Fujitsu LifeBook T939 User manual

Graphic tablets
User manual
Operating manual
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u Technology Solutions 2019. All rights reserved.
Publication Date
Order No.: A26391-K490-Z320-1-7619, edition 1
Operating m anual
Innovative technology 7
Ports and controls 9
Important notes 13
First-time setup of your device 17
Working with the notebook 20
Security functions 63
Connecting external devices 72
Removing and installing components
during servicing 79
Settings in BIOS Setup Utility 89
Troubleshooting and tips 92
Technical data 101
Manufac turer’s notes 105
Index 106
Information on the product description meets the design specications of Fujitsu and
is provided for comparison purposes. Several factors may cause the actual results to
differ. Technical data is subject to change without prior notication. Fujitsu rejects any
responsibility with regard to technical or editorial mistakes or omissions.
Trad em arks
Fujitsu, the Fujitsu logo and LIFEBOOK are registered tradema rks of Fujitsu Limited
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Microsoft an d Windows are trademarks or re gistered trademarks of Microsoft
Corporation in the U S A and/or other countries.
HDMI and High-Denition Multimedia Interface are trademarks or registered
trademarks of HDMI Licensing, LLC.s.
Bluetooth® and the Bluetooth logo are registered trademarks of Bluetooth SIG, Inc.
Adobe Reader is a trademark of Ado be Systems Incorporated.
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No part of this publication may be copied, reproduced or translated without
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without the written approval of Fujitsu.
Innovativetechnology ................................................................. 7
Furtherinformation ...................................................................... 7
Notational conventions .................................................................. 8
Portsandcontrols ..................................................................... 9
Importantnotes ........................................................................ 13
Safetynotes ............................................................................ 13
Additional safety notes for devices with radio components . . . . . ............................. 14
Energysaving .......................................................................... 14
Energy saving under Windows ....................................................... 14
Travelling withyournotebook ............................................................ 15
Beforeyoutravel ................................................................... 15
Notebook: transporting ............................................................... 15
Cleaningthenotebook .................................................................. 16
First-time setup o
fyourdevice .........................................................
Unpacking and che
ckingthedevice ......................................................
ion .....................................................................
Mains adapter con
necting ...............................................................
device for the rst time ..................................................
Workingwiththenotebook ............................................................ 20
Statusindicators ........................................................................ 20
Openingthenotebook ................................................................... 23
Switching on the notebook . . . . ........................................................... 24
Programming theON/OFFbutton ..................................................... 24
Different ways to use your notebook . . . ................................................... 25
From notebook to Tablet PC . . . ....................................................... 25
Selectdisplayorientation(portraitorlandscapeorientation) ............................. 27
From TabletPCtonotebook .......................................................... 28
Switching off the notebook . . . . ........................................................... 29
Closing the notebook . . .................................................................. 30
Handwriting recognition .................................................................. 30
Touchscreen/ LCD screen ............................................................... 31
Use the touchscreen .................................................................... 32
Using ngers ....................................................................... 32
Usingthestyluspen ................................................................. 32
Usingthe deviceasa notebook .......................................................... 37
Touchpad and touchpadbuttons ...................................................... 37
Keyboard ............................................................................... 39
Virtualnumerickeypad .............................................................. 41
Country and keyboard settings ....................................................... 41
Key combinations ................................................................... 42
Keyboardwith backlight .............................................................. 44
Camera ................................................................................ 45
Rechargeablebattery ................................................................... 46
Charging, caringforandmaintaining the battery ....................................... 46
Removingandinstallingthebattery ................................................... 47
Usingthe power-management features ................................................... 49
Adjusting fan control .................................................................... 50
Memory cards .......................................................................... 51
Fujitsu 3
Supported formats .................................................................. 51
Inserting the memorycard ........................................................... 51
Removingthememorycard .......................................................... 51
Loudspeakers and microphones . . ........................................................ 52
SIM card (conguration dependent) . . . . . . ................................................. 53
Inserting the SIM card ............................................................... 53
RemovingtheSIMcard .............................................................. 54
Wireless LAN / Bluetooth / LTE radio components (conguration dep endent) . . ............... 55
Switching the wireless components on and off ......................................... 55
SettingupWLAN access ............................................................ 55
Access via LTE (conguration dependent) ............................................. 56
EthernetandLAN ....................................................................... 57
Your Port Replicator (optional) . . . ........................................................ 58
Ports on thePortReplicator .......................................................... 58
Settinguptheportreplicator ......................................................... 59
Connect the notebook to the port replicator . . . ......................................... 60
Switching on the notebook via the port replicator . . . . . .................................. 61
Switching offnotebookvia PortReplicator ............................................. 61
Disconnecting the notebook from the Port Replica tor .................................. 62
