Tortuga Audio LDR1 Operating instructions

Operating instructions
LDR1 & LDR6 Operating Manual Rev 1
Tortuga Audio
Operating Manual
LDR1 & LDR6 Passive Preamplifier
January 2013
LDR1 & LDR6 Operating Manual Rev 1
Tortuga Audio
Terminology .................................................................................................................................................. 1
LDRx: When features and operation are common to both the LDR1 and LDR6 reference will be made
to the LDRx. ............................................................................................................................................... 1
Overview ....................................................................................................................................................... 1
Passive Preamp ......................................................................................................................................... 1
Audio Taper: .............................................................................................................................................. 1
Light Dependent Resistors (“LDR’s”):........................................................................................................ 2
Power Supply: ........................................................................................................................................... 2
Inputs: ....................................................................................................................................................... 2
Outputs: .................................................................................................................................................... 3
Encoder & Remote: ................................................................................................................................... 3
Front Panel: ................................................................................................................................................... 3
Rear Panel: .................................................................................................................................................... 3
Status LED: .................................................................................................................................................... 4
Off: ............................................................................................................................................................ 4
On: ............................................................................................................................................................. 4
On-Blinking-Slowly: ................................................................................................................................... 4
On-Blinking-Rapidly:.................................................................................................................................. 4
Flashing Briefly: ......................................................................................................................................... 4
Remote Functions: ........................................................................................................................................ 4
Power: ....................................................................................................................................................... 4
Raise: ......................................................................................................................................................... 4
Lower: ....................................................................................................................................................... 4
Mute: ......................................................................................................................................................... 4
LDR6 Only - Input Select Keys: .................................................................................................................. 5
Balance: ..................................................................................................................................................... 5
Reset: ........................................................................................................................................................ 5
Infrared Protocol and Codes ..................................................................................................................... 5
Encoder Switch: ............................................................................................................................................ 6
Power On: ................................................................................................................................................. 6
Power Off: ................................................................................................................................................. 6
LDR1 & LDR6 Operating Manual Rev 1
Tortuga Audio
Mute: ......................................................................................................................................................... 6
Un-Mute: ................................................................................................................................................... 6
LDR6 Only - Input Select: .......................................................................................................................... 6
Balance Adjust: ......................................................................................................................................... 6
Balance Reset: ........................................................................................................................................... 6
Encoder: ........................................................................................................................................................ 6
Volume: ..................................................................................................................................................... 6
Un-Mute: ................................................................................................................................................... 6
Input Select: .............................................................................................................................................. 7
Balance Adjust: ......................................................................................................................................... 7
Plugging It In ................................................................................................................................................. 7
LDR1 & LDR6 Operating Manual Rev 1
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LDRx: When features and operation are common to both the LDR1 and LDR6
reference will be made to the LDRx.
Passive Preamp: The LDRx Passive Preamplifier is a unity gain (i.e. passive no
amplification) attenuator.
The LDR6 has 6 selectable unbalanced RCA stereo line stage inputs and a single
unbalanced RCA stereo output.
The LDR1 has a single unbalanced RCA stereo line stage input and dual unbalanced
RCA stereo outputs.
The LDRx can be operated via the rotary encoder/pushbutton switch on the front
panel and via an infrared remote.
Unless explicitly noted, either control has
identical functionality.
Why call it a “preamplifier” if it doesn’t amplify? It’s a matter of convention as much
as anything. Historically, a “preamp” is the device upstream of the amplifier which
allows for selecting the input source (CD, DAC, Phono etc.), adjusting volume, and in
some cases adjusting channel balance and tone control. Most preamplifiers also
provides some degree of active amplification or buffering between the source
device and the amplifier. A truly passive preamplifier neither amplifies nor buffers.
The LDRx Passive Preamplifier is passive in the truest sense. Perfectly manifested,
the perfect preamplifier does nothing to the audio signal other than to attenuate its
strength (i.e. control volume). No coloration. No added anything. And ideally,
nothing removed either. Getting out of the way to let the music through the way it
was recorded - the perfect preamp.
Audio Taper: The LDRx is a stepped attenuator with 70 discrete steps between 0 db
and -60db where step 0 triggers full muting of the incoming signal. The LDRx
emulates a ~100k potentiometer using the conventional L-Pad configuration. The
audio taper of the LDRx is logarithmic as shown in the graphic below.
Note that approximately the last 10 dB of attenuation leading up to full volume
follow a more granular increments than the previous 50 dB. This feature smooths
out the incremental volume increases as you approach max volume where even a 1
dB steps can
result in very noticeable increases in sound pressure levels.
