Macro Key Manager is a kind of special tablet applicationspecial tablet application tablet application
software. Through Macro Key Manager, you can set up the
keyboard events (Copy= “Ctrl+C�) or hyperlinks whichevents (Copy= “Ctrl+C�) or hyperlinks whichs (Copy= “Ctrl+C�) or hyperlinks which (Copy= “Ctrl+C�) or hyperlinks which) or hyperlinks which
you use mostly. And then, save it as your favorite macrothen, save it as your favorite macro it as your favorite macro
key prole.
We have several default proles. Part of macro keys are
default macro keys which the settings are xed already and
can not be modied. Other macro keys are
Non-default macro keys and the setting of which can be
dened and modied. However, if these default proles
can not meet your requirements, you can create new
proles by yourself.
Due to the keyboard events are not unied in different
software, we provide the function of “open.exe� to enable“open.exe� to enableopen.exe� to enable� to enable to enable
the macro key manager prole according to the right
software. If you do not set the “open.exe�, the macro key“open.exe�, the macro keyopen.exe�, the macro key�, the macro key, the macro key
manager may work unexpectedly in different software.