Securityfunctions ..................................................................... 63
Briefoverview of security functions ....................................................... 64
Conguring the palm sensor (conguration depe ndent) . . . .................................. 65
UsingtheSecurity Lock ................................................................. 65
Conguringpassword protection in BIOSSetupUtility ...................................... 66
Protecting BIOS Setup Utility (supervisor and user password) . .......................... 66
Password protection for booting of the operating system . .............................. 68
Passwordprotectionfortheharddisk ................................................. 68
SmartCard reader (conguration dependent) . ............................................. 69
Inserting the SmartCard ............................................................. 69
Trusted Platform Module - TPM . . ........................................................ 70
EnablingTPM ....................................................................... 70
Disabling TPM ...................................................................... 70
Enable password entry using the on-screen keyboard (on-screen keyboard for BitLocker
password) .......................................................................... 71
Connectingexternaldevices ........................................................... 72
Connecting an external monitor . . ........................................................ 73
HDMIport .............................................................................. 74
Connecting USB devices ................................................................ 75
USBconnectionwith chargingfunction(USBType-C) .................................. 76
USBport withcharging function (Anytime USBcharge) ................................. 77
HowtoremoveUSBdevices correctly ................................................ 77
Headphones/microphone/Line-In/Line-Out/headset-com bi port .............................. 78
Removing and installing components du r ing servicing . . . .............................. 79
Notes on installing and removing boards and components .................................. 79
Preparing to remove components ........................................................ 80
Installingand removing memoryexpansion ................................................ 81
Removinga cover ................................................................... 82
Removing memory modules . . ........................................................ 83
Installinga memorymodule .......................................................... 83
Attaching the cover .................................................................. 84
Installing and removing an M.2 module . . ................................................. 85
4 Fujitsu
Removingacover ................................................................... 85
Remove the M.2 module . . ........................................................... 86
Install the M.2 module. . . . . ........................................................... 87
Attaching the cover .................................................................. 88
Finishing component removal . ........................................................... 88
Settings in BIO S S etup Utility . . . ....................................................... 89
StartingtheBIOSSetup Utility ........................................................... 89
OperatingtheBIOSSetup Utility ......................................................... 90
ExitingBIOSSetupUtility ................................................................ 91
Exit Saving Changes - save changes and exit BIOS Setup Utility . . ..................... 91
Exit Discarding Changes Discard changes and exit BIOS Setup Utility . . . .............. 91
Load Setup Defaults Copy Standard Entries . ........................................ 91
Discard Changes Discard changes without exiting the BIO S Setup Utility . .............. 91
Save Changes - save changes without exiting the BIOS Setup Utility . . . . . . .............. 91
Save Changes and Power Off ....................................................... 91
Troubleshootingandtips .............................................................. 92
Help ifproblemsoccur ................................................................... 92
The notebook’s date or time is incorrect ................................................... 93
Battery indicator does not illuminate . . . ................................................... 93
Whencertaincharactersareentered on the keyboard, onlynumerals are written ............. 93
The notebook’s LCD screen remains blank . . . . ............................................ 93
The LCD screen is difculttoread ........................................................ 94
The externalmonitorremains blank ...................................................... 94
The externalmonitorisblankorthe imageisunstable ..................................... 95
The cursor does not correctly follow the pen movements . . . . . . ............................. 95
Peninput notworking ................................................................... 95
The notebook cannot be started . . . ....................................................... 96
The notebook stops working . . ........................................................... 96
The printer does not print . . . . . ........................................................... 97
The wireless connection to a network does not work . . . .................................... 97
The batterydischargestooquickly ........................................................ 97
SmartCard reader is not recognised. . . . ................................................... 98
SmartCardPINforgotten ................................................................ 98
SmartCardlost ......................................................................... 98
Acousticwarnings ....................................................................... 98
Errormessagesonthescreen ........................................................... 99
Restoring the contents of the hard disk under Windows .................................... 100
Restoring the system under Windows 10 . . ............................................ 100
Technicaldata ......................................................................... 101
Notebook . . ............................................................................. 101
Port Replicator(optional) ................................................................ 102
Rechargeablebattery ................................................................... 103
Mains adaptor (notebook) . . . . . ........................................................... 103
Mains adaptor (port replicator) ........................................................... 104
Manufacturersnotes .................................................................. 105
Disposalandrecycling .................................................................. 105
Electrical safety including ergonomic requirements (GS, depending on the device) . .......... 105
SAR limit value (SpecicAbsorption Rate) ................................................ 105
Other certication markings .............................................................. 105
Fujitsu 5
Index .................................................................................. 106
6 Fujitsu
Innovative techn ology
Innovative technology
... and ergonomic design make your device a reliable and convenient companion.