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Digital Control Unit: The LDRx is an analog
device that’s controlled by a
microprocessor based digital control unit (“DCU”). The DCU and related control
circuitry are optically and electrically isolated from the audio signal. The DCU uses
proprietary techniques to ensure that the LDR6 delivers matched and balanced
stereo output. The secondary function of the DCU is to mange communications with
the Encoder on the front panel and the infrared Remote.
Light Dependent Resistors (“LDR’s”): Unlike most preamplifiers, the LDRx does not
use a conventional analog potentiometer (or stepped attenuator with discrete
) for volume control. Volume is controlled via four (4) analog light
dependent resistors (2 per channel) whose light intensities (and thus resistance
level) are controlled by the DCU.
Power Supply: The power supply is a high quality, high reliability, high efficiency 90-
264 volt AC input, 12 volt DC (1 Amp) output, regulated switching power unit. It has
built-in overload, short circuit and thermal protection and a built-in EMI filter. It’s
Energy Star and CeC compliant with a level V efficiency rating. As “wallwarts” go,
it’s a decent power supply.
The audio signal is both optically and electrically isolated from the power supply.
The power supply powers the DCU, the infrared remote receiver and also provides a
switched 12 volt trigger output for external components.
Inputs: The LDR6 can accommodate up to six (6) different selectable stereo line
stage inputs via single ended (unbalanced) RCA connectors on the rear panel. The
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LDR1 accommodate a single unbalanced RCA input. All inputs share a common
audio ground. The audio ground is electrically isolated from the power supply
Outputs: The LDR6 has a single unbalanced RCA output. The LDR1 has dual
unbalanced RCA outputs.
Encoder & Remote: The LDRx is fully controllable via the black knurled rotary
encoder/pushbutton knob located on the right hand side of the front panel. The
same control functions are also available via the Remote.
Unless explicitly stated, the Encoder and Remote have the same functionality. The
Remote is clearly labeled and is far more intuitive to use than the Encoder.
However, for normal volume control, the Encoder operates just like any other
volume control knob (turning it clockwise increases v
olume, counter clockwise
decreases volume).
The LDR1 uses the same remote as the LDR6 even though some of its buttons are
irrelevant to the LDR1 such as the Input select buttons.
Front Panel: LDRx: The LDRx Front Panel has a single multi-function black/knurled Encoder Knob
on the right hand side and a circular Infrared Lens cover on the left hand side.
There is also a blue Status LED (light) to the immediate left of the Encoder Knob.
See Encoder Switch, Encoder and Status LED below for operational details.
LDR6 Only: The LDR6 has 6 additional blue Input LEDs (lights) located between the
Status LED and the Infrared Lens. The Input LEDs are labeled and indicate which
Input is currently selected.
Rear Panel:
LDRx: The LDRx rear panel has a 12 VDC power supply input jack, and a 12 VDC
Trigger Output jack.
LDR6 Only: The LDR6 rear panel has 7 pairs of single ended line stage RCA jacks.
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Going from left to right, the first pair are the outputs and remaining 6 pair are
inputs labeled Aux, DVD, TV, Phono, DAC and CD. Please note that the Phono input
is a line stage level input only and is not equipped to handle low level signals
directly from a turntable.
LDR1 Only: The LDR1 rear panel has 3 pairs of single ended line stage RCA jacks.
Going from left to right there are 2 pairs of outputs and a single pair of inputs.
Status LED: The LDRx Status LED is the right-most LED on the Front Panel located immediately
to the left the Encoder Knob. The Status LED conveys the following information:
Off: The LDRx unit is off.
On: The LDRx unit is on, Un-Muted and in Volume Adjust Mode (default)
On-Blinking-Slowly: The LDRx unit is on and is either Muted or at maximum
On-Blinking-Rapidly: The LDRx unit is on and is in Balance Adjust Mode (see
Adjusting The Balance).
Flashing Briefly: Indicates acceptance of new Input or new Balance Adjustment.
The LDRx Remote is a 15 key infrared remote transmitter with the following actions:
Power: Turns the power on/off
Raise: Raises the volume. When the Volume is at maximum the Status LED will blink
Lower: Lowers the volume. When the Volume is at zero, the unit will Mute and the
Status LED will blink slowly.
Mute: Mutes and Un-Mutes the unit. When the unit is Muted the Status LED will
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blink slowly. While Muting and Un-Muting the Volume will
ramp down and ramp up respectively.
