Multicast mode A communication mode in which cyclic data is sent to multiple stations.
Network module A generic term for the following modules:
• Ethernet interface module
• Module on CC-Link IE TSN (the Motion module and a module on a remote station)
• CC-Link IE Controller Network module
• Module on CC-Link IE Field Network (a master/local module, and a module on a remote I/O station, a
remote device station, and an intelligent device station)
• MELSECNET/H network module
• MELSECNET/10 network module
• RnENCPU (network part)
Object Various data of a slave device compatible with CANopen
PDO An abbreviation for Process Data Object. A collection of the application objects transmitted periodically
between mutiple CANopen nodes.
Priority A value that is assigned to devices or stations in a network to determine the grandmaster for time
synchronization. The smaller the value, the higher the priority.
PTP An abbreviation for Precision Time Protocol. A predefined protocol for time synchronization between
devices on a network.
RAS An abbreviation for Reliability, Availability, and Serviceability. This term refers to the overall usability of
automated equipment.
Relay station A station that includes two or more network modules. Data are passed through this station to stations on
other networks.
Remote station A station that exchanges I/O signals (bit data) and I/O data (word data) with another station by cyclic
transmission. This station can perform transient transmission.
Reserved address An IP address reserved for special purposes, defined by RFC 6890. This IP address cannot be used when
the programmable controller is connected via the global IP network.
Reserved station A station which is not actually connected. It is included as a station in the network when its all number is
Return A process of restarting data link when a station recovers from an error
RWr A remote register of the link device. This refers to word data input from a slave station to the master station.
(For some areas in a local station, data are input in the opposite direction.)
RWw A remote register of the link device. This refers to word data output from the master station to a slave
station. (For some areas in a local station, data are output in the opposite direction.)
RX Remote input of the link device. This refers to bit data input from a slave station to the master station. (For
some areas in a local station, data are input in the opposite direction.)
RY Remote output of the link device. This refers to bit data output from the master station to a slave station.
(For some areas in a local station, data are output in the opposite direction.)
Standard station A station other than a Motion syncronization station
SB Link special relay. Bit data that indicates the operating status and data link status of a module on CC-Link
SDO A communication object of CANopen (Service Data Object). A message used to access the object entries
inside the object dictionary of an optional CANopen node. Used for non-periodic transmission between
Servo amplifier A generic term for a drive unit.
Unless specified in particular, indicates the motor driver unit of the sequential command method which is
controlled by the Simple Motion module (belonging to own station).
Slave station • A generic term for a local station and remote station on CC-Link IE TSN
• A generic term for a local station, remote I/O station, remote device station, and intelligent device station
on CC-Link IE Field Network
SLMP An abbreviation for Seamless Message Protocol.
This protocol is used to access an SLMP-compatible device or a programmable controller connected to an
SLMP-compatible device from an external device.
SW Link special register. Word data that indicates the operating status and data link status of a module on CC-
Link IE.
Transient transmission A function of data communication unperiodically among nodes (station) on network.
A function used to send messages to the target station when requested by a link dedicated instruction or
the engineering tool.
Communication is available with station on another network via relay station or gateway.
Transient transmission group No. No. that is assigned for transient transmission to any given stations. By specifying a group of stations as
transient transmission target, data can be sent to the stations of the same group No.
TSN switching hub An authentication Class B switching hub authorized by CC-Link Partner Association
Unicast mode A communication mode in which cyclic data is sent to one station.
Term Description