2.0 13
ibaPDA-Interface-LMI-Gocator LMI-Gocator interface
In case all sensors would be generang the laser line and measuring the prole at the same
me, the laser line from sensor 1 would interfere with the one from sensor 0 and would aect
the measurement data. Note that sensor 1 would also interfere with sensor 2. To prevent this
unwanted behavior, it is possible to me mulplex the exposure.
Assuming you would like to obtain a full prole every millisecond (i.e. you can divide a conn-
uous measurement in me slots of 1 ms) and the exposure me (i.e. the me required to get
a good measurement of the prole) of one sensor is 400 µs. In each me slot, sensor 0 could
generate the laser line and measure the prole from 0 µs to 400 µs and sensor 1 could do so
from 400 µs to 800 µs, thus sll leaving a margin of 200 µs. There is no longer any interference,
since the sensors that normally overlap now generate their laser lines at dierent points in me.
Since sensor 1 and sensor 2 also overlap, they should also me mulplex the exposure. Howev-
er, since sensor 0 and sensor 2 do not overlap, they can generate the laser line simultaneously.
In the gure above this implies that sensor 0, 2 and 4 can generate the laser line at the same
me (e.g. in the subslot from 0 µs to 400 µs) and 1, 3 and 5 can generate the laser line at anoth-
er me (e.g. in the subslot from 400 µs to 800 µs). Sensors 0, 2 and 4 form the rst bank; sen-
sors 1, 3 and 5 constute the second bank.
Since the Gocator sensors operate independently and are unaware of each other, this seng is
not saved in the sensor.
The required me in microseconds to generate a valid prole for this sensor. This value is re-
trieved from and stored in the sensor (if the read-only module property is disabled). Typically it
is obtained by conguring the sensor in its web interface (by checking the live image).
A read-only eld that indicates whether the sensor has been successfully aligned. This eld is
updated when a sensor is automacally added using the discovery funcon or every me a con-
necon test is done.
To check whether a connecon to a sensor can be created or to obtain some basic diagnosc
informaon, select the sensor in queson and click the buon to test the connecon to the
sensor. You may click on the buon to test the connecon to all listed sensors.
Select the Status tab below the list. Tesng the connecon will display the current status, mod-
el, rmware version and serial number of the sensor and, if applicable, the status informaon of
its buddy sensors.
Before using the sensors in a measurement the "Z oset" and "Angle" need to be congured
properly. To do so, place a at surface below the sensors (i.e. where the measurement object
will eventually be placed) and click the buon to align the selected sensor or the buon
to align all sensors. The "Z oset" and "Angle" will be updated automacally.