Envelope-to Cycle Difference, this is a technical
measurement of the shape of the incoming signals to
determine the probability of a correct cycle match.
Group-Repetition-Interval, this refers to the assigned
precise timing interval in which the loran chain must
perform its sequential transmissions. Measured in
microseconds, the GRI timing is used to identify the
loran chains worldwide. (99,600ns = 9960 GRI)
Angular measure in degrees North (0 - 90”) and
South (0 - 90”) from the Equator. On a chart these
lines are drawn from right to left.
Angular measure in degrees (0 - 180”) East and West
of the prime meridian (0”) at Greenwich, England.
On a chart these lines are drawn from top to bottom.
Line-Of Position, refers to a line made up of points
where the time measured between the receipt of the
master signal and a secondary station is always the
same. Loran LOP’s are frequently printed on the
marine charts and are otherwise known as Time
Difference Lines or TD’s.
In a loran chain, the Master station initiates the trans-
mitting sequence.
In loran C, the basic unit of time measurement of the
loran signals.
Any station in a loran chain other than the Master.
Signal-to-Noise Ratio, the measurement of the
received signal’s strength related to the background
noise comming into the loran receiver.
Speed-Over-Ground, this is the calculated rate of
movement of the vessel over the ground.
Time Difference, refers to the elapsed time in micro-
seconds between the arrival of the master and a
secondary signal in a loran receiver.
In loran, refers to the difference in degrees between
“True North” and “Magnetic North.”
Geographical destination defined in the loran
memories as a Latitude/Longitude position.
Cross-Track-Error, this is the calculated deviation
from a track line drawn from the origination point to
the destination waypoint retained in the loran’s