Thermo Fisher Scientific SureTect Escherichia coli O157:H7 and STEC Screening PCR Assay and SureTect Escherichia coli STEC Identification PCR Assay User guide

  • Hello! I've reviewed the user guide for the SureTect Escherichia coli O157:H7 and STEC Screening PCR Assay and the SureTect Escherichia coli STEC Identification PCR Assay, which are designed for detecting E. coli STEC serotypes in food samples. This document outlines the procedures for sample preparation, lysis, PCR, and data analysis using the Applied Biosystems QuantStudio 5 instrument. I'm ready to answer any questions you have about the process or the instruments described in the document.
  • What is the principle of the test?
    What are the limitations of this test?
    Which instrument is compatible with the assay?
UNI 03/13 - 10/20
For testing of Food and Environmental samples only.
SureTect Escherichia coli O157:H7 and
STEC Screening PCR Assay and SureTect
Escherichia coli STEC Identification PCR
Lysis and real-time PCR detection of Escherichia coli STEC
serotypes in food samples
for use with:
Applied Biosystems QuantStudio 5 Food Safety Real-Time PCR Instrument
with Thermo Scientific RapidFinder Analysis Software v3.0 or later
Catalog NumbersA56838, A56840
Publication NumberMAN0026647
Revision C.0
Revision history:Pub.No.MAN0026647
Revision Date Description
C.0 12 July 2023
A note was added for instrument dye calibration.
The RapidFinder Analysis Software version was updated.
B.0 21 April 2023
The RapidFinder Analysis Software assay file names were updated.
A lysis step for dairy was added.
A.0 8 December 2022
New document for the combined SureTect Escherichia coli O157:H7 and STEC Screening PCR Assay
and SureTect Escherichia coli STEC Identification PCR Assay User Guide for AOAC and AFNOR. It
supersedes Pub. Nos. MAN0018690 (AOAC) and MAN0018689 (AFNOR).
The changes since the last revisions are as follows:
New SKUs were created for the kits.
Kit contents were modified—the blue dye moved from the Lysis Reagent 1 (LR1) to Proteinase K
Pierceable lysis seals were added to kit contents.
New handling tools—cutting tool, capping tool, and uncapping tool—were added to the Lysis
Materials table.
Improved plate/tube products were added to the PCR Materials table.
PikoReal Real-Time PCR System was removed following equivalence studies approved by
AFNOR Certification and AOAC INTERNATIONAL with the 7500 Fast Real-Time PCR System and
QuantStudio 5 RealTime PCR System.
The RapidFinder Analysis Software version was updated.
The customer is responsible for validation of assays and compliance with regulatory requirements that pertain to their procedures and
uses of the instrument.
The information in this guide is subject to change without notice.
Trademarks: All trademarks are the property of Thermo Fisher Scientific and its subsidiaries unless otherwise specified. AOAC is a
trademark and Performance Tested Methods is a service mark of AOAC INTERNATIONAL. AFNOR and NF VALIDATION are trademarks
of Association Française de Normalisation (AFNOR). TaqMan is a trademark of Roche Molecular Systems, Inc., used under permission
and license. CHROMagar is a trademark of Balel S.A. Cy is a registered trademark of GE Healthcare UK Limited.
©2023 Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. All rights reserved.
For testing of Food and Environmental samples only.
