i i,,,li.t t.,l nn the blsc ol tht l)lltltr-l conlptft ert .
pi.",. r.fat 10 Pre\iotrs scclions of tltc mrnual fot t lull
description ol indilidlrtl tirnctitttts
^IO?fi 'Illc fenote mntrol batldset stlpplittl $ith dlt Cl60 is ot t
,,rl'Ärf n.\I) npe. ticsignecl lo opcratt'sevcrd \iD nodels'
io,n. t,uunn, ol this irandv:t iut illoptrlltile xs thi'fllnctiorls
are t s pPortcd b! the (llb0'
'l.irc Video 2 alld \iicleo J input selector', and Spetkers '\ ruld
i,r""t,an n f,uttunt nn tire remote coltrol hiuldset ut ilroPcridi\'f
iri thc case of the Ct60.
'the inPut selector bLtttotts pcribrm dle s rle tlrctiolls ''ts lLrc
huun,rl r. t,, ilcJ rrr, :.r,, c o r ,' . u. ,, llJ]i:1, ,]]l,ll,;l'1,.;1,,t;:l
(lifflrfer!cs ind c\tf.l funfhons \\ith lllr
il'r*, tr"',ü",;t "tp", on thc N'AD c160 ,.rnd resptctivel) the '\x'l
or l'M rvaleband on ';t scparltc remote controiltble \'{D luner'
ll^U'If" r' r, ßrrllun Lo l{ nrl)orrrrilst it' h 'rll t|c to'ttrd lu tlt'
.,r, rf, . .,t,1 llr':,111'ltunc' \ltttr tltu'l' ' inJiclln(l ltr tlrr lr titr
i'i"", ilil'l.tf,i"g Pt.ss illl TD xgxin to restore soutld Mute docs
not affcct recordilgs madc usirg tht Tape otlq ts'