How to play:
Players: 4 players (2 on each team)
1. Set up cornhole boxes at a comfortable distance apart, but facing each other. Lift stands on the
back of the cornhole boxes out, so that the boxes are slanted at an angle. One player from each
team stands next to one cornhole box, while the other teammate stands next to the other
cornhole box.
2. Teams get 4 beanbags each, and then a side must be chosen to begin tossing the beanbags
from. Each team alternates throwing the beanbags until no beanbags are left to throw on that
3. For every beanbag that landed and stayed on the opposite side cornhole box at the end of each
round, that team gets a point. If the beanbag went through the hole, then that team gets 3
points. The difference between the two teams’ points is how many points the winning team
receives and the losing team receives none.
4. Teams can knock opposing team’s beanbags off the cornhole box to keep from that team from
gaining points. Choose a number to play to and the first team to reach that number wins.
5. When finished playing store cornhole set in a dry, safe area. Keep out of inclement weather.