Network module A generic term for the following modules:
• Ethernet interface module
• CC-Link IE Controller Network module
• Module on CC-Link IE Field Network
• MELSECNET/H network module
• MELSECNET/10 network module
• RnENCPU (network part)
RAS The abbreviation for Reliability, Availability, and Serviceability. This term refers to usability of automated
READ A generic term for the JP.READ and GP.READ
RECV A generic term for the JP.RECV and GP.RECV
RECVS A generic term for the G.RECVS and Z.RECVS
Relay station A station that includes two or more network modules. Data are passed through this station to stations on other
REMFR A generic term for the JP.REMFR and ZP.REMFR
Remote device station A station that exchanges I/O signals (bit data) and I/O data (word data) with another station by cyclic
transmission. This station responds to a transient transmission request from another station.
Remote head module The abbreviation for the RJ72GF15-T2 CC-Link IE Field Network remote head module
Remote I/O station A station that exchanges I/O signals (bit data) with the master station by cyclic transmission
Remote input (RX) Bit data input from a slave station to the master station (For some areas in a local station, data are input in the
opposite direction.)
Remote output (RY) Bit data output from the master station to a slave station (For some areas in a local station, data are output in the
opposite direction.)
Remote register (RWr) Word data input from a slave station to the master station (For some areas in a local station, data are input in the
opposite direction.)
Remote register (RWw) Word data output from the master station to a slave station (For some areas in a local station, data are output in
the opposite direction.)
REMTO A generic term for the JP.REMTO and ZP.REMTO
REQ A generic term for the J.REQ, JP.REQ, G.REQ, and GP.REQ
Reserved station A station reserved for future use. This station is not actually connected, but counted as a connected station.
Return A process of restarting data link when a station recovers from an error
RIRD A generic term for the J.RIRD, JP.RIRD, G.RIRD, and GP.RIRD
RIWT A generic term for the J.RIWT, JP.RIWT, G.RIWT, and GP.RIWT
RnENCPU A generic term for the R04ENCPU, R08ENCPU, R16ENCPU, R32ENCPU, and R120ENCPU
RnENCPU (CPU part) The left side (CPU part) of the RnENCPU (MELSEC iQ-R Ethernet/CC-Link IE User's Manual (Startup))
RnENCPU (network part) The right side (network part) of the RnENCPU (MELSEC iQ-R Ethernet/CC-Link IE User's Manual (Startup))
Routing A process of selecting paths for communication with other networks. There are two types of routing: dynamic
routing that auto-selects the communication routes, and static routing where communication routes are arbitrarily
Safety communications A function to exchange safety data between safety stations on the same network
Safety connection A connection established for safety communications
Safety CPU A generic term for the R08SFCPU, R16SFCPU, R32SFCPU, and R120SFCPU
Safety data Data exchanged through safety communications
Safety device A device that can be used in safety programs
Safety function module Another term for the R6SFM
Safety station A generic term for a station that performs safety communications and standard communications
Seamless communication Communication that allows users to access a different kind of networks without having to consider the
differences as if data were exchanged within one single network
SEND A generic term for the JP.SEND and GP.SEND
Servo amplifier A generic term for a drive unit
Unless specified in particular, indicates the motor driver unit of the sequential command method which is
controlled by the Simple Motion module (belonging to own station).
Simple Motion module The abbreviation for the MELSEC iQ-R series Simple Motion module (compatible with CC-Link IE Field Network)
• RD77GF
Slave station A generic term for a local station, remote I/O station, remote device station, and intelligent device station
SREAD A generic term for the JP.SREAD and GP.SREAD
Submaster operating station A station that monitors the status of a master operating station in the network where a master station and
submaster station are connected. Only one master station can be used in a network.
Term Description