- Official news and internet feeds.
- Best of community projects bringing you amazing online content and unique
- Enhance your movie experience with the community Jukebox.
- Access video streaming services via xVOD.
- A wide variety of internet feeds and channels on Xtreamer Live.
- HD quality Youtube access.
- IP TV, News, RSS based Games, Weather and much more.
- Online upgrade feature.
- Internet connection is required.
- Internal hard drive should be installed.
If no hard drive installed
You will be automatically navigated to XtreamerLive. Please note that some features may
not work.
When a hard drive installed
You will be navigated to the Xtreamering installation menu.
You can install and upgrade various Xtreamering features as you see fit.
Please note: some projects are still on the beta stage and will be updated.
Major Function