IBA ibaPDA-Interface-LMI-Gocator Owner's manual

  • Hello! I've reviewed the ibaPDA-Interface-LMI-Gocator user manual, and I'm ready to assist you with questions about it. This document details how to use the interface to collect and combine profile data from Gocator sensors, configure your sensors, diagnose connection issues and use the buddy mode. It also covers the system requirements and other relevant information. Feel free to ask any specific questions you have about the LMI-Gocator interface.
  • What is the minimum firmware version required for LMI-Gocator sensors?
    How many Gocator sensors are supported by the basic license?
    What is buddy mode in the context of Gocator sensors?
    What software is required to display measured values in the 2D top view?
Data Interface for LMI-Gocator sensors
Issue 2.0
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The current version is available for download on our web site www.iba-ag.com.
Version Date Revision Author Version SW
2.0 11-2023 New version ibaPDA v8 rm 8.5.0
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sponding owners.
2.0 3
ibaPDA-Interface-LMI-Gocator Contents
1 Aboutthisdocumentaon ................................................................................................4
1.1 Target group and previous knowledge ..................................................................... 4
1.2 Notaons .................................................................................................................. 4
1.3 Used symbols ............................................................................................. ...............5
2 System requirements ........................................................................................................6
3 LMI-Gocator interface .......................................................................................................7
3.1 General informaon ................................................................................................. 7
3.2 System topologies ..................................................................................................... 7
3.3 Conguraon and engineering ibaPDA..................................................................... 7
3.3.1 Interface sengs ...................................................................................................... 7
3.3.2 Adding a module....................................................................................................... 8
3.3.3 General module sengs ........................................................................................... 9
3.3.4 Conguraon of sensors ......................................................................................... 11
3.3.5 "Analog" tab ...........................................................................................................15
3.3.6 Vector signal ........................................................................................................... 15
3.3.7 Buddy mode ........................................................................................................... 16
4 Diagnoscs ......................................................................................................................18
4.1 License .................................................................................................................... 18
4.2 Connecon diagnoscs with PING .......................................................................... 19
4.3 Connecon table ....................................................................................................20
4.4 Diagnosc modules ................................................................................................21
4.5 Gocator sensor web interface ................................................................................. 26
5 Support and contact ........................................................................................................ 28
4 2.0
About this documentaon ibaPDA-Interface-LMI-Gocator
1 Aboutthisdocumentaon
This documentaon describes the funcon and applicaon of the soware interface
This documentaon is a supplement to the ibaPDA manual. Informaon about all the other
characteriscs and funcons of ibaPDA can be found in the ibaPDA manual or in the online help.
1.1 Target group and previous knowledge
This documentaon addresses qualied professionals, who are familiar with handling electrical
and electronic modules as well as communicaon and measurement technology. A person is
regarded as a professional if he/she is capable of assessing the work assigned to him/her and
recognizing possible risks on the basis of his/her specialist training, knowledge and experience
and knowledge of the standard regulaons.
For the handling of ibaPDA-Interface-LMI-Gocator the following basic knowledge is required
and/or useful:
■ Windows operang system
■ Basic knowledge of ibaPDA
■ Knowledge of conguraon and operaon of the relevant LMI-Gocator sensors
1.2 Notaons
In this manual, the following notaons are used:
Acon Notaon
Menu command Menu Logic diagram
Calling the menu command Step 1 – Step 2 – Step 3 – Step x
Select the menu Logic diagram – Add – New funcon
Keys <Key name>
Example: <Alt>; <F1>
Press the keys simultaneously <Key name> + <Key name>
Example: <Alt> + <Ctrl>
Buons <Key name>
Example: <OK>; <Cancel>
Filenames, paths Filename, Path
Example: Test.docx
2.0 5
ibaPDA-Interface-LMI-Gocator About this documentaon
1.3 Used symbols
If safety instrucons or other notes are used in this manual, they mean:
of death or severe injury:
■ Observe the specied measures.
death or severe injury!
