Playback options ........................... 450
Safety notes ..................................444
Selecting a media type .................. 447
Selecting a track ............................ 447
Sound settings (balance, bass,
treble) ............................................ 296
Multifunction display
Function/notes .............................224
Permanent display ......................... 232
Multifunction steering wheel
Adjusting the volume ..................... 295
Operating the on-board computer .. 223
Overview .......................................... 43
Multisession CD ................................ 451
Music files
Recording ...................................... 456
Deleting all music files ................... 457
Deleting individual music files ....... 458
Disk space information .................. 457
General notes ................................ 455
Playback options ........................... 458
Switching to ................................... 455
Music search ..................................... 452
Adjusting the volume of the navi-
gation announcements .................. 295
Alternative route ............................ 349
Avoiding an area ............................ 371
Basic settings ................................ 320
Blocking a route section affected
by a traffic jam ............................... 349
Compass function .......................... 373
Destination/route download ......... 421
Destination memory ...................... 360
Displaying destination informa-
tion (arrival time, distance to des-
tination) ......................................... 350
Entering/saving your home
address .......................................... 327
Entering a destination .................... 322
Entering a destination by address .. 322
Entering a destination using the
map ............................................... 329
Entering a point of interest ............ 334
Entering characters (character
bar) ................................................ 301
Freeway information ...................... 369
General notes ................................ 319
GPS reception ................................ 319
Important safety notes .................. 318
Lane recommendation ................... 346
List of areas ................................... 372
Map settings .................................. 365
Menu (on-board computer) ............ 227
Off-road/off-map (off-road desti-
nation) ........................................... 354
Previous destinations .................... 364
Reading out traffic reports ............. 359
Repeating announcements ............ 347
Route guidance .............................. 344
Search & Send ............................... 343
Selecting a destination from the
destination memory ....................... 328
Selecting a destination from the
list of last destinations ................... 328
Selecting your home address ........ 328
Setting options for destination/
route download .............................. 424
Setting route options (avoiding:
highways, toll roads, tunnels, fer-
ries) ............................................... 320
Setting the route type (short
route, fast route, dynamic route or
economic route) ............................ 320
Showing/hiding the menu ............. 320
Starting route calculation .............. 327
Switching announcements on/
off .................................................. 348
Switching to ................................... 319
Navigation announcements
Switching off .................................. 295
NECK-PRO head restraints
Important safety notes .................... 66
Operation ......................................... 66
Resetting after being triggered ........ 67
Night View Assist Plus
Activating/deactivating ................. 212
Cleaning ......................................... 544
Display message ............................ 258
Function/notes ............................. 210
Problem (malfunction) ................... 214