CHAPTER1Productinformation .................................................. 6
Productdescription ............................................................. 6
Name and intendeduse ..................................................... 6
Principle of the test ......................................................... 6
Procedure overview ......................................................... 7
Limitations ................................................................. 7
Contents and storage ............................................................ 8
Required materials .............................................................. 9
Materials forenrichment ..................................................... 9
Materials forlysis .......................................................... 10
Materials forPCR .......................................................... 11
Materials for confirmation testing ............................................ 12
AOAC Performance Tested MethodsSM validatedworkflow ........................... 13
ISO 16140-2:2016 validatedworkflow ............................................ 13
CHAPTER2Before youbegin .................................................... 14
Proceduralguidelines ........................................................... 14
Guidelines for sampleenrichment ............................................ 14
Guidelines for samplelysis .................................................. 14
Guidelines forPCR ........................................................ 15
Guidelines for spinning of PCRtubes ......................................... 15
CHAPTER3Enrich food or environmental samples – AOAC
Performance Tested MethodsSM .................................................. 16
Enrich foodsamples ............................................................ 16
Enrich production environmentsamples .......................................... 17
CHAPTER4Enrich food samples - EN ISO16140-2:2016 .................... 18
Enrich foodsamples ............................................................ 18
SureTect Escherichia coli O157:H7 and STEC Screening PCR Assay and SureTect Escherichia coli STEC Identification
PCR Assay User Guide
CHAPTER5Prepare the lysate using the thermal cyclermethod ............. 20
CHAPTER6Perform PCR with the ScreeningAssay .......................... 22
PCR with the QuantStudio 5 Food Safety Real-Time PCR Instrument and
RapidFinder Analysis Software v3.0 or later .................................... 22
Set up the plate layout in RapidFinder Analysis Software ...................... 22
Set up the PCR reactions ................................................... 22
Load and run the reactions .................................................. 23
View results and dataanalysis ............................................... 24
CHAPTER7Perform PCR with the IdentificationAssay ....................... 25
PCR with the QuantStudio 5 Food Safety Real-Time PCR Instrument and
RapidFinder Analysis Software v3.0 or later .................................... 25
Set up the plate layout in RapidFinder Analysis Software ...................... 25
Set up the PCR reactions ................................................... 25
Load and run the reactions .................................................. 26
View results and dataanalysis ............................................... 27
CHAPTER8Confirm positive results - AOAC Performance Tested
MethodsSM and EN ISO 16140-2:2016 .......................................... 28
Recommended confirmation methods ........................................... 28
Isolate presumptivepositives .................................................... 28
Confirm presumptive positives - AOAC Performance Tested MethodsSM and
NF VALIDATION............................................................ 30
APPENDIXATroubleshooting .................................................... 31
Test control organisms .......................................................... 33
APPENDIXBCalibrate the Cy® 5.5 dye for SureTect assayworkflows ..... 34
Perform a background calibration ................................................ 34
Thaw, vortex, and centrifuge the calibration plate .................................. 34
Add the dye to the software ..................................................... 35
Perform the dye calibration ...................................................... 35
View calibration results ......................................................... 36
APPENDIXCSupplementalinformation ........................................ 37
AOAC Performance Tested MethodsSMCertification ................................. 37
ISO 16140-2:2016 according to NF VALIDATION by AFNORCertification ............ 38
Good laboratory practices forPCR ............................................... 40
4SureTect Escherichia coli O157:H7 and STEC Screening PCR Assay and SureTect Escherichia coli STEC Identification
PCR Assay User Guide
Description of materials for lysis andPCR ......................................... 40
Symboldefinitions ............................................................. 44
APPENDIXDSafety ............................................................... 45
Chemicalsafety ................................................................ 46
Biological hazardsafety ......................................................... 47
APPENDIXEDocumentation and support ...................................... 48
Food safety support ............................................................ 48
Customer and technical support ................................................. 48
Relateddocumentation ......................................................... 49
References ................................................................................ 50
SureTect Escherichia coli O157:H7 and STEC Screening PCR Assay and SureTect Escherichia coli STEC Identification
PCR Assay User Guide
Product information
IMPORTANT! Before using this product, read and understand the information in the “Safety” appendix
in this document.
Product description
Name and intended use
The Thermo Scientific SureTect Escherichia coli O157:H7 and STEC Screening PCR Assay and
SureTect Escherichia coli STEC Identification PCR Assay are part of a complete workflow for the rapid
presence/absence detection of Escherichia coli O157:H7 and the Escherichia coli STEC serogroups
(O26, O45, O103, O111, O121, and O145) from food samples. These assays are for use in laboratories
undertaking microbiological analysis. See Table1 for compatible instruments and software.
Note: The qPCR instrument must be calibrated with the following dyes before use: FAM, VIC, ABY,
JUN, Cy5, and Cy5.5.
Table1Instruments and software
PCR Instrument Software Assay type Pathogen Assay File[1]
Applied Biosystems
QuantStudio 5 Food
Safety Real-Time PCR
Thermo Scientific
RapidFinder Analysis
Software v3.0 or later
Screening E.coli-STEC-Screen-ST-A56838-
QS5-1.2 or later
Identification E.coli-STEC-ID-ST-A56840-QS5-1.2
or later
[1] Assay files and instructions are available at
Principle of the test
This assay is based on TaqMan PCR technology. Dye-labeled probes target unique DNA sequences
specific to Escherichia coli STEC serotypes, and an internal positive control (IPC). Target DNA, if
present, is detected by real-time PCR. Analysis software provides interpretation of results. For more
information about real-time PCR, go to
The IPC template, primers, and probe provide an internal control with each reaction to show that the
PCR process has occurred. It is unnecessary to incorporate positive control organisms with routine
testing of samples.