The device boots very quickly, is ready for immediate use and offers a particularly
long operating time because of its high capacity battery.
With the user-friendly " BIOS Setup Utility" you can control your notebook’s hardware and better
protect your system against unauthorised access by using the powerful password properties.
Information on the connections and user components of your notebook
Ports and con trols", Page 9.
Further information
The Windows drivers for your device can be found on our Internet site.
The factory installation of your device does not support any other operating
system. Fujitsu Technology Solutions accepts no liability whatsoever
if any other operating system is used.
Software oriented components of these instructions refer to Microsoft products,
if they come within the scope of the delivery.
If you install other software products, pay attention to the operating
instructions of the manufa cturer.
Fujitsu 7
Innovative techn olo gy
Notational conventions
Pay particular attention to text marked with this symbol. Failure to observe
these warnings could pose a risk to health, damage the device or lead
to loss of data. The warranty will be invalidated if the device becomes
defective through failure to observe these warnings.
Indicates important informa
tion for the proper use of the device.
Indicates an activity that must be performed
Indicates a result
This font
indicates data entered
using the keyboard in a program dialogue or at
the command line, e.g.
your password (Name123) or a command used to
start a progra m (star
This font
indicates information that is displayed on the screen by a program, e.g.:
Installation is complete.
This font
terms and texts used in a software interface, e.g.: Click on Save
names of programs or les, e.g. Windows or setup.exe.
"This font"
cross-references to anot her section, e.g. "Safety information"
cross-references to an external source , e.g. a web address: For more
information, go to " "
Names of CDs, DVDs and titles or designations for other materials,
e.g.: "CD/DVD Drivers & Utilities" or "Safety/Regulations" manual
indicates a key on the keyboard, e.g:
This font
indicates terms and texts that are emphasised or highlighted, e.g.: Do
not switch off the device
8 Fujitsu
Ports and co ntrols
Ports and controls
This chapter presents the individual h ardw are components of your device. It gives you
an overview of the device’s indicators and connections. Please familiarise yourself with
these components before you start to work with the device.
Notebook open
1 = Microphone
4 = ON/OFF button
5 = Status display
6 = Loudspeakers
7 = Palm vein scanner (depending on
the conguration)
8 = Touchpad
9 = Touchpad keys
Fujitsu 9
Ports and cont rols
1 = Camera LED (dep
ending on the
2 = Camera (depend
ing on the conguration)
Left side
1 2 3 4 5
1 = DC input
connector (DC IN)
2 = Security Lock device
nection 3.0
4 = Combine
d headset / m icrophone
5 = SmartCard reader
10 Fujitsu
Ports and co ntrols
Right side
1 2 3 4 5
2 = Eyelet for the optional pen tether
3 = M emory card slot
4 = USB port 3.0 with charging function
(Anytime USB charge)
5 = USB port 3.0 with charging function
(USB Type-C)
7 = LAN connector (removable)
8 = VGA (video graphics array) screen
Fujitsu 11
Ports and cont rols
1 = Battery com
partment with S IM car d
slot under t
he battery
2 = Battery release
mpartment for the M.2 module
4 = Port for por
t replicator
5 = Service compartment for the memory
12 Fujitsu
Important notes
Important notes
This chapter contains essential safety information which mu st be followed
when working with your notebook. Other notes also provide useful information
which will help you with your notebook.
Safety notes
Please follow the safety notes provided in the "Safet y/Regulation s" manual
as well as t he safety notes given below.
Please pay special attention to the sections in the manual marke d
with the symbol on the left.
When connecting and disconnecting cables, observe the relevant
notes in this operating manual.
In order to prevent burn injury or the device from overheating, do not lay the device
directly on your lap an d make sure that the ventilation openings are not obstructed.
