Simplex SmarTerm 320 Installation & Operating Instructions Manual

Installation & Operating Instructions Manual
© 1993 Simplex Time Recorder Co. MUX2-21-013 (574-460)
All specifications and other information shown were current as of publication, and are subject to change without notice. Ed 10 93
INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................................................1
Supplied Documentation .....................................................................................................................................1
SmarTerm 320 INSTALLATION .................................................................................................................................1
Universal Transponder Setup ............................................................................................................................13
Universal Transponder Hardware Connection...................................................................................................22
2120 Terminal Mode Setup ...............................................................................................................................23
2120 Terminal Mode Hardware Connection ......................................................................................................31
SmarTerm 320 KEYBOARD MAPPING...................................................................................................................31
OPERATING THE SmarTerm 320 WITH A UNIVERSAL TRANSPONDER............................................................32
OPERATING THE SmarTerm 320 WITH A 2120.....................................................................................................35
This publication provides a comprehensive guide to SmarTerm 320 software installation on an IBM-compatible PC.
For more detailed installation instructions, refer to the SmarTerm 320 User Guide supplied with the software.
Note: The illustrations provided may differ from actual screen information. Change actual screen information to
match illustrations only where noted.
Supplied Documentation
SmarTerm 320 Installation Guide
SmarTerm 320 Technical Reference Guide
SmarTerm 320 User Guide
Registration Packet
Note: For these instructions consider Drive A as the floppy drive and Drive C as the hard drive.
1. Locate the software package containing the program diskettes.
2. Insert the diskette labeled SmarTerm 320 Installation & Program 1 into the floppy drive.
3. At the DOS prompt
C:\>, type a:install then press Enter.
Figure 1 appears.
Figure 1
SmarTerm 320 Installation Program
Version 2.0a
(c) Copyright 1990-92, Persoft, Inc.
This program installs SmarTerm 320 on your PC
automatically. You can quit running it at any time
by pressing Esc.
Press any key now to begin the program...
4. Press any key.
Figure 2 appears. The information displayed in Figure 2 is determined by SmarTerm.
Figure 2
5. Press any key.
Figure 3 appears.
Figure 3
The following list shows your system configuration. It’s just
for your information; you’ll get a chance to confirm items later.
DOS Version: 5.0
DOS RAM installed in bytes: 655360
EMS memory is not present
You are running on an 80286 CPU
Your video card is a Color card
Your monitor is a Color Display
Press any key to continue...
Full installation
Selective installation
Select the type of installation.
Choose “Full installation” the first time through.
Use “Selective installation” to make changes to
your system later.
Move the bar cursor to the item you want and press ENTER.
6. In Figure 3, select Full Installation and press Enter.
Figure 4 appears.
Figure 4
7. In Figure 4, choose
Drive C: as the location for SmarTerm to be installed; then press Enter.
Figure 5 appears.
Figure 5
Drive A:
On which disk drive do you want to install SmarTerm 320?
Drive B:
Drive C:
Drive D:
In which subdirectory do you want to install SmarTerm 320?
will create it for you.
Press ENTER to accept the subdirectory name in the box below.
OR, press ESC to erase the box, and type in a different name.
If the subdirectory doesnt already exist, the installation program
Which subdirectory?
8. In Figure 5, press Enter to select the subdirectory displayed. This directory is where you want SmarTerm
Figure 6 appears.
Figure 6
9. In Figure 6, select
Enhanced as the keyboard type and press Enter.
Figure 7 appears.
Figure 7
Please select your keyboard type.
numeric keypad AND also has keys labeled F11 and F12.
numeric keypad.
The enhanced keyboard has 4 keys in the top row of the
The IBM AT keyboard has 4 keys in the top row of the
logo on the underside of the keyboard.
The DEC LK250 is manufactured by Digital and has a Digital
The IBM PC/XT keyboard has 3 keys in the top row of
the numeric keypad.
Please select your graphic display driver.
