In tro duc ti on ........................1
From Point-of-Sale to Point-of-Ser vi ce ..................1
Ad van ta ges at a Glan ce ........................1
About this Ma nu al.............................2
The Flat Pa nel Dis play BA72A-2 .............3
Ge ne ral ..................................3
Bright ness and Loud ness .......................4
LED ..................................4
Ca pa ci ti ve Touch Screen (Op ti on) ....................5
Ge ne ral ................................5
How to Ope ra te ............................5
Clea ning In struc tions..........................6
Re sis ti ve Touch Screen (Op ti on) .....................7
Ge ne ral ................................7
How to Ope ra te ............................7
Clea ning In struc tions..........................8
In fra red Touch Screen (Op ti on) ......................9
Ge ne ral ................................9
How to ope ra te.............................9
Clea ning In struc tions .........................10
In stal ling and Se cu ring .................11
Un pa cking and che cking the De li very Unit................11
In stal ling into Foo ted Stand .......................11
Se cu ring the screen into Tube Ver si on .................12
Ad jus tab le Screen An gle.........................13
Er go no mic Ter mi nal Work pla ce .....................14
In stal ling an Adap ter or a Con trol ler ..........15
LCD-Adap ter...............................15
In stal ling a LCD-Adap ter.........................16
In ser ting the Ca ble............................17
Re lea sing the Ca ble Con nec ti on.....................18
Tech ni cal Data ......................20
BA72A-2 .................................20
BA72A-2 w/o Touch/ ca pa ci ti ve Touch .................20