Xiaomi Philips EyeCare Smart Desk Lamp User manual

User manual

Xiaomi Philips EyeCare Smart Desk Lamp is an innovative lighting solution designed to meet the needs of modern users. Here is some essential information about its capabilities:

  • Brightness Modes: Choose from four brightness modes (child’s education, work, reading, computer use) to optimize illumination for any activity.

  • Smart Mode: Connect the lamp to other devices via the Mi Smart Home app for expanded functionality, such as setting timers, remote operation, and integrating with other smart home devices.

  • Eye Protection: The lamp incorporates a reminder feature that alerts you when it's time to take a break, helping to prevent eye fatigue and potential vision issues.

Xiaomi Philips EyeCare Smart Desk Lamp is an innovative lighting solution designed to meet the needs of modern users. Here is some essential information about its capabilities:

  • Brightness Modes: Choose from four brightness modes (child’s education, work, reading, computer use) to optimize illumination for any activity.

  • Smart Mode: Connect the lamp to other devices via the Mi Smart Home app for expanded functionality, such as setting timers, remote operation, and integrating with other smart home devices.

  • Eye Protection: The lamp incorporates a reminder feature that alerts you when it's time to take a break, helping to prevent eye fatigue and potential vision issues.

Install the app
In Mi Smart Store nd «Mi Smart Home» or scan the QR-
code, to start download.
This product is already in Mi Smart Home list of devices,
supports MIUI lock screen control system, compatible with
other devices Mi Smart Home.
To purchase Smart Devices register on mi.com site or
make a purchase using Mi Smart Home.
Pairing devices
First connect the lamp to power, at the same time connect
a smartphone to Wi-Fi.
Enter the client application and following the instructions,
select fast communication devices. Or by using the buttons
located on the right side, select Philips lamp in the list of
devices and add it.
Share the device
If multiple users want to connect to the lamp, there is no
need to re-connect devices. A user, whose smartphone
is connected to the lamp, can share the connection with
other family members.
On the right side of Philips lamps interface click on
«Share» and select the required account settings or family
member, with whom you want to share the connection to
the lamp.
Set a brightness
Depending on the situation and conditions in a room, it
is recommended to choose the appropriate brightness
among four available modes. Radius of light is 25cm. It is
recommended to adjust the lamp brightness after change
of lighting in a room.
Depending on the situation
and conditions in a room, it
is recommended to choose
the appropriate brightness
among four available modes.
Radius of light is 25cm. It is
recommended to adjust the
lamp brightness after change
of lighting in a room.
Philips lamp has 4 brightness
modes for specic situations: the child’s education, to
work, to read and to work on the computer.
Each mode changes brightness according to a situation,
providing optimum illumination for maximum comfort of
your eyes.
Reminder of break
Eye fatigue is one of main causes of myopia. When
the reminder of break feature after a certain period of
time the lamp will remind you of what you need to relax
a bit (ashing indicator or sending messages on the
Smart mode
With Smart mode user can connect other devices to the
lamp. For example: setting a timer, remote light operation
and lamp combination with other Mi Smart home devices.
Press and hold for about 5 seconds, the power, and
then three LED indicators lights, that would indicate a
successful reset (in case of re-connection or when the
main user, or are having problems with your product, use
the reset).
Note: in a problems of network connection or using the
application, please call the technical support.
Users manual
- For proper and safe installation of the device, its
use and operation, it is recommended to follow all
instructions and store instructions properly for further
- Before the installation, maintenance or repair is
strongly recommended to disconnect the device from
- Clean the appliance with a dry towel. Do not use
abrasives and solvents. Avoid getting moisture or liquids
of all electronic components.
- Keep the packaging unit o the reach of children.
- Utilization of the device. The device is designed with
high quality materials and components to be recycled. If
the device has a sticker with crossed out trash, it means
that the product complies with the European Directive
2012/19 / EC. Please check possibility of local recycling
of electronic devices, their classication and processing.
Follow local rules and do not dispose of your old
products with normal household waste. Disposal of such
devices prevents ill eects on the environment and human
01 - Use the product only indoor.
02 - Do not set the device in a
bathroom, particularly within the