■ Observe the specied measures.
injury or material damage!
■ Observe the specied measures
A note species special requirements or acons to be observed.
Tip or example as a helpful note or insider p to make the work a lile bit easier.
Reference to addional documentaon or further reading.
6 2.0
System requirements ibaPDA-Interface-LMI-Gocator
2 System requirements
The following system requirements are necessary for the use of the LMI-Gocator data interface:
■ ibaPDA v8.0.0 or more recent
■ License for ibaPDA-Interface-LMI-Gocator (supports up to 2 sensors, i.e. 2 connecons)
■ If you need more than 2 connecons, you will require addional one-step-up-Interface-LMI-
Gocator licenses for each addional 2 connecons. The total limit is 16 connecons.
Also Gocator sensors used in a buddy mode setup require a license.
A minimum rmware version "Gocator Release 4.6 SR1" (v4.6.7.17) is required. Sensors of older
series available only with rmware versions < v4.6 are not supported (e.g. Gocator 1100, 2000
For further requirements for the used computer hardware and the supported operang sys-
tems, please refer to the ibaPDA documentaon.
The 2D top view is parcularly suitable for displaying the measured values. This
display is possible with live data but only with the trend graph and HD trend
graph objects of the ibaQPanel soware. Therefore it is recommended to pur-
chase addional licenses for ibaQPanel and/or ibaHD server.
In the oine analysis with ibaAnalyzer, the 2D top view is included as standard.
Order no. Product name Descripon
31.001012 ibaPDA-Interface-LMI-Gocator ibaPDA data interface for connecng up
to 2 Gocator sensors
31.101012 one-step-up-Interface-
Extension license for 2 more Gocator
sensor connecons; a maximum of 7 per-
30.670040 ibaQPanel-Add-On Addional package for an ibaPDA client
to display process/quality data in an HMI
Table 1: Available LMI-Gocator interface licenses
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ibaPDA-Interface-LMI-Gocator LMI-Gocator interface
3 LMI-Gocator interface
3.1 Generalinformaon
The LMI-Gocator interface can be used to measure prole data from Gocator® sensors (LMI
Technologies Inc.). Data from several, adjacent sensors can be collected and merged into a sin-
gle prole.
3.2 System topologies
The connecons between the devices and ibaPDA can be established via the computer's stan-
dard Ethernet ports.
No further soware is necessary for operaon.
It is recommended carrying out the TCP/IP communicaon on a separate net-
work segment to exclude a mutual inuence by other network components.
3.3 ConguraonandengineeringibaPDA
The engineering for ibaPDA is described in the following. If all system requirements are fullled,
ibaPDA displays the LMI-Gocator interface in the interface tree of the I/O Manager.
3.3.1 Interfacesengs
The interface itself has the following funcons and conguraon opons:
If enabled, all measured values of the device are set to zero as soon as the connecon is lost. If
this opon is disabled, ibaPDA will keep the last valid measured data in memory at the me the
connecon was lost.
If this opon is enabled, the acquision will start even if the device is not accessible. In case of
an error, a warning is indicated in the validaon dialog. If the system has been started without a
connecon to the device, ibaPDA will periodically try to connect the device.
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LMI-Gocator interface ibaPDA-Interface-LMI-Gocator
The table shows the cycle mes and error counters for the individual connecons during data
measurement. Each table row corresponds to a congured Gocator module. To reset the calcu-
lated mes and error counters, simply click on the <Reset counters> buon. See ì Connecon
table, page 20
Messages related to the LMI-Gocator interface are wrien in a separate log le. To open the
current log le click <Open log le>.
Click this buon to reset the calculated mes and error counters in the table to 0.
3.3.2 Adding a module
1. Click on the blue command Click to add module… located under each data interface in the
Inputs or Outputs tab.
2. Select the desired module type in the dialog box and assign a name via the input eld if re-
3. Conrm the selecon with <OK>.
One Gocator module corresponds to a full prole, which is typically, but not necessarily, the
composion of the proles of several adjacent Gocator sensors.