6SureTect Escherichia coli O157:H7 and STEC Screening PCR Assay and SureTect Escherichia coli STEC Identification
PCR Assay User Guide
Procedure overview
Enriched food samples are combined directly with ready-to-use Lysis Reagent 1 and Proteinase K, to
lyse bacterial cells present in the sample and release their DNA into solution.
Lysates are transferred to the Escherichia coli O157:H7 and STEC Screening PCR Tubes or the
Escherichia coli STEC Identification PCR Tubes to rehydrate the lyophilized PCR pellets. The pellets
contain lyophilized target-specific primers, dye-labelled probes, and PCR master mix components. The
PCR tubes are sealed, loaded into the real-time PCR instrument, then the run is started using the
RapidFinder Analysis Software. After the run is complete, the software displays the interpreted results
as simple positive or negative symbols. The results can be reported, stored, printed, and downloaded
as required.
Results are achieved approximately 80 minutes after loading the prepared sample into the instrument.
See Figure1 for the manual workflow.
Figure1Manual workflow
The test is designed to detect DNA from target organisms that have been present at a minimum
level of 1 CFU/sample, and have grown to detectable levels during the enrichment.
The customer is responsible for validation of sample matrices or culture media not described in this
When testing a sample type or culture medium that has not been validated, we recommend testing
a selection of known negative and positive samples, to ensure that expected results are achieved.
See “Test control organisms” on page33 and ENISO22174:2005.
See Appendix A, “Troubleshooting” for additional information.
Chapter1Product information
Product description 1
SureTect Escherichia coli O157:H7 and STEC Screening PCR Assay and SureTect Escherichia coli STEC Identification
PCR Assay User Guide
Contents and storage
Store the kits protected from light, at 2–8°C. Bring to room temperature (23±5°C) before opening.
Table2SureTect Escherichia coli O157:H7 and STEC Screening PCR Assay, 96 tests (Cat.
Contents Amount Storage[1,2]
Lysis Reagent 1 Tubes (clear liquid containing fine
white particles) 12strips of 8 tubes
Thermo Scientific 96-Well Pierceable Seals 2 sheets
Proteinase K (blue liquid) 1tube
Escherichia coli O157:H7 and STEC Screening PCR
12 strips of 8 tubes
1 pellet each
PCR Caps 12 strips of 8 caps
[1] Store the kit protected from light.
[2] Opening the kit does not affect shelf life.
Table3SureTect Escherichia coli STEC Identification PCR Assay, 96 tests (Cat. No. A56840)
Contents Amount Storage[1,2]
Escherichia coli STEC Identification PCR Tubes 12 strips of 8 tubes
1 pellet each 2–8°C
PCR Caps 12 strips of 8 caps
[1] Store the kit protected from light.
[2] Opening the kit does not affect shelf life.
Chapter1Product information
Contents and storage
8SureTect Escherichia coli O157:H7 and STEC Screening PCR Assay and SureTect Escherichia coli STEC Identification
PCR Assay User Guide
Required materials
Unless otherwise indicated, all materials are available through the Thermo Fisher Microbiology ordering
process or MLS: Fisher Scientific ( or other major laboratory
Catalog numbers that appear as links open the web pages for those products.
Note: Parts may ship separately depending on configuration and storage conditions.
Materials for enrichment
Table4Equipment, accessories, and consumables
Item Source
Homogenizer laboratory blender or diluter, one of the following or equivalent:
Homogenizer Laboratory Blender
Diluflux Pro Automated Gravimetric Dilutor with
simple (non-robotic) dispensing arm
Diluflux Pro Automated Gravimetric Dilutor with
robotic dispensing arm
Sample enrichment bags, one of the following or equivalent:
BagFilter 400 (400 mL)
BagPage 400 (400 mL)
BagLight 400 (400 mL)
RollBag 1300 (1300 mL)
Incubator fitted with racks for homogenizer bags
Disposable gloves MLS
Variable volume single-channel pipette, 1 to 10mL
Available through the Thermo Fisher Microbiology
ordering process.