LDR6 Only - Input Select Keys: Press CD, DAC, Phono, TV,
DVD or Aux to select the desired Input. Doing so will
immediately Mute the unit and the Status LED will blink
slowly. Once the desired Input has been selected, pressing
the Enter key will lock in the selection, the Status LED will
flash briefly and the unit will Un-Mute and ramp up to the
same Volume setting as before but will now be connected
to the newly selected Input.
Balance: Press the Balance key to put the unit into Balance
Adjust Mode. The Status LED will blink rapidly indicated the
unit is in Balance Adjust Mode.
Left/Right (Balance Adjust Mode): When in Balance
Adjust Mode, pressing the Left key will incrementally shift
the Balance towards the left channel while pressing the
Right key will shift the Balance towards the Right channel.
The Status LED will continue to blink rapidly. Once the
desired Balance has been achieved, pressing the Enter key
will lock in the Balance adjustment and the Status LED will
flash briefly indicating the unit is now back in normal
Volume Adjust Mode. Note that the Raise/Lower Volume
keys remain operational during Balance Adjust Mode.
Reset: Press the Reset key to return the Balance to zero. The Status LED will flash
Infrared Protocol and Codes: The Remote uses the NEC infrared protocol. The
Remote codes can be easily programmed into most programmable remotes using
the following system address and command codes.
System Code [110] [6E]
Key Command Code
Power 3 02h
Raise 8 07h
Enter 11 0Ah
Lower 14 0Dh
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TV 19 12h
Aux 21 14h
Encoder Switch: The Encode Knob has a pushbutton switch function that is activated by gently
pushing the Encoder Knob inwards towards the panel.
Power On: When off, a momentary push/release will turn the unit on.
Power Off: A push/hold for between 2-5 seconds followed by release will shut the
unit off.
Mute: When Un-Muted a momentary push/release will Mute the unit.
Un-Mute: When Muted, a momentary push/release will Un-Mute the unit.
LDR6 Only - Input Select: A push/hold while also turning (left or right) will put the
unit in Input Select Mode and allow selection of the desired input by turning the
encoder. The selected input (the selected LED will be lit) will take effect upon
release as indicated by a brief flashing of the Status LED.
Balance Adjust: A push/hold of between 5-10 seconds followed by release will
place the unit into Balance Adjust Mode and allow adjusting the left-right channel
balance by rotating the encoder in the desired direction. Once youve adjusted the
balance, a brief push/release will lock in the new balance setting and return the unit
to normal Volume Control Mode.
Balance Reset: A push/hold for greater than 10 seconds followed by release will
reset the Balance to zero upon release.
The Encoder Knob is a rotary switch. Unlike a conventional potentiometer, the
encoder has no hard stops (rotational limits). It will turn an infinite number of times
in either direction. The encoder sends switch pulses to the DCU. Going from zero to
full volume will take [approximately 2 full rotations of the Encoder Knob. It’s
possible to spin the Encoder Knob faster than the DCU is capable of detecting.
Continuing to turn the encoder in the same direction once the LDR6 has reached
minimum or maximum volume serves no useful purpose.
The Encoder’s rotary functions are only active when the unit is turned on.
Volume: In Volume Control Mode (the default mode), turning the encoder
clockwise will raise the volume, turning the encoder counter-clockwise will lower
the volume.
Un-Mute: When the unit is Muted (Status LED blinking slowly), turning the Encoder
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will Un-Mute the unit.
Input Select: In Input Select Mode, turning the encoder will select the next
adjacent input corresponding to the direction of the turn.
Balance Adjust: In Balance Adjust Mode, turning the Encoder clockwise will shift the
balance weighting towards the right channel while turning it counter-clockwise will
bias the balance towards the left channel.
Plugging It In The power supply has a 5 foot cord that terminates at a 2.5 mm female barrel plug.
Plug the “wallwart” head into any nominal AC outlet and insert the barrel plug into
the “12 VDC” jack in the rear panel of the LDR6.
Each time the AC power supply unit is plugged in or energized while plugged into
the LRDx, the LED’s on the front panel of the LDRx will flash briefly and then go dark
indicating the unit has power and is ready to be used (although the unit will remain
turned off until turned on).
There is no power supply on/off switch on the LDRx. The LDRx is continuously
powered. When the LDRx unit is turned off, the power draw is de diminimis and the
DCU reverts to a low power standby mode.
Turning The Unit
Encoder Knob: When the unit is off (panel LEDs are all off) the unit can be turned
on by momentarily pressing in and releasing the front panel Encoder Knob. Upon
powering up all the LEDs will briefly flash leaving the Status LEDs lit at all times. On
the LDR6 the LED corresponding to the currently selected input will also bit lit.