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ibaPDA-Interface-LMI-Gocator LMI-Gocator interface
3.3.3 Generalmodulesengs
In the General tab the following module sengs can be congured:
Indicates the type of the current module.
You can lock a module to avoid unintenonal or unauthorized changing of the module sengs.
Enable the module to record signals.
You can enter a name for the module here.
Module No.
This internal reference number of the module determines the order of the modules in the signal
tree of ibaPDA client and ibaAnalyzer.
All signals of the module are sampled on this mebase.
This opon puts the module name in front of the signal names.
One Gocator module corresponds to a full prole which is typically (but not necessarily) the
composion of the proles of several, adjacent Gocator sensors. Apart from the standard op-
ons, the following specic sengs can be congured:
10 2.0
LMI-Gocator interface ibaPDA-Interface-LMI-Gocator
This determines how fast prole data is generated by the Gocator sensors. Although in theory, it
is possible to set the sample me as low as 1 ms, in pracce it might be limited by the sensors.
This determines the distance in microns between two neighbouring prole samples. Allowed
values are 100 µm, 200 µm, 250 µm, 500 µm and 1000 µm. When changing the resoluon,
ibaPDA will automacally adjust the number of analog signals.
Sensor width
The sensor width determines the width of the measured prole on the X-axis (as dened in the
Gocator documentaon) of one Gocator sensor. This implies that the prole width is the same
for all Gocator sensors in the module. When using Gocator sensors in buddy mode, the master
sensor acts as one relavely wide virtual sensor; the sensor width then corresponds to the total
prole width of all Gocator sensors combined.
Maximum allowed dierence (in ms) between the requested mestamp and the actual me-
stamp of the (reconstructed) prole.
Change this parameter only aer consulng the iba support.
The number of sample mes ibaPDA can wait without receiving a new (reconstructed) prole.
Change this parameter only aer consulng the iba support.
When enabled, ibaPDA will not change any sengs in the Gocator sensors. This must be en-
abled when using Gocator sensors in a buddy conguraon.
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ibaPDA-Interface-LMI-Gocator LMI-Gocator interface
3.3.4 Conguraonofsensors
In the Connecon tab you can congure the sensors associated with a module.
Sensors can be added and removed manually by using the buon and buon respecve-
ly. In addion the discovery funconality ( ) will list all available sensors in the network. Dis-
covered sensors which are not necessary for the conguraon can be removed from the table.
For sensors in a buddy mode group the master of the group is discovered and listed.
For each sensor, the following sengs can be congured:
This is an idener used internally in ibaPDA and is not related to any seng in the sensor. The
default value when discovering a new sensor is the serial number.
The IP address at which a sensor can be reached for communicaon. By using the buon,
the web interface of the sensor can be opened (standard web browser).
The oset of a sensor in mm along the axis of the sensor's laser line. The "X oset" value is
retrieved from and stored in the sensor (if the read-only module property is disabled). This pa-
rameter is required when construcng a prole based on the data of mulple sensors. It can be
measured manually or using ibaPDA when acquiring a test prole of all sensors (see below).
12 2.0
LMI-Gocator interface ibaPDA-Interface-LMI-Gocator
The "X oset" value must be a mulple of the Gocator module's resoluon. For
example, if the resoluon is set to 500 µm, a value of 10.486 mm will be auto-
macally set to 10.500 mm.
The oset of a sensor in the height direcon. This value is retrieved from and stored in the sen-
sor (if the read-only module property is disabled). Typically this parameter is obtained by using
the alignment funcon of the sensor (see below).
The angle between the object to be measured and the sensor plane. This value is retrieved from
and stored in the sensor (if the read-only module property is disabled). Typically this parameter
is obtained by using the alignment funcon of the sensor (see below).