96-well rack
Filtered pipette tips, 1 to 10mL
Sample tubes, 1.5mL
Item Source
Oxoid Buered Peptone Water (ISO) CM1049B or equivalent
Oxoid Modified Tryptone Soya Broth CM0989B or equivalent
Acriflavine MLS
Chapter1Product information
Required materials 1
SureTect Escherichia coli O157:H7 and STEC Screening PCR Assay and SureTect Escherichia coli STEC Identification
PCR Assay User Guide
Materials for lysis
For description of materials, see page40.
Table6Materials for lysis of enriched cultures
Item Source
Plastics, consumables, and reagents
Single-channel pipette, 10 to 100µL
Electronic adjustable spacing, multichannel pipette,
10 to 100µL
Available through the Thermo Fisher Microbiology
ordering process.
Single-channel stepper pipette, 10 to 100µL
Filtered pipette tips, 10 to 100µL
Domed Lysis Tube Caps A56895
Thermo Scientific 96-Well Pierceable Seals A55331
MicroAmp Adhesive Film Applicator
(for pierceable seals) 4333183
Thermo Scientific PCR Strip Cutting Tool A55329
Thermo Scientific PCR Capping Tool A55327
Thermo Scientific PCR Uncapping Tool A55328
Additional materials for the thermal cycler method
Applied Biosystems SimpliAmp Thermal Cycler A24811
SimpliAmp Strip Plate Tray A55333
Thermo Scientific 96-Well PCR Base A55330
Chapter1Product information
Required materials
10 SureTect Escherichia coli O157:H7 and STEC Screening PCR Assay and SureTect Escherichia coli STEC Identification
PCR Assay User Guide
Materials for PCR
For description of materials, see page40.
Table7Materials for PCR
Item Source
QuantStudio 5 Food Safety Real-Time PCR
Instrument, 0.1-mL block, with RapidFinder
Analysis Software v3.0 or later
SureTect Escherichia coli O157:H7 and STEC
Screening PCR Assay and Pathogen Assay
File: E.coli-STEC-Screen-ST-A56838-QS5-1.2
or later
SureTect Escherichia coli STEC Identification
PCR Assay and Pathogen Assay File: E.coli-
STEC-ID-ST-A56840-QS5-1.2 or later
A36320 (desktop)
A36328 (laptop)
Contact your local microbiology sales representative
Additional materials for PCR
Vortex mixer
Available through the Thermo Fisher Microbiology
ordering process. See
for more information.
Plate centrifuge
8-channel pipette, 10 to 100µL
Filtered pipette tips, 10 to 100µL
For the QuantStudio 5 Food Safety Real-Time PCR Instrument
Applied Biosystems QuantStudio 5 Spectral
Calibration Plate (Cy® 5.5 dye), 96well, 0.1mL A45218
SimpliAmp Strip Plate Tray Cover (optional) A55971
QuantStudio 5 Strip Plate Tray A55332
Thermo Scientific 96-Well PCR Base A55330
Thermo Scientific PCR Strip Cutting Tool A55329
Thermo Scientific PCR Capping Tool A55327
Thermo Scientific PCR Uncapping Tool A55328
Chapter1Product information
Required materials 1
SureTect Escherichia coli O157:H7 and STEC Screening PCR Assay and SureTect Escherichia coli STEC Identification
PCR Assay User Guide
Materials for confirmation testing
Table8Materials for confirmation of positive results
Item Source
Oxoid Sorbitol MacConkey Agar CM0813B or equivalent
Oxoid C-T Supplement SR0172E or equivalent
Escherichia coli O157 Latex Test DR0620M
Remel RIM E. coli O157:H7 Latex Test R24250
Chromogenic Coliform Agar (Dehydrated) CM1205B
Dynabeads anti-E. coli O157, 1mL 71003
Dynabeads EPEC/VTECO145, 2mL 71007
Dynabeads MAX EPEC/VTECO45Kit, 100 reactions A14631
Dynabeads MAX EPEC/VTECO121Kit, 100 reactions A14632
Dynabeads EPEC/VTECO111, 2mL 71009
Dynabeads EPEC/VTECO26, 2mL 71013
Dynabeads EPEC/VTECO103, 2mL 71011
Commercially available latex agglutination kits for serogroups O26,
O103, O111, O145 MLS
Chapter1Product information
Required materials
12 SureTect Escherichia coli O157:H7 and STEC Screening PCR Assay and SureTect Escherichia coli STEC Identification
PCR Assay User Guide
AOAC Performance Tested MethodsSM validated workflow
Enrich food samples (page16)
Prepare the lysate using the thermal cycler method (page20)
Perform PCR with the Screening Assay
Perform PCR with the Identification Assay
Confirm positive results - AOAC Performance Tested MethodsSM and EN ISO 16140-2:2016
ISO 16140-2:2016 validated workflow
Enrich food samples (page18)
Prepare the lysate using the thermal cycler method (page20)
Perform PCR with the Screening Assay
Perform PCR with the Identification Assay
Confirm positive results - AOAC Performance Tested MethodsSM and EN ISO 16140-2:2016
Chapter1Product information
AOAC Performance Tested MethodsSM validated workflow 1
SureTect Escherichia coli O157:H7 and STEC Screening PCR Assay and SureTect Escherichia coli STEC Identification
PCR Assay User Guide
Before you begin
Procedural guidelines
Guidelines for sample enrichment
For preparation of initial suspensions, follow the instructions of EN ISO6887 and EN ISO16654
standards. Comply with Good Laboratory Practices (refer to EN ISO 7218:2007 standard).
