Setting the address of the coupler:
The address of the Modbus coupler is set via the address selection switches x10 and x1.
To set address 1 set the address selection switch x10 to 0 and x1 to 1. Caution, the ad-
dress of the Beckho coupler must be assigned according to the IO station number via
the IO conguration on the myGEKKO.
2. Hardware conguration
The modules are parameterised using the rotary switch of the BK7300. Therefore, only the end termi-
nal must be plugged. To establish the communication with the myGEKKO you need to set the baud
rate to 38400 and watchdog to 0 ms.
Setting the baud rate to 38400:
Turn o the 24V of the coupler1.
Disconnect all terminals except the end terminal, the KL90102.
Set the address selection switch x10 to 3 and x1 to 1 baud rate3.
Turn on the 24V of the coupler4.
The coupler indicates the baud rate via the LEDs5.
1 x ashing of the LEDs I/O RUN and I/O ERR means 38400 baud6.
Setting the watchdog to 0 ms:
Turn o the 24V of the coupler1.
Disconnect all terminals except the end terminal, the KL90102.
Set the address selection switch x10 to 6 and x1 to 03.
Turn on the 24V of the coupler4.
The coupler indicates the watchdog time via the LEDs5.
0 x ashing of the LEDs I/O RUN and I/O ERR means 0x1000ms=0ms6.