This is the number of a bank, the sensor is assigned to. A bank is a subgroup of sensors that can
generate the laser line and measure the prole simultaneously without interfering with each
other. The following gure illustrates an array of 6 sensors measuring a slab:
In the ideal case when the sensors can be posioned precisely next to one another, there will be
no overlap of laser lines. However for high features in the slab, the projected width of the laser
line of the sensor is smaller than for low features. Thus if an enre slab with relavely high and
low features should be covered, the sensors must be posioned with some overlap between the
laser lines.
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ibaPDA-Interface-LMI-Gocator LMI-Gocator interface
In case all sensors would be generang the laser line and measuring the prole at the same
me, the laser line from sensor 1 would interfere with the one from sensor 0 and would aect
the measurement data. Note that sensor 1 would also interfere with sensor 2. To prevent this
unwanted behavior, it is possible to me mulplex the exposure.
Assuming you would like to obtain a full prole every millisecond (i.e. you can divide a conn-
uous measurement in me slots of 1 ms) and the exposure me (i.e. the me required to get
a good measurement of the prole) of one sensor is 400 µs. In each me slot, sensor 0 could
generate the laser line and measure the prole from 0 µs to 400 µs and sensor 1 could do so
from 400 µs to 800 µs, thus sll leaving a margin of 200 µs. There is no longer any interference,
since the sensors that normally overlap now generate their laser lines at dierent points in me.
Since sensor 1 and sensor 2 also overlap, they should also me mulplex the exposure. Howev-
er, since sensor 0 and sensor 2 do not overlap, they can generate the laser line simultaneously.
In the gure above this implies that sensor 0, 2 and 4 can generate the laser line at the same
me (e.g. in the subslot from 0 µs to 400 µs) and 1, 3 and 5 can generate the laser line at anoth-
er me (e.g. in the subslot from 400 µs to 800 µs). Sensors 0, 2 and 4 form the rst bank; sen-
sors 1, 3 and 5 constute the second bank.
Since the Gocator sensors operate independently and are unaware of each other, this seng is
not saved in the sensor.
The required me in microseconds to generate a valid prole for this sensor. This value is re-
trieved from and stored in the sensor (if the read-only module property is disabled). Typically it
is obtained by conguring the sensor in its web interface (by checking the live image).
A read-only eld that indicates whether the sensor has been successfully aligned. This eld is
updated when a sensor is automacally added using the discovery funcon or every me a con-
necon test is done.
To check whether a connecon to a sensor can be created or to obtain some basic diagnosc
informaon, select the sensor in queson and click the buon to test the connecon to the
sensor. You may click on the buon to test the connecon to all listed sensors.
Select the Status tab below the list. Tesng the connecon will display the current status, mod-
el, rmware version and serial number of the sensor and, if applicable, the status informaon of
its buddy sensors.
Before using the sensors in a measurement the "Z oset" and "Angle" need to be congured
properly. To do so, place a at surface below the sensors (i.e. where the measurement object
will eventually be placed) and click the buon to align the selected sensor or the buon
to align all sensors. The "Z oset" and "Angle" will be updated automacally.
14 2.0
LMI-Gocator interface ibaPDA-Interface-LMI-Gocator
Though the "X oset" will also be set by aligning the sensors, this will not be the correct value:
the "X oset" is the distance of one sensor to another reference sensor. Since sensors are un-
aware of each other, there is no way to determine this automacally. However the following
method can make it easier to get a relavely precise value for this "X oset": by clicking the
buon (for a single sensor or sensors in buddy mode ) or the buon (for all sensors), the
current prole is retrieved and displayed in the Alignment tab.
In the graph above, the prole for two aligned sensors is displayed; the "X oset" however is
not yet set correctly. Since the sensors overlap, part of their proles should match. In this ex-
ample, the red circled region should overlap with the blue circled region. Using markers in the
graph you can measure the distance between these two regions and use those value as the "X
oset" of one of the sensors. When you enter this value in the sensor table and acquire the pro-
les again, you get the following result:
Now the proles overlap as they should and apparently the correct value for the "X oset" has
been found.
