5 - ENG
• Donotmowonwetgrassor
excessively steep slopes. Poor
footing could cause a slip and fall
• Donotmowneardrop-offs,
ditches, or embankments.
You could lose your footing or
• Ifyoudoloseyourbalance,
release the handle and blade
control lever immediately.
Tragic accidents can occur if the
operator is not alert to the presence of
children. Children are often attracted
to the machine and the mowing
activity. Never assume that children
will remain where you last saw them.
• Keepchildrenoutofthetrimming
area and under the watchful care
of another responsible adult.
• Bealertandturnmachineoffif
children enter the area.
• Beforeandwhilewalking
backwards, look behind and
down for small children.
• Neverallowchildrentooperate
the machine.
• Useextracarewhenapproaching
blind corners, shrubs, trees, or
other objects that may obscure
Use extreme care in handling gasoline.
Gasoline is extremely flammable and
the vapors are explosive.
• Extinguishallcigarettes,cigars,
pipes and other sources of
• Useonlyanapprovedcontainer.
• Neverremovegascaporaddfuel
with the engine running. Allow
engine to cool before refueling.
• Neverrefuelthemachineindoors.
• Neverstorethemachineorfuel
contain er where there is an open
flame, spark or pilot light such
as a water heater or on other
• Stoptheengine(motor)whenever
you leave the equipment, before
cleaning the mower or unclogging
the chute.
• Shuttheengine(motor)offand
wait until the blade comes to
complete stop before removing
grass catcher or accessories.
• Donotoperatethemachinewhile
under the influence of alcohol or
• Neveroperatemachineinwet
grass. Always be sure of your
footing: keep a firm hold on the
handle; walk, never run.
• Disengagetheself-propelled
mech anism or drive clutch on
mowers so equipped before
starting the engine.
• Iftheequipmentshouldstart
to vibrate abnormally, stop
the engine (motor) and check
immediately for the cause. Vibra-
tion is generally a warning of
• Alwayswearsafetygogglesor
safety glasses with side shields
when operating mower.
WARNING: Slopes are a major
factor related to slip and fall
accidents, which can result in
severe injury. Operation on all slopes
requires extra caution. If you feel
uneasy on a slope, do not mow it.
• Ifaslopeisgreaterthan15°do
not mow. Use the Slope Guide
inside this manual to measure
slopes before operating this
mower on a slope or hilly area.
• Mowacrossthefaceofslopes;
never up and down. Exercise
extreme caution when changing
direction on slopes.
• Watchforholes,ruts,bumps,
rocks, or other hidden objects.
Uneven terrain could cause a slip
and fall accident. Tall grass can
hide obstacles.