Follow the manufacturer's instructions for preparation of culture media.
When following the short enrichment protocol, if pre-warming is applicable, ensure that the
enrichment broth is pre-warmed for 18–24 hours before adding to the sample.
Use filtered homogenizer bags to help with fat and particle separation.
For consistent PCR results, use a ventilated incubator.
Follow the specified temperature allowances.
Dispose of all inoculated culture media as hazardous microbiological waste, even if shown to be
negative for the target organism, according to local guidelines.
Guidelines for sample lysis
Ensure that you use the recommended materials (see “Description of materials for lysis and PCR”
on page40).
Follow the specified temperature allowances.
For downstream PCR on the QuantStudio 5 Instrument —Prepare a mock-purified sample, using
sterile enrichment media instead of enriched sample, as a negative extraction control. (The negative
extraction control is optional but recommended for RapidFinder Analysis Software.)
Add the enriched sample or negative extraction control to the bottom of the lysis tube.
For the thermal cycler method, in order to prevent crushing tubes, use one of the following:
Use the SimpliAmp Strip Plate Tray.
Note: When the SimpliAmp Strip Plate Tray is used, the detachable side-edges of the 96-
well lysis plate must always be broken o and discarded before placing the strips into the tray.
Note: When running a full 96-well lysis plate in the SimpliAmp instrument, the SimpliAmp
Strip Plate Tray is not required.
Balance at least 4 complete tube strips in the sample block. We recommend spacing the
strips evenly across the sample block, and if needed, add empty SureTect tubes to make 4
complete strips.
14 SureTect Escherichia coli O157:H7 and STEC Screening PCR Assay and SureTect Escherichia coli STEC Identification
PCR Assay User Guide
Guidelines for PCR
Ensure that you use the recommended materials (see “Description of materials for lysis and PCR”
on page40).
PCR pellets are pale yellow. If the pellet is collapsed or not pale yellow, do not use.
IMPORTANT! After the lysate has been added to the pellets, vortex and spin the pellets and
ensure that the pellets rehydrate immediately by tapping the tubes on the lab bench. Start the PCR
run within 30 minutes.
Tube and cap strips can be cut when less than a full strip is required.
Do not cut the strips of caps or tubes too close to the wall of the tube or the cap lid, otherwise the
lid might not seal adequately during PCR.
After the PCR tubes have been opened, add lysate within 10 minutes.
Particulate matter from the lysate can inhibit the PCR.
To ensure that no particles are transferred from the
Lysis Reagent 1 Tube to the PCR tube, remove lysate
from the top half of the liquid, taking care not to disrupt
the particles at the bottom of the tube.
If the particles become disturbed, allow the particles to
resettle for 1–2 minutes before lysate removal.
Ensure that the pellet is fully dissolved. The solution
changes from blue to green when the pellet is
For ease of use, a multi-channel pipettor can be used
to transfer multiple lysates to the PCR tubes.
Follow “Good laboratory practices for PCR” on
page40. For more information go to
Guidelines for spinning of PCR tubes
SureTect workflow:
20 μL of SureTect lysate is added to each PCR tube.
The PCR tubes are vortexed for 10–15 seconds to ensure that the pellet is fully rehydrated.