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ibaPDA-Interface-LMI-Gocator LMI-Gocator interface
Markers can be made visible by exing the live mode. You have the following op-
ons to exit live mode:
1. Right click on the graph (context menu) - select Live mode or
2. Zoom into graphic or
3. Press <F6>
To return to live mode press <F6> again or use the context menu.
Once the "X oset" has been adjusted, the number of signals needs to be updated. This can be
done by clicking the buon. Based on the module's resoluon and "X oset" parameters of
all sensors, ibaPDA will generate the required number of signals with each signal corresponding
to a single data point of the enre prole.
3.3.5 "Analog" tab
In the Analog tab, no further changes need to be made (apart from changing the signal names
"Gain" and "Oset", if desired).
3.3.6 Vector signal
For each LMI-Gocator module ibaPDA generates automacally a vector signal with the mea-
sured line data. The vector signal can be found in the "Groups" secon of the I/O Manager.
The name consists of the module name, module number and the sux “prole”.
The vector signal can be used directly in the 2D color-coded display of the sur-
face prole in ibaQPanel and/or ibaAnalyzer.
16 2.0
LMI-Gocator interface ibaPDA-Interface-LMI-Gocator
3.3.7 Buddy mode
In case the rmware of the Gocator sensors allows for it, it is advised to congure mulple Go-
cator sensors in buddy mode and to set all relevant parameters using their web interface. In
ibaPDA it is then only required to congure the general module sengs (note that read-only
mode must be enabled) and adding one sensor (i.e. the main sensor of the buddy group) with
its IP address (other sengs like X and Z oset are not relevant). Only the main sensor is discov-
ered and accessible when using mulple Gocator sensors in buddy mode (see the gure below):
When doing a connecon test the status informaon of the main sensor will be displayed in the
Status tab along with some basic informaon concerning its congured buddies.
The total prole width (i.e. the prole width of all buddy sensors combined) is also displayed
and can be used to congure the Sensor width property in the General tab of the module.
In the Alignment tab you can see the measured values of all sensors belonging to the buddy
group and check their alignment.
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ibaPDA-Interface-LMI-Gocator LMI-Gocator interface
When read-only mode has not been enabled in the Gocator module and you try to acquire a
prole or align the sensors, an error will appear in ibaPDA indicang that buddy sensors can
only be used when read-only mode is enabled.
18 2.0
Diagnoscs ibaPDA-Interface-LMI-Gocator
4 Diagnoscs
4.1 License
If the interface is not displayed in the signal tree, you can either check in ibaPDA in the I/O Man-
ager under General – Sengs or in the ibaPDA service status applicaon whether your license
for this interface has been properly recognized. The number of licensed connecons is shown in
The gure below shows the license for the Codesys Xplorer interface as an example.
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ibaPDA-Interface-LMI-Gocator Diagnoscs
4.2 ConnecondiagnoscswithPING
PING is a system command with which you can check if a certain communicaon partner can be
reached in an IP network.
1. Open a Windows command prompt.
2. Enter the command "ping" followed by the IP address of the communicaon partner and
press <ENTER>.
With an exisng connecon you receive several replies.
With no exisng connecon you receive error messages.
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Diagnoscs ibaPDA-Interface-LMI-Gocator
4.3 Connecontable
The LMI-Gocator interface shows a table of the congured LMI-Gocator modules. Each line in
the table corresponds to a congured LMI-Gocator module and connecon respecvely.
The columns in the table and their meaning:
■ Name: Name of the module
■ Received Messages: Number of messages coming from congured/used sensors
■ Error Count: Number of communicaon errors that occurred
■ Unknown Sensor: Number of messages coming from sensors which are not congured or
used. This number should be "0" during normal operaon.
■ Update me Actual, Average, Min, Max: The update me indicates the me between 2 read
Addional informaon is provided by the background color of the table rows:
Color Meaning
Green The connecon is OK and the data is read.
Red The connecon has failed.
Grey No connecon congured.
Table 2: Meaning of background colors