Hercules Graphics Adapter
Enhanced Graphics Adapter
Video Graphics Array Adapter
Video Graphics Array Hi-Res Adapter
10. In Figure 7, select None as the graphic display driver and press Enter.
Figure 8 appears.
Figure 8
11. In Figure 8, select
No 132-column video card and press Enter.
Figure 9 appears.
Figure 9
No 132-column video card
Do you have a card that provides true 132-column displays?
Ahead EGA 2001
Ahead EGA 2001+
Ahead EGA Wizard Deluxe
If so, please select your 132-column hardware driver.
Use arrow keys, PgUp, PgDn for more choices.
AST Preview
ATI Graphics Solution
ATI EGA Wonder
ATI VGA Wonder
Compaq VGA
Everex Edge
Everex Micro Enhancer
Everex ViewPoint
Serial Communication Only
Please select the type(s) of communication.
Network Communication Only
Both Serial and Network Communication
If you choose both serial and network communication
SmarTerm 320 will use more memory.
12. In Figure 9, select Serial Communications Only as the type of communication and press Enter.
Figure 10 appears.
Figure 10
13. In Figure 10, select
512 bytes as the communications buffer and press Enter.
Figure 11 appears.
Figure 11
512 bytes
Please select the size of the communications buffer.
1024 bytes
2048 bytes
4096 bytes
SmarTerm uses this buffer to store data as it comes in over
8192 bytes
the communication line. A larger buffer yields faster file
transfers, but uses more memory. If you are interested in saving
memory, choose 512 bytes. This setting should be adequate for
most users. However, if you are more concerned about rapid file
transfers, choose one of the larger numbers.
No printer to be used
DEC LJ250/252 Companion Color Printer ( 90 DPI)
DEC LJ250/252 Companion Color Printer (180 DPI)
DEClaser 2000 Family of Printers (100 DPI)
DEClaser 2000 Family of Printers (300 DPI)
Epson FX Printer
Epson LQ Printer
IBM Color Graphics Printer
IBM Proprinter
IBM Proprinter 2390
HP LaserJet (100 dpi)
HP LaserJet (300 dpi)
HP LaserJet II (100 dpi)
Please select your first printer.
Use arrow keys, PgUp, PgDn for more choices.
14. In Figure 11, select No printer to be used and press Enter.
Figure 12 appears.
Figure 12
15. In Figure 12, select
No for the VAX option and press Enter.
Figure 13 appears.
Figure 13
Do you run the VAX version of WordPerfect, Lotus 1-2-3, or dBASE?
If so, you can select the special keyboard drivers that you need
for these applications.
24 lines of text
Please select the maximum number of lines of text.
36 lines of text
72 lines of text
144 lines of text
SmarTerm uses these lines to emulate the page memory
feature of the VT320 terminal, which provides backward scrolling.
The more lines you choose, the more memory SmarTerm needs. If
you are interested in saving memory, choose 24. If you arent
concerned about memory, choose one of the larger numbers.
16. In Figure 13, select 24 lines of text as the maximum number of lines of text and press Enter.
Figure 14 appears. This allows you to run SmarTerm in a multitasking environment.
Figure 14
17. In Figure 14, select
No and press Enter.
Figure 15 appears.
Figure 15
Do you want multitasking (also known as background
If you choose Yes SmarTerm needs more memory than it does
if you choose to run without multitasking.
Do you want SmarTerm to use EMS Memory?
If you choose Yes some SmarTerm features will run faster and
the program will use less DOS memory. You MUST have EMS memory
installed on your machine to use this feature.
A check of your hardware indicates that you do not have EMS
memory installed. You should select No for EMS memory usage.
18. In Figure 15, select No for the option of using EMS Memory and press Enter.
Figure 16 appears.
Figure 16
19. In Figure 16, select
No for the option of non-English language features and press Enter.
Figure 17 appears.
Figure 17
Do you need non-English language features?
General Utility Programs
PDIP File Transfer Host Programs (BASIC)
PDIP File Transfer Host Programs (C)
PDIP File Transfer Host Programs (FORTRAN)
Do you want to install any of SmarTerm 320s utility
or sample host programs? Press the SPACE BAR to change
NO to YES and vice versa.
