Jetline Engineering, 15 Goodyear St, Irvine, California 92618 U.S.A. • Tel: (949) 951-1515 • Fax: (949) 951-9237
Strike an Arc
Strike an arc and allow it to stabilize. At this point, the operator will not see any signifi cant change in the arc
ac on, but we do have control of the arc with the magne c fi eld.
Posi on Adjustment
With the arc established, adjust the Posi on control to posi on the arc directly below the Torch (tungsten).
This adjustment off sets the posi on of the arc and makes up for the probe mechanical moun ng errors.
Make a note of the Posi on Dial Reading. This is your Centered posi on. See Figure 16 in 8020, Figures 10,
11, 12 in 8040.
Oscilla on Mode
Turn the Control Off briefl y to change the mode from Stabilize to Oscillate. Set the S1 DIP Switch se ngs to
the Closed posi on (OSC). Apply power to the control and strike an arc once again. See Figure 23 in 8020,
fi gure 18 in 8040.
Slowly increase the Amplitude adjustment(s) above 000 and you will begin to no ce the arc oscillate. Once
the desired arc oscilla on width is reached, make a note of the Amplitude value.
Le & Right Dwell
Once amplitude is adjusted, slowly increase the Dwell adjustments to begin contouring the weld bead to
your desired shape. Increasing the Dwell values adds me to the Dwell func ons.
The Sweep adjustment also performs bead contouring. Increasing the Sweep values increases the transi on
me between the Le and Right Dwell.
Taper is used during the downslope of amperage. As amperage decreases during downslope, the arc be-
comes easier for the Magne c Arc Control (Mag Arc) to move. To keep the Mag Arc on at the same ampli-
tude levels, the arc will be blown out by the Mag Arc before the fi nal amperage is reached. Taper reduces
the Amplitude level over me to match the downslope of amperage and the downslope me. The end
result feathers the bead out at the end. The Taper func on requires the use of the Remote Interface cable,
providing an input trigger signal to begin the Taper func on.
The Mag Arc systems are very versa le and easy to operate once set up. This guide gets you up and running
fast so that you can begin to realize the benefi t of the Magne c Arc Control system. You should now begin
to step through the func ons and fi ne tune the system to achieve your goals.