
1. The d esign of th is prod uct con tains special hard wa re, ma ny
circuit s and components specially for safety purposes. For
con tinu ed prot ection , n o chan g es sh ou ld b e ma de to the o rig inal
d esign unless a uth or ized in writin g by th e manu fact urer .
Replacemen t p ar ts must b e ident ic al to thos e u sed in th e or igin al
circu it s. S ervice sho uld b e p erformed by qualif ied p ers on nel
on ly.
2. Alte ration s of t he desig n or cir cuitry of t he prod ucts sh ould not be
made. Any design alterations or additions will void the
manu fact urer's warra nt y and will f urther r elieve t he ma nu factu rer
of r esp onsibility for per sona l injury or p r op erty d amag e result in g
th er efrom.
3. Man y electrical an d mech anica l p arts in th e prod ucts ha ve
special safety-related characteristics. T hese characteristics are
oft en no t e viden t f rom visua l insp ection n or ca n t he pro tect ion
aff orde d by th em nece ssarily b e ob tain ed b y u sing rep lacemen t
compo ne nts ra ted f or hig he r voltag e, watt ag e, etc. Rep lacemen t
p arts wh ic h ha ve th ese sp ecial s afet y char act erist ics are
identified in the parts list of Servic e manual. El ec tric al
components having su ch features are identified by shading
on the sche matics and by (!
! ) on the parts list in Service
manual. The us e of a sub stitu te rep la cemen t which do es n ot
h ave th e same saf ety ch ar act er ist ics as t he r ecommen de d
replac ement part shown in the p arts list of S ervice man ual may
cause shock, fire, or other hazards .
4. Do n't shor t between the LIVE side ground and ISOLATED
(NEUTRAL) side ground or EARTH side ground when
Some model's power circuit is partly different in the GND. The
diff erenc e of the G ND is sho wn b y th e LIV E : (") side GND, the
ISO LATE D(NEUTRAL) : (#) side G ND and EARTH : ($) side
GND. Do n't shor t b et ween th e LIV E sid e GND an d
n ever mea sure wit h a m ea sur ing a ppa ratus (oscillo scop e etc.)
th e LI VE sid e GND an d IS OLA TED(NE UTRAL) side G ND or
EARTH sid e GND at the s ame time.
If above note will not be kept, a fuse or any parts will be broken.
5. If any repair has been made to the chassis, it is recommended
th at t he B1 set ting shou ld b e ch ecke d or adju ste d (Se e
6. The high volta ge app lie d t o th e pictu re tu be must con for m wit h
th at sp ecified in S ervice man ual. E xcessive h igh volt ag e ca n
cau se an incre ase in X- Ray emission, arcing an d possib le
component damage, therefore operation under excessive high
voltage conditions should be kept to a minimum, or should be
preve nt ed. If s ever e arc in g occurs, rem ove t he AC power
immed iately and de termine th e ca use b y visua l insp ect ion
(in corr ect installat ion, cr acke d or m elte d high vo lt age harn ess,
p oor so ld ering, et c.). To m aint ain the p rope r min im u m le vel of
sof t X-Ray em ission, c omp on en ts in th e high voltag e circuitry
includ ing t he pict ure tu be must b e t he e xact rep laceme nts or
alte rnat ives ap prove d b y th e manuf act ur er of th e c omplet e
prod uct.
7. Do n ot c hec k high volt ag e b y dr awing an arc. Use a high volt ag e
meter or a hig h v oltag e prob e wit h a V TVM. Discha rg e th e
picture tube before attempting meter connection, by connecting
a clip lead to th e grou nd f rame a nd c onn ectin g the oth er end of
the lead through a 10kΩ 2W resistor to the an od e b utt on .
8. W hen se rvice is requ ire d, obser ve th e origina l lea d dress. E xtra
prec aut ion sh ou ld b e g ive n t o assure correct lea d dr ess in th e
high voltag e cir cuit a rea. W here a s hor t cir cuit h as occu rre d,
th ose comp on ent s that indica te evidence of ove rhea ting sho uld
b e re place d. A lways u se th e ma nuf act urer's rep lacemen t
9. Isolation Check
(Safety for Electrical Shock Hazard)
Af ter re-ass emblin g th e p rodu ct, always perf orm an isolat ion
ch eck on the expo sed metal p ar ts of t he cabin et (a ntenn a
ter minals, video /au dio input and ou tpu t t er min als, Control kn obs,
metal cabin et, scr ewhe ad s, ear ph one jack, con trol shaf ts, etc.)
to be su re th e p rodu ct is s af e t o o pe rate withou t dan ger of
elect rical shoc k.
(1) Dielectric Strength Test
The iso lation be tween the A C prima ry circu it and all metal p arts
exp ose d t o th e us er, particularly any e xp os ed met al p art h aving a
return p ath to t he chass is should withs tan d a volt age of 3 000 V
AC (r.m.s.) for a period of one second.
(. . . . W it hstand a vo lt ag e of 1 10 0V A C ( r .m. s.) t o an ap plianc e
rated up to 12 0V , an d 3 00 0V AC (r .m. s.) to an ap plian ce rat ed
200V or more, for a period of one second.)
This method of test requires a t est equipment not generally found
in t he servic e trad e.
(2) Leakage Current Check
Plug th e A C lin e c ord d irect ly into th e A C ou tlet (d o n ot use a lin e
isolatio n tr ansf ormer du rin g this check.). Usin g a " Lea kag e
Current Tester", me asure th e leakag e cu rre nt f rom each exp osed
metal p art of the ca bine t, p art icu larly any e xpos ed me tal p ar t
h aving a re tur n pa th to t he ch assis , t o a kn own go od ea rt h
grou nd (water pip e, e tc.) . An y leaka ge curren t must n ot e xceed
0.5mA AC (r.m.s.).
Howeve r, in tropic al ar ea , th is must no t exce ed 0.2 mA AC
" Alte rnate Che ck Method
Plug th e A C lin e c ord d irect ly into th e A C ou tlet (d o n ot use a lin e
isolatio n tr an sformer during t his che ck.). Use an AC vo lt meter
h aving 100 0 oh ms per volt or more sens it ivity in th e fo llowing
mann er. Con nec t a 1 50 0Ω 10W res ist or para lle le d b y a 0 .1 5µF
AC-type c apa cit or bet ween an expo sed met al pa rt a nd a kno wn
g ood ear th gro un d (wa ter pipe , etc.) . Meas ur e th e A C vo lt ag e
across th e res ist or with the AC vo ltmeter. Move th e r esistor
con nec tion to e ach exp ose d metal part, p art icularly a ny exp osed
metal p art having a r etu rn pat h to t he ch assis, and m easur e th e
AC voltag e ac ross the res ist or. No w, reverse th e plu g in the AC
ou tlet and re pe at eac h mea suremen t. Any volt ag e measu re d
must not exc eed 0.7 5V AC (r.m. s.). This c orresponds to 0 .5mA
AC (r.m.s.).
However, in tropica l are a, this must not exceed 0.3V AC ( r.m.s.).
This corresponds to 0.2mA AC (r.m.s.).
0.15μF AC-T YPE
1500 Ω 10W
(HAVING 1000 Ω/V,