20. Since no SmarTerm 320 Utility programs are needed for this installation, select No in Figure 17 for all listings
and press Enter.
Figure 18 appears.
Figure 18
21. In Figure 18, select the
No!-Leave it alone option and press Enter. Selecting this option will not allow
SmarTerm to update your
autoexec.bat file.
Figure 19 appears. It summarizes the choices made during the installation.
Figure 19
NO! Leave it alone
Do you want to update your AUTOEXEC.BAT file?
YES But create AUTOEXEC.BAK as backup
YES By placing proposed additions into AUTOEXEC.NEW
This installation program can automatically modify your
AUTOEXEC.BAT file so that you can run SmarTerm from any
subdirectory. These changes wont take effect until the
next time you boot your computer.
The following summarizes your selections. Please review the list carefully.
Press any key to continue...
You have selected to copy to C:\ST320
You are using an Enhanced keyboard
SmarTerm will use No Graphics Capability
132 Column Board Driver: NONE
Support for Serial Communications: YES
Network Driver: NONE
Printer 1 Support: NONE
Printer 2 Support: NONE
Memory for 24 lines will be allocated
Memory for Com Buffer Size of 512 bytes will be allocated
Multitasking: NO
EMS Memory Use: NO
22. Press any key to continue.
Figure 20 appears.
Figure 20
23. In Figure 20, select
Yes to allow SmarTerm to copy files to your hard disk and press Enter.
Figures 21 and 22 inform you that the files are being copied to your hard disk.
Figure 21
Is it okay to proceed with copying files?
If the previous list described what you wanted, choose
yes to copy the SmarTerm Files to your disk.
If the list was incorrect, choose no to cancel the
installation and start over again.
Installing Files Please Wait ...
Figure 22
24. Follow the prompts to insert the SmarTerm 320 Program 2 diskette and allow the files to be copied to your hard
disk. Because you did not choose to install any of SmarTerms utility programs, you will not use the SmarTerm
320 Program 3 & 4 diskettes for these instructions.
Figure 23 informs you that the file
\ST320\ST320.ENV will be created on Drive C.
Figure 23
25. Press any key to continue.
Installation is complete.
Installing Files Please Wait ...
Making: ST320
Please place the distribution disk labeled
Program 2 version: 2.0 in drive A:
Press any key to continue...
File \ST320\ST320.ENV will be created on drive C:
Universal Transponder Setup
The following steps will configure the SmarTerm 320 for use with the Universal Transponder
26. At the DOS prompt
C:\> type cd st320 and press Enter. At the DOS prompt C:\ST320> type
ST320 -c and press Enter.
Figure 24 appears.
Figure 24
27. In Figure 24, highlight or select
Net 1.
1 Net 1
2 Net 2
3 1200 Baud, 8/None
4 1200 Baud, 7/Even
5 2400 Baud, 8/None
6 2400 Baud, 7/Even
7 9600 Baud, 8/None
8 9600 Baud, 7/Even
indicates Speed Connect
SmarTerm 320
(c) Copyright
Persoft, Inc.
: Make a connection using highlighted configuration
Alt-S : Setup up or examine highlighted configuration
, , Home, End : Move bar cursor to highlight a configuration
Alt-X : Exit SmarTerm and return to DOS
Select a configuration
Keyboard Usage
28. Hold down the Alt key and press S to setup or examine the highlighted configuration.
Figure 25 appears with
My favorite parameters highlighted or selected.
Figure 25
29. In Figure 25, press Enter to set up parameters.
Figure 26 appears.
Figure 26
Keyboard Usage
My favorite parameters
Setup Mode
Configuration name
Primary phone number
Terminal mode
cOmmunications parameters
PC System customization
softkey Definitions
File transfer parameters
DEC terminal Emulation parameters
copy from Another configuration
Quit setup
eXit to DOS
Net 1
vT320 7 bits
User defined menu.
