Conventions Used in This Manual
Safety Precautions
The Role of This Manual
Chapter 1. INTRODUCTION 1-1
1 - 1 Overview 1-1
Features of the loader 1-1
Applicable versions 1-1
1 - 2 System Requirements 1-2
System Environment 1-2
Hardware Configuration 1-3
1 - 3 Installation 1-5
Installing the Loader 1-5
Installing the USB Loader Cable Device Driver 1-8
Installing the device driver 1-8
If the USB loader cable device driver cannot be installed 1-12
Checking and Installing Microsoft .NET Framework 1-14
1 - 4 Uninstallation 1-15
Uninstalling the Loader 1-15
Uninstalling the device driver 1-15
Starting the loader 2-1
Exiting the loader 2-2
Checking the communication port number 2-2
Chapter 3. HOW TO USE THE LOADER 3-1
3 - 1 Overview 3-1
Overview of functions 3-1
Components of the screen 3-1
Loader functions 3-2
3 - 2 Connecting the Loader to the Device 3-3
Procedures for device connection 3-3
3 - 3 Checking and Changing Parameters 3-6
Creating a parameter file without connecting the loader to the device 3-6
Checking parameters of the connected device 3-8
Writing parameters to the device 3-10
Saving parameters to a file 3-11
Checking saved parameters 3-11
3 - 4 List of Parameters 3-13
[Device info.] tab 3-13
[Parameters] tab 3-14
3 - 5 Checking Measured Values and Status 3-15
Displaying measured values and status of the device 3-15
3 - 6 Immediate Writing of Parameters 3-16
How to write monitoring parameters to the device immediately 3-16