At the time of commissioning, please ensure all relevant sections of the Benchmark Checklist, (Pages 26 and 27) of this
document are completed.
• Checkexpansionvesselpre-chargepressure.Thevesselissuppliedprechargedto3.5bartomatchthecontrolpressure
of the pressure reducing valve. The precharge pressure is checked using a car tyre gauge by unscrewing the plastic cap
opposite the water connection.
• Checkallconnectionsfortightnessincludingtheimmersionheater(s).Animmersionheaterkeyspannerissuppliedfor
this purpose.
• EnsurethedraincockisCLOSED.
• OpenahottapfurthestfromthePremierPlusSystemtcylinder.
• OpenthePremierPlusSystemtstopcocktolltheunit.Whenwaterowsfromthetap,allowtorunforafewminutes
to thoroughly ush through any residue, dirt or swarf, then close the tap.
• Opensuccessivehottapstopurgethesystemofair.
• Checkallwaterconnectionsforleaksandrectifyasnecessary.
• TurnoffPremierPlusSystemtwatersupply.
• Removethepressurereducingvalveheadworktoaccessthestrainermesh,cleanandre-t.
• Manuallyopen,forafewseconds,eachreliefvalveinturn,checkingthatwaterisdischargedandrunsfreelythrough
the tundish and out at the discharge point.
• Ensurethatthevalve(s)reseatsatisfactorily.
Fill the indirect (primary) circuit following the boiler manufacturer’s commissioning instructions. To ensure the primary
heating system is correctly lled the 2-port motorised valves should be manually opened by moving the lever on the motor
housings to the MANUAL OPEN setting. When the primary circuit is full return the levers to the AUTO position. Vent any
trapped air. Check the primary system for leaks and rectify as necessary. Flush the primary system in accordance with the
boiler manufacturers instructions and add a suitable inhibitor when re-lling.
Switch on the electrical supply to the PremierPlus SystemFit indirect controls and the boiler. Programme the PremierPlus
Systemt controller as detailed in the tting and user instruction leaet supplied with the controller. Set the controller for
Check that the heating 2-port motorised valve is closed and that the hot water 2-port motorised valve opens. The pump
should run and the boiler re (tap symbol appears in controller display). The primary ow to the PremierPlus Systemt
should become hot, if it does not, check for a wiring or piping error.
Allow the PremierPlus Systemt unit to heat up and check that the hot water thermostat and 2-port motorised valve operate
the temperature can be adjusted by inserting a at bladed screwdriver in the adjustment knob and rotating. The minimum
Select the heating only function on the controller. NOTE: The room temperature is set at the controller, no adjustment is
possible at the room sensor unit. Check that the heating 2-port motorised valve opens and that the hot water 2-port motorised
valve is closed. The pump should run and the boiler re (a ame symbol appears in the controller display). The primary ow
to the PremierPlus SystemFit and the radiator circuit should become hot, if it does not check for a wiring or piping error.
If a second CH zone is tted, adjust the programmable room thermostat so that it is calling for heat. Check that the second
CH zone valve opens. The pump should run and the boiler re. The primary ow to the second CH zone should become
hot, if it does not check for a wiring or piping error.
Select the heating and hot water control function on the controller. Check that the heating 2-port motorised valve and the
hot water 2-port motorised valve open.