Using Help | Contents | Index Back 9
Adobe GoLive CS Help What’s New in GoLive CS
Using Help | Contents | Index Back 9
Streamlined color workflow With the Color and Swatches palettes, you can apply color
with a single click, store commonly used colors, and search for colors by name or
hexadecimal value. (See
“Using color” on page 67.)
Pre-built design elements To help you quickly complete common Web design tasks,
GoLive CS includes a large number of professionally-made design elements in a new
Library palette. Choose from pre-built Web pages, Section 508-compliant designs, CSS
styles, and JavaScript snippets for cookies, event handlers, and more.
Co-author sections In GoLive sites, Web professionals can now create special co-author
sections, which let editors and writers update content by using a simple form-like
interface. These template-driven sections ensure a consistent look and feel throughout a
site, while letting co-authors with little knowledge of Web design create sophisticated
Web content. (See
“Creating co-author sections” on page 339.)
Queries Expanded search functionality lets you build and save complex queries. You can
search for items ranging from HTML elements to site assets and errors. To perform
complex searches, define nested queries; for simple searches, use predefined queries. (See
“Generating queries” on page 129.)
Collections To speed up common file management tasks, you can create site-specific
collections, which let you quickly select groups of related files. You can attach queries to
collections, ensuring that they include all files that meet specific search criteria. (See
“Using collections” on page 319.)
Use powerful tools that support industry standards
GoLive CS ensures that your sites meet the latest Web standards.
Enhanced CSS workflow In the new CSS editor, you can visually preview styles as you
change style properties, drag and re-sort style elements, and view related CSS code. You
can also quickly apply styles in the Layout Editor by using new CSS commands in the Type
menu. (See
“About the GoLive CSS workflow” on page 213.)
JavaScript rollovers The new Rollovers & Actions palette lets you create sophisticated
rollovers with ease. You can combine self and remote rollovers and specify trigger objects
ranging from images to text and table cells. GoLive CS also fully supports ImageReady
JavaScript code. (See
“Creating rollovers” on page 240.)
Revised source code editor GoLive CS includes a completely revised source code editor,
which lets you easily select entire HTML elements, complete code automatically, and
optimize hand-coded HTML. Customizable syntax coloring helps you easily identify
different code types. And new code compare and query features ensure consistent HTML
throughout a site. (See
“Using the GoLive source code editors” on page 375.)
Publish servers With publish servers, you can maintain a site in one, central location, but
publish to multiple servers using different transfer protocols such as WebDAV or FTP. The
streamlined publish server interface lets you quickly configure and access servers, so you
can focus more energy on Web design. (See
“About GoLive publish server clients” on
page 325.)