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Content Introduction and Index
一、 Live Mode
Watch live streaming videos on the NVR during Live Mode
1. Quick Setup
A short & easy way to set up your NVR main settings.
2. Main Menu
Setting up primary NVR operations in Network, Camera, Audio, Schedule, Event, E-Map, Log,
Display, System, User Account, Time and Date, HDD, Joystick, Backup, and Album of snapshots.
3. Live Video
Live control, recording, user login, and power switch
4. Screen Mode Display
Operation of a single channel screen
5. Side Menu
Display controller, Camera List, PTZ Controller, System information, Storage Information, Log,
E-Map, Digital Output and P2P function Easy Link.
二、 Playback Mode
Watch recorded videos on the NVR during Playback Mode.
1. Timeline Menu
Recorded video data management, Video Playback control, Playback Search (IVS), and
2. HDD Playback
including time search, event search, backup, system log.
三、 Remote Control Mode
Watch both live streaming and recorded videos on a PC platform during Remote Control Mode.
1. PC Site Setup
IP address setup, internet browser setup, login
2. Remote Control
Operations carried out from PC remote site.
四、 Appendix
1. Product Specifications
Product features and specifications
2. Hardware Overview
Connectors, HDD installation, Network configuration
3. Package Contents
4. HDD Compatibility Table