S1400A Page 2-2 Section 2 - Protection
2.2.1 Considerations For The Protection of Personnel
Always evaluate the site environment as if your life depended on it. Make sure that you
understand the physical nature of the location where you will be working. Table 2-1
provides a general guideline for evaluating an installation site.
Table 2-1 - Installation Site Safety Evaluation Guide
# Guide
1 Indoor or outdoor – Dress Appropriately
2 If outdoor, what kind of environment, terrain, etc. Watch out for local varmint (bees,
spiders, snakes, etc.)
3 If indoor or outdoor – determine if there are any pieces of dangerous equipment or any
processes which might be a risk to your safety
4 If in a tunnel, bunker, etc. watch out for a build up of toxic or flammable gases. Make
sure the air is good. Watch out for local varmint (bees, spiders, snakes, etc.)
5 Hazardous or Non-Hazardous Environment – Wear appropriate safety equipment and
perform all necessary safety measures.
6 Before installing any equipment or power or ground wiring, make sure that there are no
lethal (life threatening) voltages between the site where the instrument will be installed
and other equipment, pipes, cabinets, etc. or to earth itself.
7 Never assume that adjacent or peripheral equipment has been properly installed and
grounded. Determine if this equipment and a TeleFlow can be touched simultaneously
without hazard to personnel and/or equipment?
8 Before embarking to remote locations where there are few or no human inhabitants ask a
few simple questions like, should I bring water, food, hygienic materials, first aid kit, etc?
Be Prepared!
9 Observe the work habits of those around you – for your own safety!
Some of the items that a service person should consider before ever going on site can be
ascertained by simply asking questions of the appropriate individual. Obviously other
safety considerations can only be established at the installation site.
2.2.2 Considerations For The Protection of Equipment
Always evaluate the site installation/service environment and equipment. Understand the
various physical interfaces you will be dealing with such as TeleFlow mounting and
supporting, transducer mechanical and electrical connections, TeleFlow analog and digital
circuits, power circuits, communication circuits and various electrical grounds. Table 2-2
provides a general guideline for evaluating the equipment protection requirements of an
installation site.
Table 2-2 – Equipment Protection Site Safety Evaluation Guide
# Guide Reference Section
1 Environment - Class I, Division 2 - Nonincendive
Environment - Class I, Division 1 - Intrinsically Safe
Other – Safe or unrated area
See Appendix A of CI-3530-XX-X
See Appendix B of CI-3530-XX-X
2 Earth Ground - Established by mechanical/electrical or
(both) or not at all.
See Section 3
3 Is the area prone to lightning strikes? See Section 4
4 Are there surge suppressors installed or to be installed? See Section 4
5 Are there overhead or underground power or com-
munication cables in the immediate area?
See Section 2.3