Remote: The unit can also be turned on via the remote by momentarily pressing the
red Power button on the remote.
Turning The Unit
Encoder Knob: When the unit is on, the unit can be turned off by pressing and
holding in the Encoder Knob for more than 2 seconds but less than 5 seconds before
releasing. All the LEDs on the front panel will briefly flash and then go dark
indicating the unit is now off.
Remote: The unit can also be turned off via the remote by momentarily pressing the
red Power button on the remote. As with the Encoder Knob, all the LEDs on the
front panel will briefly flash and then go dark indicating the unit is now off.
Volume is ad
justed via the Encoder Knob or via the Raise/Lower buttons on the
When volume is adjusted down to minimum level (step 0) the unit is fully Muted
(the input signal is effectively disconnected) and the Status LED blinks slowly.
Similarly, the Status LED will also blink slowly when the volume is at 100% (step 70).
There is no external counter or display indicating which step you are at between
minimum (step 0) and maximum (step 70).
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When the unit if turned on, the volume level will ramp up to the same level it was at
when it was last turned off but in no event will it automatically return to a level
greater than step 30 or less than step 10.
Muting the
Encoder Knob: The unit can be muted at any time by momentarily
pressing/releasing the Encoder Knob. The volume will ramp down to zero, enter
Mute mode and the Status LED will blink slowly. Once muted, the unit can be un-
muted by either again momentarily pressing/releasing the Encoder Knob or by
slightly rotating the Encoder Knob in either direction. Upon un-muting, the volume
will ramp up to the same volume setting prior to being muted, however, in the case
where the Encoder Knob was turned to un-mute the unit, the volume setting will
have adjusted accordingly at the end of the ramp up.
Remote: The unit can also be muted by pressing the Mute key on the Remote. Once
muted, the unit can be un-muted by pressing the Mute key again or by pressing
either the Raise or Lower keys.
Selecting the
LDR6 Only - Encoder Knob: The desired input channel can be selected by
simultaneously pressing in and turning the Encoder Knob. Doing so will Mute the
current input and the Status LED will blink slowly. Turning the Encoder Knob while
it’s pressed in will switch the inputs as evidenced by which input channel LED on the
front panel is currently lit. Once the desired input has been selected, releasing the
Encoder Switch will lock in the input selection, un-Mute the unit and the volume will
ramp back up to the same level prior to being Muted.
LDR6 Only - Remote: The desired input can also be selected via the Remote by
pressing any one of the six input select buttons CD, DAC, Phono, TV, DVD or Aux.
Selecting a new input will immediately Mute the unit. Once you’ve selected your
desired input, pressing the Enter button will lock in your selection and un-Mute the
Adjusting the
Encoder Knob: The left-right stereo balance can be adjusted by pressing in the
Encoder Knob for at least 5 seconds but no more than 10 seconds. Upon releasing
the Encoder Knob, the unit will enter into Balance Adjust Mode as evidenced by the
rapidly flashing Status LED. You can now adjust the balance by rotating the Encoder
Knob to achieve the desired left-right channel balance. Once the desired balance
has been achieved, momentarily pressing/releasing the Encoder Knob will lock in
the current balance as evidenced by the Status LED briefly pulsing and then
remaining lit.
The current Balance setting can be automatically reset (no left or right bias) by
holding in the Encoder Knob for at least 10 seconds. Upon releasing the Encoder
Knob the Balance will return to zero as evidenced by the Status LED briefly pulsing
and then remaining lit.
Remote: The balance can also be adjusted by pressing the Balance key on the
Remote. Doing so will cause the unit to enter into Balance Adjust Mode as
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evidenced by the rapidly flashing Status LED. The Balance can then be adjusted via
the Left and Right keys on the Remote. Once you’ve set the desired Balance,
pressing the Enter key will lock in the new Balance settings. Note that with the
Remote you can still raise and lower the Volume while the unit is in Balance Adjust
The current Balance setting can be automatically reset (no left or right bias) by
pressing the Reset key on the Remote. Doing so will return the Balance settings to
zero as evidenced by the Status LED briefly pulsing and then remaining lit.
12 Volt Trigger
When the unit is turned on, 12 volts DC will be present on the Trigger Output jack
on the lower right of the Rear Panel. This trigger signal can be used to turn on other
components equipped with 12 VDC trigger inputs; amplifiers being the most
common component. The Trigger Output will revert to 0 volts when the unit is
turned off.
The Trigger Output requires the use of a conventional 1/8th inch (3.5mm) mono
phone plug.
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Tortuga Audio LDR1 Operating instructions

Operating instructions

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