Revision history:Pub.No.MAN0017960
Revision Date Description
H.0 8 September 2023
•Matrices were added for infant formula with and without probiotics, infant cereals with and without
probiotics, and related ingredients.
•Matrices were added for environmental samples in Oxoid™ Buered Peptone Water (ISO) not
supplemented with vancomycin solution.
G.0 12 July 2023
•A note was added for instrument dye calibration.
•The RapidFinder™ Analysis Software version was updated.
•The RapidFinder™ Analysis Software and RapidFinder™ Express Software assay file names were
F.0 8 December 2022
•New SKU was created for the kit.
•Kit contents were modified—the blue dye moved from the Lysis Reagent 1 to Proteinase K.
•Pierceable lysis seals were added to kit contents.
•New handling tools—cutting tool, capping tool, and uncapping tool—were added to Lysis Materials.
•Improved plate/tube products were added to the PCR Materials table.
•A new chapter was added, Confirm presumptive colonies using the PCR assay.
•The RapidFinder™ Analysis Software version was updated.
E.0 17 February 2022 A correction was made to the PCR materials: AB0771W replaced AB1800.
D.0 16 November 2021
•Infant formula matrices were updated.
•Instructions for eliminating cross-contamination were added to Test control organisms.
•Spinning guidelines were added to the Procedural guidelines.
•Product SKU links were updated throughout.
•The RapidFinder™ Analysis Software version was updated to v.1.2.
C.0 13 July 2020
•The software versions for RapidFinder™ Express Software and RapidFinder™ Analysis Software
were updated.
•The characteristics of QuantStudio™ 5 Real‑Time PCR Instrument and 7500 Fast Real‑Time PCR
Instrument were added.
B.0 6 August 2019
•The legal statement was moved from the front cover to page2.
•Milk powders were removed from the validation statement.
A.0 19 December 2019
New document for the SureTect™ Cronobacter species PCR Assay with new publication number.
Supersedes Pub. No. D14244 Version 2. Additional changes:
• The complete NF VALIDATION™ by AFNOR Certification workflow was added that covers
enrichment, DNA isolation, and real-time PCR detection.
•Windows™ 10 software support was added.
•Assay kit file references were corrected.
•A mixing step was added to ensure pellet is re-hydrated, in "Set up the PCR reactions."
•Instructions were added for PCR on the QuantStudio™ 5 Real‑Time PCR System.
•PikoReal™ Real-Time PCR System was removed following equivalence studies approved by
AFNOR Certification and AOAC INTERNATIONAL with the 7500 Fast Real-Time PCR System and
QuantStudio™ 5 Real‑Time PCR System.
•The current document template was updated with associated changes in document organization,
licensing, trademarks, and logos.
The information in this guide is subject to change without notice.