Selects option
exit Setup
, :
Home, End:
KP +:
Moves cursor up/down
Moves cursor, first/last option
Adds to My Favorite Parameters
(Highlighted letter also selects option)
Keyboard Usage
My favorite parameters
Setup Mode
Configuration name
Primary phone number
Terminal mode
cOmmunications parameters
PC System customization
softkey Definitions
File transfer parameters
DEC terminal Emulation parameters
copy from Another configuration
Quit setup
eXit to DOS
User defined menu.
Moves cursor
Insert toggle
Delete char
Delete to end
Net 1
vT320 7 bits
Configuration name
Primary phone number
Terminal mode
Defines current configuration name.
My favorite parameters
Delete all
Prev screen
exit Setup
exit SmarTerm
KP +: Add to My Fav param
30. In Figure 26, press C to select Configuration name.
Figure 27 appears.
Figure 27
31. In Figure 27, type
UNIVERSAL TRANSPONDER as the configuration name and press Enter.
Figure 28 appears. In Figure 28, Net 1 has been replaced with the words UNIVERSAL TRANSPONDER.
Figure 28
Keyboard Usage
Selects option
exit Setup
, :
Home, End:
KP :
Moves cursor up/down
Moves cursor, first/last option
Removes from My Favorite Params
My favorite parameters
Setup Mode
Configuration name
Primary phone number
Terminal mode
cOmmunications parameters
PC System customization
softkey Definitions
File transfer parameters
DEC terminal Emulation parameters
copy from Another configuration
Quit setup
eXit to DOS
User defined menu.
Net 1
vT320 7 bits
Configuration name
Primary phone number
Terminal mode
Configuration name
Up to 30 characters to define the
name of the current configuration.
KP +: Grab and reposition parameters
Keyboard Usage
My favorite parameters
Setup Mode
Configuration name
Primary phone number
Terminal mode
cOmmunications parameters
PC System customization
softkey Definitions
File transfer parameters
DEC terminal Emulation parameters
copy from Another configuration
Quit setup
eXit to DOS
User defined menu.
Moves cursor
Insert toggle
Delete char
Delete to end
vT320 7 bits
Configuration name
Primary phone number
Terminal mode
Selects the terminal your IBM PC will emulate.
My favorite parameters
Delete all
Prev screen
exit Setup
exit SmarTerm
KP +: Add to My Fav param
32. In Figure 28, press T to select Terminal mode.
Figure 29 appears.
Figure 29
33. In Figure 29, Select
vT320 7 bits and press Enter.
Figure 30 appears
Figure 30
Keyboard Usage
Selects option
exit Setup
, :
Home, End:
Moves cursor up/down
Moves cursor, first/last option
My favorite parameters
Setup Mode
Configuration name
Primary phone number
Terminal mode
cOmmunications parameters
PC System customization
softkey Definitions
File transfer parameters
DEC terminal Emulation parameters
copy from Another configuration
Quit setup
eXit to DOS
User defined menu.
vT320 7 bits
Configuration name
Primary phone number
Terminal mode
Selects the terminal your IBM PC will emulate.
Terminal mode
vt420 8 bits
DEC VT320 terminal with
7 bit control.
Vt420 7 bits
vt320 8 bits
vT320 7 bits
vt220 8 bits
vt220 7 bits
KP +: Adds to My Favorite Parameters
(Highlighted letter also selects option)
Keyboard Usage
My favorite parameters
Setup Mode
Configuration name
Primary phone number
Terminal mode
cOmmunications parameters
PC System customization
softkey Definitions
File transfer parameters
DEC terminal Emulation parameters
copy from Another configuration
Quit setup
eXit to DOS
User defined menu.
Moves cursor
Insert toggle
Delete char
Delete to end
vT320 7 bits
Configuration name
Primary phone number
Terminal mode
Selects the terminal your IBM PC will emulate.
My favorite parameters
Delete all
Prev screen
exit Setup
exit SmarTerm
KP +: Add to My Fav param
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Simplex SmarTerm 320 Installation & Operating Instructions Manual

Installation & Operating Instructions Manual

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