User must ensure that the reaction mixture is at the bottom of the PCR tube.
A rapid spin-down is highly recommended before the PCR run to:
Collect the reaction mixture at the bottom of the well.
Remove bubbles.
This ensures that the reaction conditions are optimal, and as a result, the PCR step is less likely to
fail or to suer from unwanted signal fluctuations which could aect the interpretation.
Centrifugation of PCR tubes is included in every GLP (Good Laboratory Practice) protocol.
Figure2Avoid lysis particles
Chapter2Before you begin
Procedural guidelines 2
SureTect Escherichia coli O157:H7 and STEC Screening PCR Assay and SureTect Escherichia coli STEC Identification
PCR Assay User Guide
Enrich food or environmental
samples – AOAC Performance
Tested MethodsSM
Enrich food samples
In this procedure, refer to Table9 for media volumes and incubation times.
1. Pre-warm the indicated volume of media to 41.5±1°C.
2. Transfer the food sample to a homogenizer bag, then add the pre-warmed media, as indicated.
Table9Enrichment conditions
Matrices PCR instrument Media Incubation
Up to 375 g raw leafy
produces (e.g. fresh raw
spinach) except fresh
herbs (e.g. cilantro or
QuantStudio 5
Instrument and
RapidFinder Analysis
Software v3.0 or later
1-in-10 ratio of sample
in pre-warmed Buered
Peptone Water (ISO)[1]
41.5±1°C for
Up to 375 g beef trim
375 g of sample and 1500
mL of prewarmed Modified
Tryptone Soya Broth
Beef carcass sponge
1x sponge and 200 mL
of pre-warmed Modified
Tryptone Soya Broth
Up to 25 g raw beef meat
(e.g. frozen raw ground
1-in-10 ratio of sample
in pre-warmed Buered
Peptone Water (ISO)[2]
Up to 25 g raw leafy
produces (e.g. fresh baby
Up to 25 g raw
vegetables and fruits (e.g.
fresh cut tomatoes)
[1] For example, 375g of sample in 3375mL of pre-warmed media.
[2] For example, 25g of sample and 225mL of pre-warmed media.
16 SureTect Escherichia coli O157:H7 and STEC Screening PCR Assay and SureTect Escherichia coli STEC Identification
PCR Assay User Guide
3. Homogenize the sample.
For soft samples—homogenize for 30 seconds to 1 minute using a homogenizer.
For samples containing hard particles, such as bone—squeeze the bag by hand until the
sample is mixed thoroughly with the media.
4. Incubate as described in Table9.
5. Remove the enriched sample from the incubator, briefly mix the liquid in the homogenizer bag/tube
by hand, transfer an aliquot of sample from the filtered side of the bag to a new tube, then close
the tube and briefly mix.
Retain sucient sample for confirmation or repeat testing.
Proceed directly to Prepare the lysate using the thermal cycler method (page20), or store the retained
sample at 2–8°C for a maximum of 72 hours. Do not exceed 72 hours of total storage time.
Enrich production environment samples
For all samples, pre-warm the indicated volume of media to 41.5±1°C.
1. Transfer the sample to a homogenizer bag or suitable screw capped vessel, then add the media, as
Table10Environmental sample enrichment conditions
Sample type PCR instrument Media Incubation
Beef carcass sponge
QuantStudio 5 Instrument
and RapidFinder Analysis
Software v3.0 or later
1x sponge and 200 mL
of pre-warmed Modified
Tryptone Soya Broth
41.5±1°C for 8–
2. Homogenize thoroughly by hand.
3. Before incubation, roll down the tops of the enrichment bags to minimize the headspace of air
contained in the bag. For liquids, use sterile screw cap tubes with < 5mm of headspace after the
sample is added.
4. Incubate as described in Table10.
5. Remove the enriched sample from the incubator, mix gently, then transfer an aliquot of sample to a
new tube, and close the tube. Retain sucient sample for confirmation of repeat testing.
Proceed directly to Prepare the lysate using the thermal cycler method (page20), or store the retained
sample at 2–8°C for a maximum of 72 hours. Do not exceed 72 hours of total storage time.