Read the information on the ambient conditions in the "
Technical data",
Page 101 and "First-time setu p of your devic e", Page 17 before preparing your
notebook for use and switching it on for the rst time.
When cleaning the device, please observe the relevant notes in the
section "
Cleaning the notebook", Page 16.
Pay attention to the additional safety notes for devices with wireless components
provided in the "Safety/Regulations" manual.
Please re fer to the notes in the chapter "
Removing and insta lling
components during servicing", Page 79.
This noteboo
k complies with the relevant safety regulations for data processing
equipment. I
f you have questions about using your notebook in a particular area,
please cont
act your sales outlet or our Hotline/Service Desk.
Fujitsu 13
Important notes
Additional safety notes for devices with
radio components
Radiocomponent :WirelessLAN:Bluetooth,safetynotes
If a radio component (W ireless LAN, Bluetooth, LTE) is integrated in your no tebook, you must
be sure to observe the following safety notes when using your notebook:
Switch off the radio components when you are in an aircraft or driving in a car.
Switch off t he radio comp onents when you are in a hospital, an operating room or near a medical
electronics system. The transmitted radio waves can impair the operation of medical devices.
Switch off the radio components when you let the device get near ammable
gases or into hazardous environments (e.g. p e trol station, paintshops), as the
transmitted radio waves can cause an explosion or a re.
For information on how to sw itch radio components on and off, see c hapter
Switching the wireless components on and off", Page 55.
Energy saving
Switch the notebo
ok off when it is not in use. Switch off extern al, connecte d devices if you
are not using them
. If you use the energy saving functions, the notebook uses less energy.
You will then be a
ble to work for longer before having to recharge the battery.
Energy efcien
cy is increased a nd the environmental impact is reduced.
You save money w
hile protecting the environment.
Energy savin
g under Windows
Make use of the power management features (see ""Using the power-mana gement features",
Page 49").
14 Fujitsu
Important notes
Travelling with your notebook
MobileoperationNotesTransp ortati onNotebook
Please observe the points listed below when travelling with your notebook.
Before you t ravel
Back up important data stored on your hard disk.
NotebookTravel,not ebook
Switch off the wireless component for data security reasons. With data trafcviaawireless
connection, it is also possible for unauthorised third parties to receive data.
Information on activating data encryption is provided in the documentation
for your wireless component.
If you wish to use your notebook during a ight, rst c heck with the ight
attendants if it is OK to do so.
When travelling in other countries
If you are travelling abroad, check that the mains adapter can be opera ted with the
local mains voltage. If this is not the case, obtain the appropriate mains adapter for
your notebook. D o not use any other voltage converter!
Check whether the local mains voltage and the power cable are compatible. If this is
not the case, buy a power cable that matches the local conditions.
Contact the relevant authorities of th e country you will be t ravelling in as to
whether you may operate the radio component integrated into your notebook
computer. Please observe the additional safety instructions for devices with radio
components, found in the ha ndbook “Safety/formalities”.
Notebook: transporting
Protect the notebook from severe shocks and extreme temperatures
(e.g. direct sunlight in a car).
If your device has an optical drive, remove all data media (e.g. CD, DVD) from the drives.
Switch the notebook off.
Unplug the mains adapter and all external devices from the power socket.
Disconnect the mains adapter cable and the data cables for all external devices.
Close the LCD screen.
To protect against damaging jolts and bumps, use a notebook carrying
case to transport your notebook.
Fujitsu 15
Important notes
Cleaning the notebook
Do not clean any interior parts yourself; leave this job to a service technician.
Only use cleaning prod u cts designed for computers. Normal h o usehold
cleaners and polishes can damage the markings on the keyboard and the
device, the paintwork or the notebook itself.
Ensure that no liquid enters the notebook.
The LCD screen very sensitive to scratches. Only clean the display
surface with a very soft, slightly damp cloth.
Switch the notebook off
In order to prevent accidentially switching the device on, remove the power cable from the mains
adaptor and remove the battery (see "
Removing and installing the battery", Page 47).
The surface can be c leaned with a dry cloth. If pa rticularly dirty, use a cloth which has
been moistened in mild domestic detergent and then carefully wrung out.
You can use disinfectant wipes to clean the keyboard and the tou chpad.
Ensure that no liquid enters the d evice.
16 Fujitsu
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Fujitsu LifeBook T939 User manual

Graphic tablets
User manual

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