specied range.
03 - Protection level II, device or
component is double insulated or
reinforced insulation.
04 - Y connection type: damage during
wire to replace it should contact the
manufacturer, distributor or technician
to avoid dangerous situations.
In case of a design or technical
standards, these components must
Users Manual
Users manual
Warranty and service
This product is well designed, home lighting device that is
created from high quality components. In normal operation
and proper maintenance of this unit it give superior
Within one year after the purchase, in case of occurrence
of industrial injuries and main components breakdowns,
Philips shop oers free maintenance warranty. Depending
on the situation, you can use replacement components or
the entire device (without the LED indicators).
If you want to consult or obtain information about the
local distributor, please contact the local representative
of Philips, can servыsnoho call center, or get online
Warranty terms:
• Within one year after purchase, maintenance worker
if the company conrms that in normal operation the
device really having production damage or main
component breakage, you can enjoy free warranty;
• Free warranty service does not include replacement
of wear parts and auxiliary equipment, transport costs
and maintenance of the service with the arrival home;
• During maintenance, warranty card and original invoice
and other documents are valid in their simultaneous
• If there are any corrections to the warranty card, it is
• Conditions that are not part of the warranty service:
1) damage that resulted from improper use of the device,
such as inadequate power supply, use of inappropriate
components, incorrect installation, operation of the device
is not in accordance with instructions or damage caused
by carelessness and neglect, etc. The damage that have
resulted from the transportation of goods. Damage caused
by unauthorized maintenance or refurbishment of the
device. Damage, resulting from force majeure (such as
natural disasters, improper electrical voltage, etc.);
2) Damage caused by not using the device as an ordinary
household lamps (eg, industrial, commercial use);
3) Wear and aging of the device as a result of prolonged
use, but the lamp continues to function normally;
Free warranty service is only for the duration of the
warranty card, without limitation legal rights of the
After-sales service of Philips LED lamp
After-sales service is carried out according to the law on
«The rights of consumers of China» and «Law on product
quality of China». In warranty service includes:
During the warranty period you have right to repair, modify
or return. For repair, replacement or return of goods, you
must have a warranty card.
1. In case of unjustied return the goods within 7 days of
purchase, the buyer assumes the costs of transportation;
2.In case of breakage of the «List of faults», and after
checking the cause of a problem, you can use the following
The presence of toxic and hazardous substances
Providing data according to SJ / T 11364
0: toxic and harmful substances in all components of the device contained in an amount
below the limit value according to GB / T26572 «requirements limit the presence of toxic and
hazardous substances in products.»
X: presence of toxic and hazardous substances at least one of the components in the device
in an amount that exceeds the threshold, according to GB / T26572 «requirements limit the
presence of toxic and hazardous substances in products.»
After-sales service of Philips LED lamp
List of faults
Terms of inability of warranty repair
- Repair device in unauthorized companies fall, neglect, abuse, water impact, accident,
improper use of components if broken or zamazaly label and marking device;
- Warranty period has expired;
- Damage arising under force majeure circumstances;
- Damage that do not meet the «List of faults»;
- Damage of converter and components, which arose due to the human factor and that
became the cause of a problem with «fault list».
Website for online consultation: www.lighting.philips.com.cn
OOO «Philips Investment (China)»
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Xiaomi Philips EyeCare Smart Desk Lamp User manual

User manual

Xiaomi Philips EyeCare Smart Desk Lamp is an innovative lighting solution designed to meet the needs of modern users. Here is some essential information about its capabilities:

  • Brightness Modes: Choose from four brightness modes (child’s education, work, reading, computer use) to optimize illumination for any activity.

  • Smart Mode: Connect the lamp to other devices via the Mi Smart Home app for expanded functionality, such as setting timers, remote operation, and integrating with other smart home devices.

  • Eye Protection: The lamp incorporates a reminder feature that alerts you when it's time to take a break, helping to prevent eye fatigue and potential vision issues.

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