Chapter3Enrich food or environmental samples – AOAC Performance Tested MethodsSM
Enrich production environment samples 3
SureTect Escherichia coli O157:H7 and STEC Screening PCR Assay and SureTect Escherichia coli STEC Identification
PCR Assay User Guide
Enrich food samples - EN ISO
Enrich food samples
1. Pre-warm the indicated volume of media to 41.5±1°C.
2. Transfer the food sample to a homogenizer bag, then add the media, as indicated.
Table11Enrichment conditions
Matrices PCR instrument Media Incubation
375 g raw meat (excluding
QuantStudio 5
Food Safety Real-
Time PCR Instrument
and RapidFinder
Analysis Software
v3.0 or later
1-in-5 ratio of sample in
pre-warmed Buered Peptone
Water (ISO)[1]
41.5±1°C for
375 g raw vegetables and
fruits and juices (excluding
sprouted seeds)
1-in-10 ratio of sample in
pre-warmed Buered Peptone
Water (ISO)[2]
41.5±1°C for
25 g raw meat (excluding
25 g raw vegetables and
fruits and juices
1-in-10 ratio of sample in
pre-warmed Buered Peptone
Water (ISO)[3]
41.5±1°C for
25 g dairy
1-in-10 ratio of sample in
Buered Peptone Water (ISO)
supplemented with 5mg/L
41.5±1°C for
16–20 hours
[1] For example, 375g of sample in 1500mL of pre-warmed media.
[2] For example, 375g of sample in 3375mL of pre-warmed media.
[3] For example, 25g of sample in 225mL of pre-warmed media.
[4] For example, 25g of sample in 225mL of media.
3. Homogenize the sample.
For soft samples—homogenize for 30 seconds to 1 minute using a homogenizer.
For samples containing hard particles, such as bone—squeeze the bag by hand until the
sample is mixed thoroughly with the media.
18 SureTect Escherichia coli O157:H7 and STEC Screening PCR Assay and SureTect Escherichia coli STEC Identification
PCR Assay User Guide
4. Incubate as described in Table11.
5. Remove the enriched sample from the incubator, briefly mix the liquid in the homogenizer bag/tube
by hand, transfer an aliquot of sample from the filtered side of the bag to a new tube, then close
the tube and briefly mix.
Retain sucient sample for confirmation or repeat testing.
Proceed directly to Prepare the lysate using the thermal cycler method (page20), or store the retained
sample at 2–8°C for a maximum of 72 hours. Do not exceed 72 hours of total storage time.
Chapter4Enrich food samples - EN ISO 16140-2:2016
Enrich food samples 4
SureTect Escherichia coli O157:H7 and STEC Screening PCR Assay and SureTect Escherichia coli STEC Identification
PCR Assay User Guide
Prepare the lysate using the thermal
cycler method
Before you begin, ensure that you are using the recommended materials (see “Description of materials
for lysis and PCR” on page40).
Note: Always wear clean gloves when handling pierceable seals and store pierceable seals in the kit
box or in an enclosed bag to prevent contamination of the pierceable seal.
1. Equilibrate the Lysis Reagent 1 Tubes to room temperature (23±5°C).
a. Place the required number of Lysis Reagent 1 Tubes in a Thermo Scientific 96-Well PCR
Base and SimpliAmp Strip Plate Tray. Use the Thermo Scientific PCR Strip Cutting Tool if
less than full strips are needed.
b. Ensure the liquid is collected at the bottom of each tube—flick the tubes in a downward
motion or tap the tubes against the bench.
c. Allow the tubes to remain at room temperature (23±5°C) for approximately 10 minutes before
2. Remove the foil from each Lysis Reagent 1 Tube, then add 10µL of Proteinase K to the tube.
These tubes are referred to as Lysis Tubes in the rest of the procedure.
IMPORTANT! Avoid contamination of the Proteinase K stock tube. Use a new filtered pipette tip
each time Proteinase K is withdrawn from the stock tube. Use a 10–100 µL stepper pipette to
reduce the number of tips required.
3. For raw dairy samples only, dilute the enriched sample 1-in-2. For example, 1mL of enrichment
sample and 1mL of Buered Peptone Water.
4. Transfer 10 µL of the enriched sample to a Lysis Tube. For the negative extraction controls, transfer
10 µL of sterile enrichment media to a Lysis Tube.
Ensure that the pipette tip reaches the bottom of the Lysis Tube to facilitate complete mixing of the
sample with the lysis reagents.
20 SureTect Escherichia coli O157:H7 and STEC Screening PCR Assay and SureTect Escherichia coli STEC Identification
PCR Assay User Guide