Control commands.
All commands are sent as common ASCII text:
Switch the output on: ”ON” The reply is ”OK”
Switch the output off: ”OFF” The reply is ”OK”
Ask state of output: ”??” The reply is ”ON” or ”OFF”
Ask current configuration: ”?S” The reply is a list of the settings.
Help with commands: ”?H” The reply is a list of the commands.
Configure baud rate: ”#config#baudX” The reply is ”OK”
Where X are:
”0” for 1200 baud
”1” for 9600 baud
”2” for 19200 baud
Configure box address: ”#config#adreY” The reply is ”OK”
Where Y is chosen address ”0”…”9”
Address 0 means no address needed.
Configure start position: ”#config#startZ” The reply is ”OK”
Where Z is:
”0” The output is off at power on.
”1” The output is on at power on.
”2” The output have same position as before.
Configure if “OK” reply ”#config#replyW” The reply is ”OK”
shall be sent on commands Where W is ”0” to not send reply and is
ON and OFF: ”1”to send reply.
To make the SwitchPlug232USB compatible with the old SwitchPlug232
send these commands:
Baurate to 1200 baud: ”#config#baud0”
Box address to 0: ”#config#adre0”
No ”OK” replies: ”#config#reply0”
Connection to RS232.
Connection is made with a 9-pole D-sub connector.
SwitchPlug232USB have sockets in the connector and the mating cable shall have pins.
Ground is on pin 5, signal in on pin 3 and signal out on pin2.
It uses 8 data bits, 1 stop bit and no parity.
Connection to USB.
Connection is made with a USB micro B connector.
Note, this connector must not be connected at the same time as the RS232
connector, if you try it will break!